How to avoid sounding like every other accountant

How to avoid sounding like every other accountant

This is what subscribers to my Success Secrets for accountants get by email every week. Now is a good time for you to register for your own copy >>>>

Last week was a bit of a shocker for me as my website hosts moved to a different support platform. As a result my website went off line and I had to go through some hoops to get it back. It seems the hosts had been emailing their customers to warn them of the move but the original email and all reminders had gone into my spam folder.

Mind you, when I did read them I was very much of the view that I wouldn't have taken any action any earlier. They were full of jargon and didn't tell me I needed to take action until 5 paras in - by which time I would have switched off!


  • Don't assume your clients see your emails and reminders; Could they have gone to spam?
  • Avoid jargon and don't bury key advice in your emails
  • Ensure you or someone you trust makes backups of your website
  • Ensure you or they know how to access the back up and can get your site back online if there's problem with your host!

3 practical business development tips to ponder

This week's tips all come from 1-2-1 mentoring conversations with sole practitioner accountants - but the lessons are of wider application of course:

  1. Magic wands are not real: No one can wave a magic wand (or do anything else) to quickly generate new clients for you with little effort on your part. Those who appear to promise to do so will disappoint you.
  2. Adopt the 5 Ms approach: Establish your Motive. Then your Market (target audience), then the Message you want to get to your Market to help you achieve your Motive. Then, and only then, you can consider the best Media to use to get your Message to your Market. Finally, consider what Methods to use with that Media.
  3. Debrief yourself after webinars and seminars: To get maximum value from your CPD, ensure you make time to review your notes and the slides or whatever. Identify 2 or 3 actions you will take to prove to yourself that the event was worth attending

Can you express your strengths as impactful insights – or do you sound just like every other accountant?

A common mistake made by lots of accountants is to accept the common assumption that accountants are pretty much interchangeable. This misconception is based largely, I think, on the fact that the output of an accountant’s work is often pretty much the same in terms of accounts and tax returns.

If you don’t challenge this idea you are making it MUCH harder for yourself to win the sort of work that you want.

The good news is that every accountant I know has a distinct personality, style, attitude and approach, borne of different choices, experiences, style, preferences, and so on. These will also have given you a different level of skill and distinct ways in which you apply such skills to benefit your clients.

The key, I have long believed, is to evidence the value of these differences to prospective clients and introducers. In so doing you will make it more likely that you will be better remembered, referred and recommended.

What I’m talking about here is how effectively you share YOUR insights.

Your insights, in this context, are more than just your knowledge; they are your unique perspectives drawn from your strengths and experiences. They represent the distilled wisdom you’ve gained during your career to date.

So let’s explore how expressing your knowledge and strengths as impactful insights can make you more interesting, memorable, and highly recommended in your professional circle.....

Continue reading…..

Are you heading towards retirement in the next 5-10 years?

I have noticed that a majority (but not all) of the accountants who have approached me in recent weeks, to discuss mentoring support, are heading towards retirement in the next 5 - 10 years.

They seem to share similar concerns re the future and a desire to reduce the pressure they feel. Invariably they also mention a feeling of overwhelm and being exhausted.

They've managed by themselves until now, but have realised that I may be the right person to provide the support, insights and short-cuts they need.

What I have found very rewarding is how at the end of each of our conversations they tell me how positive they feel, how valuable they found it and how much calmer they now feel.

Is now a good time for us to at least have a quick one-off conversation?

You could benefit from:

  • Getting a second opinion before you commit to key decisions
  • Turning your ambitions into reality
  • Boosting your self-confidence
  • Overcoming overwhelm and frustration
  • Gaining insights, experiences, and tailored advice for your specific needs and practice.

Pick a time that works for both of us now >>>. There'll be no pressure and no obligation. Just helpful, caring and friendly support.

What's next for you?

Are you reasonably successful but also a tad frustrated, overwhelmed and isolated?

1. Maybe a quick complimentary telephone call is all you need? >>>

2. A one-off focused strategy call/zoom? >>>

3. Regular 1-2-1 mentoring zoom calls? >>>

3. Join the Sole Practice Club >>>

4. Grab my guide to 6 time management secrets for accountants? >>>


Mark Lee FCA

NED-style Mentor, debunker and speaker

Chair of the Tax Advice Network


If you'd like to be assured of seeing this weekly email please let me know here >>>>

I'm Mark and sole practitioner accountants turn to me for strategic insights, advice and support. Membership of The Sole Practice Club gives you priority access and the benefit of learning from other sole practitioners who are different to you but share many of the same issues, challenges and concerns. Others prefer 1-2-1 NED-style mentoring support. >>>

If you want to be notified whenever I write fresh posts on Linkedin, please click the????at the top of?my profile here.


David Winch

AML & Onboarding Adviser to accountancy firms and forensic accountant specialising in crime & proceeds of crime

1 年

MARK LEE FCA every accountants' website I see proudly proclaims WE ARE DIFFERENT. The websites are all the same. The irony is that actually all the firms ARE different and unique! My 'thing' is that each firm's AML compliance should reflect that uniqueness in the FWRA and P&P documents - but that's another story.



