How automatically generate RVM every night?
Asghar Khoshkar
Piping Design Engineer | AVEVA PDMS/E3D/Engineering/Diagrams Administrator at Schatz GmbH
As it is mentioned before, iDEES can be scheduled to generate RVM file automatically. To use iDEES 'Review File Creation' method as a scheduled task which is run automatically by Windows, Just use the following command in the Windows Task Scheduler program(For Active PDMS Profile):
MSACCESS.EXE <iDEES installation path>\iPTSsystem.dll /x iDEES-PDMS_Export
To use above command, user must create a new BAT file (Just create a text file and then change extension from *.txt to *.bat) and but the following sample line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\iDEES Client\SAMPLE\iPTSsystem.dll" /x iDEES-PDMS_Export
Then in the Windows 'Task Scheduler' user can create a new task as follows:
With this scheduled task, just current machine will be turned ON at 1:00 o'clock in the midnight everyday and then runs 'RVM.bat' file located in H: drive root. 'RVM.bat' file runs iDEES and then iDEES generate required RVM file according to all settings.
Note-1: when iDEES generate RVM file automatically, 'Review (RVM) Path' will be used as an output path.
Note-2: In the Engineering tab of the iDEES Configuration Form , there is setting to specify a specific Profile to generate RVM. As describe before, all users can change active profile so when Lead user or Admin specify a profile in this setting, he/she can be sure that the RVM will be generated by correct profile.
Note-3: When iDEES generate RVM file automatically, Export Components Attribute to NAVIS runs too, to create Components attributes file.
Reference: Borna-iDEES online Help