How To Avoid Litigation Through Positive Consent.

The Practical, Pragmatic, Progressive Approach To Greater Patient Acceptance.

In the modern world of dentistry, GDPs need to have a much more thorough and in-depth consent process.??

Regulators have recently placed a much higher expectation on dentists to provide appropriate treatment options and assist the patient with their decision-making.??

On the positive side, a GDP who can deliver an excellent consent process will also find they have more satisfied patients who are more willing to accept their treatment recommendations.

Our Level 3 Advanced Award in the Principles and Practice of Consent for the GDP explains how you can successfully communicate to patients regarding their dental options. It covers all aspects of how consent is acquired, recorded and stored so you can confidently carry out this aspect of your role.?


This course will help the GDP feel confident that they are providing treatment to patients who have a reasonable understanding of its benefits and risks, and have the records to prove it.

This VERY SIMPLE course is easily laid out with one workbook for each unit.?

Students work through the workbooks at their own pace and can message their personal tutor for support or further clarification where needed.?

At the end of each workbook students will be required to write one assignment, an assignment template is provided to help students write and structure their assignments. This is then internally marked and feedback will be given on the assignment.


Valentine's 14% Off Consent for the GDP Sale Starts 14 February for 14 Days Only. Ends 28 February.

Was £2,367.00.

Now only £2,036.

Saving You £331.38.

3 Easy Monthly Instalments of £678.66.

Learn online how to gain better consent. Make this one-time investment in your peace of mind. Don’t go to sleep with a patient on your mind. Then wake up with the same one.?

Use discount code: Valentines23

Here’s to sleeping more peacefully.

Andy Toy

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The Dental Business Academy is proud to be one of only a few Dental Training Providers to be accredited under the NCFE Customised Qualifications. The DBA are audited twice yearly by the NCFE and we have been given an excellent rating every year since 2017.

This means that our level and module dental courses will enhance any dental team member’s professional career.

All the courses are online to allow for busy lives. They are supported by one to one tuition so that you will never feel like an isolated student. All our courses are assignment based and have no examinations.

Use discount code: Valentines23

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