How To Avoid Price Dump After Listing Your Token?

How To Avoid Price Dump After Listing Your Token?

Price dump immediately after listing on the exchange can affect the project's reputation and raise doubts among investors, making your token less attractive to traders.

How to avoid this???

1?? The first thing you need to do is agree on a strategy with your market makers before listing to ensure everything is done correctly. For example, you can set tasks such as keeping the price at the same level. Also ask your MMs to calculate approximately how much money will be needed to protect a certain level to calculate risks in advance

2?? Try to pay the exchange for listing in USDT rather than in tokens. Yes, on the one hand, it may seem that payment in tokens is more profitable, on the other hand, in the long run you will pay more, as you will be faced with sell orders after listing.

And you will need to constantly top up your MM accounts so that the price does not fall and to protect the price level...
