How To Avoid Burnout!
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or alone, like you’ve got five important projects, and nothing is getting done fast enough?
That’s what people feel two steps before they burn out, and by burning out, I don’t mean you literally collapse and get sick.?
Burnout is when you stop being effective…?
Meaning you’re thinking about 10 things when you should be laser focused on the one task that moves the needle the most before moving on to the next task.
Burnout is the opposite of productivity, and there’s millions of videos out there that talk about boosting your productivity, but if just the thought of there being millions of videos out there on boosting productivity makes you feel overwhelmed, then your problem is not productivity; it’s that you’re burned out in some way.
Fix that, and I promise your productivity will skyrocket.
It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about you as the owner or someone on your team; burnout is amazingly simple to prevent.?
And I'll show you how we do it in each one of our companies inside of my portfolio and how it's worked for the decades I've been in business, both for me and the leaders in each of my companies.
Because burnout has very little to do with overworking.
That’s why there are people who can work 10+ hours a day and be super energized, while someone else who’s working just 5 hours a day feels overwhelmed.
In fact, hard work is fulfilling for most people, and certainly, if you're anything like me, then hard work is one of the metrics we use to determine whether or not we had a great day… It energizes us.
It's having a big, worthwhile goal and moving closer to that goal every day, so you end your day feeling fulfilled because you moved closer to your target.
And those big goals "require" hard work, not only because that's usually the fastest way to bring that goal to fruition, but also because it makes us feel productive as businesspeople.
Hell, have you ever known somebody who achieved big things in life but was depressed or constantly searching for something that made them happy??
That's because when things come into our lives too easily, it doesn't fulfill us as entrepreneurs as much as when we work hard and then achieve something we really want.
When I'm being interviewed and I get asked for some of my most memorable accomplishments, the things that make me most proud in business are not the magazines I've been featured in, projects that made millions, or a company of mine that generates more in a week than most businesses generate in a year.
What jumps into my head every single time is the massively hard work I put in when building my first real company, where I was working more than 16 hours a day and putting so much pressure on myself that I was forced to become better every single day in order to move the needle.
Here's the differentiator between somebody who burns out and somebody who doesn’t…
Here's how to prevent burnout in yourself and anyone on your team…
It's: understanding that the cause of burnout is never hard work.
The cause of burnout is whether or not you have friends fighting alongside you every step of the way.
Your employees will go to war for you, they'll work late, they won't complain, and they’ll gain amazing personal satisfaction out of working hard to achieve a worthwhile goal, as long as they have friends in your business, who are working right alongside them the whole time.
On the other hand, the easiest job in the world, like if you’re working from home, from the comfort of your couch, with your dog sitting on your lap and your husband or wife cooking all your meals; those people who have it easy but feel like they're all alone in their work will get burned out the fastest.
Every single time!
If you feel alone growing a business, the level of growth you have... is significantly slowed down because, subconsciously, you feel like you bear the cost of making most of the big decisions.
The solution…
The solution to growing a business in today's crazy world is not reading more books or watching a bunch of bullsh*t videos that all tell you that “You need to learn even more”.
The solution to growing a business in today's world is putting together the right team to get you to your goal.
And the right team always begins with one person who’s aligned with hitting the same goal that you're aiming for, who's supportive of you, and who maybe knows more than you.
That person becomes a trusted team member, and someone you’re willing to go to war with... and they’re willing to go to war with you, meaning that alone you're both great, but together you're 10, 20, or 100 times more effective, and you're both amazingly grateful for that.
When that happens, real companies get built in amazingly short periods of time.
So, you need someone to work with and to brainstorm with.
If you are an entrepreneur with a growing business, then you have a fiduciary responsibility to your company to find at least one kickass person who will be there for you and help cut years off of your success curve.?
I get approached by business owners all the time, asking me if I'll partner with them in some way to help them grow.
And for some of those companies, if I say yes, that’s a massive win, and for others, I’m not the right person, because they may need a board of advisors or a board of directors, or they may need a business partner who owns part of the profits with them.
And that’s the pivot point in your business.
The point where you could look back and say, that's the moment everything changed for the better, the moment you transferred some of your focus away from just generating revenue to finding that one person who is going to help you win.
Because at that point you become an unstoppable force, and burnout does not even enter the equation.
Now for our team members, to prevent burnout in our team, we have someone called a “Relationship Manager” inside of each company whose sole responsibility is to create experiences that bond people who work with us.
And their job is not just for W-2 employees, their job is to create a bond of friendship and camaraderie with every employee, independent contractor, or vendor we use.
This is so nobody ever feels alone as they charge forward and do what needs to be done to reach our aggressive growth goals.
When you do this, you’ll grow more, you’ll feel more fulfilled, and your team will feel like they're part of a movement that they’re proud of and happy to work hard to grow.