Amazon Marketing Specialist | I enable brands to grow their Amazon Marketplace| Amazon Listings, EBC, Storefronts, Product Packaging, POA
It’s a proven fact, you can’t always please everyone. As much as you try, there will always be those who complain; no matter what you do, nothing will make them happy. However, there are those with the right incentive will have a better outlook on the present situation. It’s what you say, what you do and how you go about it – that can change the current circumstance.
As a seller, you try your utmost to satisfy your customers. 1 lousy negative review has the power to destroy your business. All that time, money and work – can be for nothing due to the harmful effect of a bad review.
A few weeks back, I conducted a survey asking 30 private label Sellers what has better value on their listing.
No Reviews vs 1-2 Star Reviews
The votes were unanimous, they all voted NO REVIEWS was better for their listing vs 1-2 Star Reviews, which was detrimental to their product.
A seller located in the UK said “definitely a product with zero reviews. Low reviews does not only drive customers away, but Amazon would rank low review listings lower.â€
Another seller from the tristate area said “of course products with no reviews is worth way more than listings with no reviews. In my personal experience, I had ranked on an item less than 2k (BSR) with no reviews.
After getting a unanimous vote, I proceeded with asking the same question to AMAZON BUYERS.
Surprisingly, I received more mixed votes on that. While 87% said they are more likely to buy products on Amazon with no reviews, 13% stated they feel safer buying products with 1-2 Stars on Amazon.
Taking this into consideration, as buyers and sellers it better to avoid negative reviews.
Review Calculator
Are you familiar with the number of reviews needed to keep a 5-star average? Yes, amazon sums up the review count based on the average, however one 5-star review WILL NOT make up for the negative review your product received. Check the table below, to see how many reviews are needed to keep a 5-star average.
Review Calculator
Review TypeReview CountValue5 Star8404 Star143 Star002 Star001 Star111045Estimated Star Rating4.5
How to use the review table:
To use the review table, simply add the correct review stats. The review type will stay the same, by review count you will enter the number of 5-star reviews you have. For instance, eight 5- star review when you multiply it you will receive 40. Add a decimal before the second digit – which is a 5 in this case; so you get 4.5.
- Make sure your pictures clearly define what the buyer will receive
- Make sure the content specifies all the features
- Add a product insert, so buyers know how to contact you if they have an issue
- Set up social media pages and a website so you are easily accessible
- Provide excellent customer service throughout the entire sale transaction
- Respond to the Questions and Answers on the Product Detail Page
- Examine the review and apply the feedback in the next production run
Templates you can use to respond to the reviewers:
When you respond to a negative review, make sure the list below is incorporated in your response. This way you can gain a more favorable response to your product feedback.
- Stay Friendly, Sincere and Apologetic
- Take full responsibility
- Short to the point
- Solves the underline Issue
- Compensate for the Inconvenience (Refund and/or Replacement)
- Avoid any arguments or blaming the customer
- Be professional, spell check and use proper grammar
- Respond within 24 hours
- Use pronouns such I vs We
Use the content below as a sample template as a response to a negative review. A trick which worked for me over the years, to gain compassion is be relatable to the reviewer and sign off as a female customer service name. Use the list below diligently and wisely – don’t overdue it.
Phrases such as these work wonders:
- I fully understand as a young single mother of two
- Please excuse my lack of experience, I just started working here this week
- My boss judges the customer service I provide based on number of stars on a review
- If I don’t respond to you ASAP, its because I am in class but the moment I get out, I will be sure to respond back
- If you have something in mind which would compensate for your inconvenience, please let me know
First initial email
Hi [Buyer Name],
I read your negative review on Amazon about our [Product Name and I am very sorry your order arrived [Damaged/Missing/Incomplete]. I have already refunded your order and I will be sending you a free replacement to make this right. Can you please confirm your address? I have [ADDRESS] is that correct?
Again, very sorry for the mistake.
