How AVs will power tomorrow's workforce
Self-driving can make our world safer. It will also create new workforce opportunities for drivers and technicians.?
In our September edition of The Dashboard, we explore the impact of self-driving on new jobs and how they will complement America's existing workforce. Plus we celebrate those keeping our wheels moving during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.
Today’s innovation, tomorrow’s workforce
Self-driving won’t just create the opportunity for new jobs. They’ll also complement America’s existing workforce.
The promise of self-driving is transformative — safer roads, stronger supply chains, and greater accessibility to goods and services. But let’s think about it strictly from the human perspective of jobs and livelihoods.
The U.S. Department of Transportation weighed in on the macroeconomic impact of automation in long-haul trucking and concluded that any decreases in trucking jobs will likely be driven by natural occupational turnover rather than significant layoffs. More importantly, the report estimates autonomous trucking will create between 26,000 to 35,000 new jobs per year on average during its analysis period.
Self-driving won’t just create the opportunity for new jobs. Autonomous vehicles will also complement America’s existing workforce, covering many of the freight routes many human drivers find undesirable. That could mean a shift away from grueling long-haul routes toward shorter trips that keep drivers closer to home.?
Long-haul trucking jobs mean spending more time on the road and driving for extended, uninterrupted periods, which can lead to fatigue or distraction. In fact, according to federal data, truck drivers are 10 times more likely to be killed on the job than the average American worker due to these increased risks.
Applying self-driving onto long-haul routes will also help expand the entire freight and logistics ecosystem, creating more demand for human drivers on the shorter routes many prefer.
Aurora is already laying the foundation for what many of these roles will look like — and how workers will gain the skills and experience needed to succeed. At our terminal in Palmer, Texas, for instance, Aurora has already created many new roles to support autonomous trucking technology and its scaled deployment.?
Thanking our drivers
During National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we celebrate those who keep our wheels moving
Last year, truck drivers delivered more than 11 billion tons of freight in the U.S. It’s no surprise then that the industry is often referred to as the backbone of the economy.
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, which runs between September 10-16, is a time to honor professional drivers for their hard work and sacrifices in delivering necessities across the country.
Here at Aurora, we’re giving special thanks to our Vehicle Operators, whose passion and commitment are helping us deliver technology that will transform mobility, logistics, and change the world as we know it.
In other news?
CEO Chris Urmson joins Lauren Goode to talk about the safety of autonomous vehicles and the future of transporting goods and people
Last month, CEO Chris Urmson joined Bloomberg Tech to discuss the latest industry trends, Aurora’s latest equity capital raise, and the company’s vision for the future of autonomous transportation?
1 年Food for thought regarding what's still considered the Nr. 1 AV segment: robo taxis. If the average cab ride carries 1.2 passenger, then robo taxis could be a lot smaller, more economical... safer. Read below about: Silicon Valley's Biggest Challenge Yet.
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1 年Hi Aurora, I think it's so inspiring to see how self-driving technology is advancing and creating new economic opportunities for our existing workforce. It's also great to see companies like Aurora honoring truck drivers during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. ???? I'm looking forward to hearing more about the future of autonomous transportation from CEO Chris Urmson! ??