How to Avoid Stunting Your Business Growth

How to Avoid Stunting Your Business Growth

Do you think that NO ONE else can take care of your business the way you do?

If so, you're not alone.

I was a complete CONTROL FREAK when I started my business. BUT I learned the power of teamwork and delegation.

All of a sudden I had more time to do other things, like:

  • planning for expansion
  • connecting with dream clients
  • developing and testing new ideas
  • self-care
  • taking a vacation.


A vacation! Really?

Yep, I took my first vacation five years after starting my business because I felt that I couldn't leave it. Everything would collapse with me gone!

That was until I learned to trust my team and let go. 

I know it's sometimes hard, but with a good team, you can let go of the reins and spend time enjoying yourself. After all, you spent loads of time building your business, when are you going to start enjoying your success?

Stress kills! Relaxation is IMPORTANT!

Not to mention - you can only grow so far without help, or you'll stunt your business growth.

AND did you really envision yourself working beyond full-time as the BOSS of your own business or did you picture umbrella drinks and waves crashing on the shore?

So many business owners have a hard time letting go. They genuinely believe no one can do what they do and make things happen, even the day-to-day operations.

But the truth of the matter is - YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL AND GROW.

So how do you move forward and avoid stunting your business growth?

You let go of control and keep reading!

1. Hire Good People and Trust Them to Get the Job Done Right

Plenty of trained professionals can do things BETTER than you can. AND they might even bring better ideas or ways of getting things done to the table than you have.

Are you shaking your head no right now?

It's true. Trained professionals - employees and freelancers - specialize in what they do. They KNOW the ins and outs of what they're doing. And while you specialize in what you do, you're not the best at all of it.

YES, you know your business inside and out, but it's impossible for you to be amazing at everything. Isn't that why you ALWAYS hire a tax accountant to handle your taxes?

I bet most of you answered yes and the ones that didn't - it's probably time to hire a tax accountant!

Fresh eyes are always suitable for growing businesses. Because it's so easy to get stuck in your head, you sometimes forget to look for other ways to do things. New people can help you innovate and shake things up, find the stuff you missed.

Plus, how are you going to handle EVERYTHING once your business is growing?

You've got two choices: 1.) continue doing everything yourself and stunt your business OR 2.) hire some help.

2. Learn to Let Go

Wanna know how to get rid of a trained professional faster than firing him or her?


Instead, learn to LET GO and trust that you hired the right people.

It doesn't mean that you don't keep an eye on things. It just says: let go, hand over the task, and allow your people to do their magic.

I know it's hard. Your business is your baby. You grew it this far in the process, but you've gotta let go.

Two of your most valuable resources are your time and your ideas. When you let go and let others do the tasks that you don't have to do, you free up A LOT of both.

Use your free time wisely for helping grow your business. AND take breaks so that you avoid burnout which is a straightforward way to stunt your business growth.

3. Take Breaks - You're the BOSS, Act Like It

Wanna increase your productivity and creativity?

Take a break. And I don't mean a ten-minute break, although regularly scheduled breaks help as well. No, take a vacation, an actual break away from it all.

Rest, relaxation and doing things you enjoy - having fun - is one of the best ways to stimulate creativity and productivity. When you don't take breaks, you don't see things clearly, gain tunnel vision, and face burnout. It also puts a significant damper on your idea factory - the brain.

AND since you're the BOSS, you can take those breaks because you've hired a fantastic team that runs like a well-oiled machine while you're away. You'll come back, bigger and stronger than ever with rocking new ideas.

4. Set Reasonable Goals and Expectations

Having expectations is perfectly reasonable. BUT when you set them too high, disappointment looms in the future. AND you run the risk of stunting your business growth. The same goes for setting unreasonable goals.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't have high expectations and goals. But break them down into manageable pieces, make them explicit - bite-size - so that you SEE progress.

Not only is seeing your business progress inspiring but it keeps you wanting to go for it.

Like in a recent conversation with the CEO of an up and coming company. He doesn't believe in content or influencer marketing. He has no blog. He refuses to use outside help to help spread the word about his pretty amazing products. And he believes in answering every email personally and staffing his trade show booths.

Not only is this goal unattainable, but it's completely unrealistic - IF - he wants to grow.

More than 65% of people research online before buying a product. Setting up a blog would connect him with those shoppers. PLUS it would set up a personal connection with his brand voice. The same goes for using carefully picked influencers who will spread the message in their own way.

Are these his only options? No!

But he does has to set reasonable goals and expectations, hire people, and let go for continued growth.

5. Understand You are Stronger with Help

Running solo will only get you so far when you're growing your business.

Instead, be a leader.

Show your team that you are stronger with help. Appreciate your people.

With only so much time in the day and you able to only do so much, even with the aid of computers, tools, and automation, you can't do everything and run your business effectively.

Having a team not only helps you with the day-to-day operations but also offers moral support, troubleshooting, and valuable human interaction. You're stronger with help than without it, especially during growth spurts.

Aren't you tired of doing everything yourself?

Following these five tips will go along way to helping you avoid stunting your business growth. 

And when you're ready to let go and start building your trusted team, hit me up (

Tina Killoran

Operations | Marketing | Manufacturing | Procurement | Non-Profit

6 å¹´

Excellent points and exceptionally written!



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