How to avoid 'polishing the cat'? - 6 easy steps to get you back in the driving seat after the Christmas break

How to avoid 'polishing the cat' - 6 easy steps to get you back in the driving seat after the Christmas break

Feeling the grind of getting back into it? 6 Easy Steps to Get your Motivation Back after the Break............

Ye Gods it's hard to come back to the first full week after Christmas! You're out of the flow of the day to day with your business. Forgotten passwords, lapsed momentum, bit of brain fog around priorities? This is believe or not is positive because it means you've switched off. Now you want to switch back on again. Below are some key steps to support you in doing just that. Ok let's go..............

1. Meditate on your goals for 2022 (yes you read that right!)

Ask the question "What needs to happen by the end of this year to feel significant progress?" Only after this reflection, write down your goals in relation to all areas of your business including revenue, clients, marketing, etc. what's going to move the dial and align with your values?

2. Reflect on how you need to develop to achieve your goals?

Ask yourself, "What might I need to learn to achieve my goals this year?"

"How do I need to grow and change to achieve my desired goals? What do I need to become in this year" (feel into this viscerally and understand what words you would use to describe what you want to become). Write all of this down so you are clear on what you need to learn and who you need to become to achieve your goals

3. Get clear on your income and client goals for this month. Be clear and ambitious on your revenue targets. Divide by the number of months you intend to work then divide that revenue goal by the number of months you will be working this year. This becomes your monthly revenue goal/target.

Work out how many clients/projects/tenders you need to gain for your services to achieve your monthly revenue goal.

4. Work out your targets - how many calls and reachouts do you need to do to reach your target (it's always more than you think....)

If you know your conversion ratio well (you should know honest) Now you've the target for the number of clients both old and new that you need to approach this month. This in turn shows how much time you need to block out to make strategy calls, approaches, reminders of services etc

5. What activities do you need to concentrate on reach your goals?

?Brainstorm everything that could activate your pipeline - reachouts, emails, previous conversations, checkins and if you have'nt already been in touch over the Christmas period - New Year greetings with an invitation for a chat. Consider other diverse ways - webinars, doing a podcast with someone else, providing value in FB and Linkedin to remind clients what you can offer. What's been really successful in the past that may have slipped your mind and needs to be re-ignited.

6. Decide on 3 tasks you will do each day to move you forwards - stick with this - consistent, insistent, persistent (this is for you!!)

Pin these to your laptop or on your office wall as a visual reminder each day of what needs to happen.? In doing this you avoid being distracted, overwhelmed or spend time 'polishing the cat' to avoid priorities!

So not rocket science but a practical plan to get back in action. Once you've done this your feeling of autonomy and control will increase exponentially and you'll have a practical plan to follow and a clear path forward.

#leadershipcoaching #leadershipforthenewhumanity #innercompass


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