How to Avoid Burnout?
Having been hit hard by burnout before, We can categorically say that it is no fun!?It can creep up and hit you when you’re not looking, and symptoms can range from tiredness to serious or life changing physical and mental health issues.
You know when you are approaching burnout territory
So, what can we do to avoid burnout, and how can we ensure we are working in a way that looks after our mental and physical wellbeing, whilst still working effectively?
Schedule and prioritise.
Working to a list may sound simple and obvious, but this can be very productive and it can save a great deal of time.?By listing your tasks you can then prioritise them by importance/deadlines
If there is no priority or no deadline to meet, then a top tip is to pop the jobs you least like doing at the top; that way they get done and dusted, and you can then set about the more enjoyable tasks once your least favourite ones are done.
Psychologically our brains function well when we provide an incentive for doing something, so by saving the more enjoyable tasks until the least favourite ones are done, it provides us with the motivation to get those jobs done.?Some people reinforce this with an actual reward once a job is completed, for example, a cup of coffee or a sweet.
In short though, by having a to-do list, breaking it down and prioritising tasks or using an incentive for those more odious tasks, it increases your productivity, saving you time and enabling you to fire through those jobs without procrastinating and having to spend more time working than you really should.
We’ve all had those clients that you gave an inch, and they took a mile!?
If you do not have a clause in your contract that states you will not work outside of office hours (or similar), then now is the time to send out new contracts to your clients to ensure this is in place.
Did you know that you may be spending lots of extra time on tasks that could actually be automated or taken care of digitally??It is much easier and cheaper than you may think, and if you aren’t sure how to set this up, then find a Tech VA who will know how to set it up to fit it around how you work.
Tools such as accounting software (e.g. Xero, QuickBooks, Freshbooks) can help you invoice each month. Digital Signature & form tools (e.g. Adobe software, ZohoSign, MSForms).?Email Management apps (e.g. MailChimp, Mailerlite, ConstantContact) are great ways to mass email people with newsletters and updates.?CRM Systems (e.g. Capsule, Zoho, 17Hats) are great ways to keep your clients details, emails, updates, documents.?Booking systems (e.g., Eventbrite) are great ways to co-ordinate event bookings, ticketing, updates and cancellations.?
The best news is, all of these systems can talk to one another!?By using these, you can save yourself so much time and be more productive.
Outsource / Delegate
When it gets to the point where you are working late on a daily basis, and you are constantly struggling to stay on top of jobs (putting out those little fires) within an inch of the deadline, that is the time to think about outsourcing or delegating.
If you have staff, then use them, sit down and work out what tasks are easily delegated and start handing them over.
If you don’t have staff, look at the types of jobs that are eating into your time.?If the jobs that are taking up your time are to do with the day-to-day tasks of running your business, then you can outsource to a bookkeeper
Time Off / Switch Off (Holidays, Free Time and ‘Me’ Time)
Holidays, weekends and time for you is so important.?It is vital to switch off from anything that is work-related; this means unsyncing your emails, not checking messages and doing something that allows your brain and body to relax and reset.
Hobbies play an important role in this.?Only you know how you can unwind and stop thinking about work, so do whatever works for you.?But schedule it into your diary, ensure your family know it is your ‘me’ time and ensure it happens.
Whilst holidays and time off are important, there is little point in taking time off if you are going to keep checking emails or people are going to continue contacting you.?You need to get a person/team/system in place to ensure you can walk away from your business for that period of time, and rest easy that it is in good hands.
A good support network is critical when running a business, whether your family, your friends, a networking group; that ongoing support can get you through the toughest of times.?
A good support network can see when you are struggling, and you can talk to them about your concerns.?Not only can they help you through burnout, but they can suggest ways of helping you, ways for you to relax, great people to outsource to or where to get advice.?
Don’t underestimate the value of a support network, they will get you through the toughest of times, they will be the first to point out when something doesn’t seem quite right with you, and they can offer advice and help when you need it.?
The Little Things
There are some other things you can put in place whilst you are working, to ensure your working hours are easier on you.?Things like ensuring your office environment is pleasant to be in, with plenty of light and space, ensure you are working in a healthy way with regular breaks and plenty of water.?Ensure you are sitting correctly so as not to cause injury to yourself.?Another good tip is to get your eyes tested on a regular basis if you are working on a computer all day; eyestrain headaches in the evening are not conducive to relaxation!
It’s so important that you find that passion again for your business and remember why you wanted to do this in the first place.?Burnout is no fun, no fun at all, and as we all know prevention is better than cure.?Get everything in place now to avoid it and get back to enjoying what you do.