How Aware Are You?
A vital way of becoming more effective in both business and life is by becoming more self-aware.
If you can become aware of your self – your strengths and your weaknesses – then, you can become aware of the impact that you have on these areas, and the knock-on effect on those around you.
Only once you know the impact you are having can you know how to adapt and develop this, or if you even need to.
Becoming more self-aware allows you to be more effective. Being more effective can only deepen your potential for success and reward in both your professional and personal life. So, it’s a Win-Win.
What do I mean by “The Self”?
To many, the answer might be so obvious that we don’t even consider it a question that needs to be validated with a response.
However, the answer to this seemingly simple question has been the subject of much philosophical and psychological debate and thinking for many years. Some choose to side more with the simple responses and some with much more deep and complex answers.
In an easy description, the self is the aspect of an individual organism that is aware of its existence as an individual organism.
Quite simply, It’s the part of ourselves that we are referring to when we each say “I,” e.g. “I am thinking” or “I feel”, etc.
It is important to note that if we want to become more aware of the self, there are four aspects we need to take into consideration:
1. the physical,
2. the emotional,
3. the mental, and
4. the spiritual.
Combined these four aspects make the complete Self. We need balance in these four areas.
As individuals we are all constantly evolving. We are always learning and adapting. We all have untapped potential within us and whether consciously or subconsciously we know that we can be better. To achieve this our first step is to become aware of who and what we are.
So, how self-aware are you? Is your "Self" in balance? Do you know how to improve your self-awareness?
To achieve your goals it is a journey. It starts with you being aware of what these goals are, and it requires you to be aware of where you are now.
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