Many sellers using this template, mentioned this template has worked profusely and they received comments like “Thanks, that’s my address.†At that time, you are building a relationship with the customers and gaining their trust. Once they receive the product and you processed a refund, you can respond with the follow template.
Follow – Up Template:
Hi [Customer Name],
I wanted to follow up and see if you received the replacement [Product Name] yet?
I see it was shipped on [Date] and it should have arrived on [Date].
Customer Satisfaction is my top priority and your feedback on Amazon, determines that I am doing my job correctly.
I really hope I was able to rectify the problem this time and show my boss your updated review.
If you firmly believe that the review received violates Amazon’s TOS, you can easily report the review.
- Click the “report abuse†near the content and entering the reason you believe it violates these guidelines.
- Email specifying the location of the content and the reason you believe it violates these guidelines.
Nowadays, it’s extremely tricky contacting customers off Amazon. However, if the customer left a negative seller feedback – saying the product arrived late – you can easily contact Amazon to have it removed, especially if it was shipped via FBA.
Comment on Customer’s Review
Whether it a positive or negative review, always comment on the review. Write a Thank You for leaving a positive review or an apology for their negative experience encounter.
Amazon’s TOS regarding commenting on a customer review:
“Customers can post comments on any customer review on Amazon to ask and answer questions or to share their own views about products. A person officially associated with a product, such as the manufacturer, has the additional ability to add a highlighted comment that is always displayed immediately next to the review. Official comments from creators of the product can add to the review by answering customer queries or clarifying information about the product. Comments are highlighted only if we can verify that it comes from an authenticated creator of the product or from an official Amazon representative. Once authenticated, posters are given badges that show their relationship with the product.â€
Make sure to set up your Amazon profile using your company name and your logo as your image, so customers know that you are the representative of the company, when commenting on reviews.
It’s a short and easy process that will make your comments look professional right away. Here is how to do it:
Amazon> Profile > Edit Your Profile > Update Your Public Name
In this page, you can also complete your contact details, social media accounts and more, so that unhappy customers can easily contact you, using the network that best works for them!
Hi [Customer First Name],
Thanks for taking the time today to leave a positive review on my [Product Name].
I appreciate your kind words, and I am glad you had a positive experience with it.
Let me know if you have any question or if I can help you with anything now or down the line!
Customer Satisfaction Manager of PR Brand Marketing
Hi [Customer First Name],
I just saw that you had a negative experience with [Product Name].
I am very sorry to read that your product came (issue: damage, incomplete).
I certainly hear your frustration and I would like to do everything within my power to help satisfy your expectation.
Please take a moment to contact me through this link and provide me with your shipping address, so I can process a full refund as well as a replacement free of charge. [Provide the exact link]
Please understand that we are a small family-based company and we do everything we can so that our customers are fully satisfied.
Personally, I would really appreciate if you would give us the chance to work on your satisfaction.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you!
Customer Satisfaction Manager of PR Brand Marketing
Commenting on a product review, shows the customer that you take their complaints seriously and you truly have their best interest at heart. Even if nothing comes out of this, it will still push other potential customers to purchase your product. Since worst case scenario even if the product doesn’t satisfy their satisfaction, there is a phenomenal company with remarkable customer service which will back up all their complaints.
Once you know your customer is truly satisfied with their experience with you as a customer service specialist. You can take the next step and ask them to kindly update their review following this link:
Remember, to follow Amazon’s TOS regarding the process, otherwise you can get penalized which will serve you with more issues than your negative review.
Book Author of Marienbad & Beyond NEW BOOK
5 å¹´I am about to publish a new book named Marienbad and Beyond, dealing with the history of that famous spa town in Czeck Republic that was frequented by thousands of orthodox Jews every year. The book contains a lot of photos of that period and also relates the interesting history of the Leitner Family who owned a Kosher hotel there. Can you help me market this book on Amazon, when it is published? ?D Leitner