How to avoid external negativity affecting your 2021 mindset

How to avoid external negativity affecting your 2021 mindset

Let’s be honest, 2020 was a challenging year for many people in a variety of different ways. If you picked up a newspaper or turned on the tv to watch the news over the past 12 months you would have faced numerous unsettling headlines displaying negativity and pessimism.

We should not be afraid of negativity- it is what is it is and is simply one side of life! That said, as a life and careers coach, I actively encourage seeking out the other side to life- namely positivity! I work with clients to explore personal situations to see real life scenarios from different perspectives. The end-goal is to find new meaning from situations which can lead to alternative, highly beneficial outcomes.

With the start of the new year and every best intention, here are my top three tips to avoid allowing external negativity to affect your 2021 mindset:

Headlines should not fill your headspace

The start of 2021 has already seen an array of negative headlines and depressing news stories splashed across mainstream media. It is one thing to be informed and aware of the news. It is another thing entirely to allow subconscious negativity to build and fester to become a part of your mindset or persona.

Shocking headlines across mainstream media are designed to ‘pique interest’ and garner attention. It is important to be aware of this and to avoid carrying negative sentiment or influence into your personal life which may have an impact on others.

S.M.A.R.T. goals and the repetition of healthy habits pay dividends over time

With the turn of each year, it is commonplace to set ourselves goals or new year resolutions to commit to. This may include exercising more often or having a healthier, more balanced diet.

Using a S.M.A.R.T. goals framework can help to ensure deliverables are managed and successfully achieved. S.M.A.R.T. stands for:

Specific - goals are clear and concise with targeted objectives.

Measurable - your progress can be measured and evaluated.

Attainable - goals need to be achievable and realistic from the outset.

Relevant - to have meaning, purpose and personal significance to you.

Time-bound - set within the context of a realistic, manageable timeframe.

If we can maintain repetition of healthy habits over a lengthy period of time this will be engrained in “muscle memory” eventually becoming rhythm as part of a daily routine. 

Invest in yourself

It is often said that one of the greatest investments you can make in your life is the investment in you! I believe this to be particularly true in the current world we live in. Facing daily challenges with the right mindset can also present opportunities!

As I write this article in early January 2021, those living the UK are stuck at home under “Lockdown 3” due to the on-going Coronavirus pandemic. In reality this way of life may well continue for some time yet.

In terms of ‘perspectives’, spending more time at home means several things including no daily commute to and from our places of work; the opportunity to spend more time with our families and loved ones; and allowing the chance to create time for yourself.

Investing in yourself whether that be learning an instrument, learning a language, completing an IT course (e.g. coding) or investing in life coaching can expand your horizons. This can lead to future opportunities being created off the back of your investment of time, effort and energy.

If you are reading this article in early January 2021, I wish you well for a positive, healthy and prosperous year ahead. What are your thoughts on my top three tips to improve your mindset in 2021? Please feel free to share, like or comment on this article.


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