How to Automate Business Process with Oracle APEX Workflows, Task Definitions, Push Notifications, ORDS and Data Redaction
Automating Business Processes:
A Case Study on Opening a Premium Bank Account
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, automating business processes has become essential for organisations seeking to enhance efficiency, reduce manual errors, and improve customer satisfaction. This article will delve into the automation of a business process, specifically the opening of a new premium bank account.
Use Case: Opening a Premium Bank Account
The process of opening a premium bank account involves a series of steps, which can be automated to streamline the experience for both the applicant and the bank. The use case is as follows:
Benefits of Automation
Automating the business process of opening a premium bank account offers numerous benefits, including:
By automating the business process of opening a premium bank account, organizations can improve efficiency, enhance customer experience, and reduce costs. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses to leverage automation to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of their customers.
Table of Contents
01. Database Configuration
Initializing Customer Application Data
To commence the process, we establish two fundamental tables: the Customer Application Table and the Card Information Table. The Customer Application Table serves as a centralized repository for storing comprehensive application data, while the Card Information Table is designed to store newly generated credit or debit card information.
02. Mobile App and Push Notification Services
Progressive Web Apps
Oracle APEX provides developers with the ability to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that can be easily installed on any desktop or mobile device, offering users a more native app experience. This application serves as a useful reference for developers looking to incorporate key PWA features into their own applications, helping them to create more engaging and user-friendly apps.
Enable Oracle APEX Push Notifications Service
In the Application Builder, Select the Application and click on Edit Application Definition
Click on Progressive Web App, Enable Progressive Web App and Installable
Enable Push Notifications, Generate Credentials
Enable Push Notifications in Device
Install the application on Mobile or Desktop Device using Install icon on the application. in the settings enable push notifications.
On iOS or Android devices you would need to enable notifications in settings as well.
View of push notification in a mobile device
View of push notification in a wearable device (Watch)
03. Task Management
Task Definitions within Business Processes
Task definitions can be viewed as integral components of a broader workflow or business process. In the context of customer onboarding for bank account creation, a single business process may encompass multiple task definitions, each with its own set of actions and automation.
Importance of Task-Level Testing
Given the complexity and interdependence of these tasks, it is essential to conduct thorough testing of each task individually before proceeding to end-to-end workflow testing. This approach ensures that each task functions as intended, reducing the likelihood of errors and inefficiencies in the overall process.
Multi-Level Approval Processes
A practical illustration of this concept can be seen in business processes requiring multiple levels of approval. For instance, in the customer onboarding process, a tiered approval system may be implemented, comprising:
By breaking down complex business processes into discrete tasks and testing each component rigorously, organizations can ensure seamless execution and optimize overall efficiency.
Creating Tasks
Login to Oracle APEX workspace, access your application and click on Shared Components
Click on Task Definitions
Provide Task Name and Static ID
Create Task Definition
Provide Task Settings with a subject line, we can also auto-generate Task Details Page
-- Actions SQL
Provide the required input parameters for this Task
Add Task Participants
In this case, we are setting task participants based on a static value, but it can also be based on an SQL query, expression, or PL/SQL function.
In the above screen we have set Process Owner is set as BANKER, its important to know that this is Group of users, to know how to create users and groups, please see "How to create Users and Groups section" of this article
Task Action Configuration
The Task Action step is a critical component of the workflow, allowing for the definition of multiple actions that dictate the outcome of the task. Specifically, two key actions can be configured:
This configurable task action framework enables seamless integration with downstream processes, ensuring a streamlined and automated workflow.
On Approve and On Reject, execute SQL code.
-- On Approval
-- On Rejection
Save the Task. We can test the Task as shown below.
Testing Tasks with Oracle APEX Page
Create Process as shown below
Add Task Details of Type = Human Task - Create, Select the Task Definition we have just created, provide the required parameters from APEX page items, and finally invoke the process through Dynamic Action of a Submit button.
Testing Tasks with PL/SQL
We can also create Dynamic Action by clicking a button and running the following SQL.
-- Example 1 --
l_task_id := apex_approval.create_task(
p_application_id => 114,
p_task_def_static_id => 'NEW_CUSTOMER_ONBOARDING',
p_subject => 'New Customer Approval for Customer ' || l_bank_customer || ' Account No: ' || l_account_number,
p_initiator => l_user,
p_parameters => apex_approval.t_task_parameters(
1 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'P_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', string_value => l_account_number),
2 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'P_CUSTOMER_NAME', string_value => l_bank_customer)),
p_detail_pk => o_cust_id);
-- Example 2 --
l_task_id := apex_approval.create_task(
p_application_id => 114,
p_task_def_static_id => 'REQAPPROVALS',
p_subject => 'Requisition ' || l_req_id || ': ' || l_req_item || ' for ' || l_req_amount,
p_initiator => :emp_uid,
p_parameters => apex_approval.t_task_parameters(
1 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'REQ_DATE', string_value => sysdate),
2 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'REQ_AMOUNT', string_value => l_req_amount),
3 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'REQ_ITEM', string_value => l_req_item),
4 => apex_approval.t_task_parameter(static_id => 'REQ_ID', string_value => l_req_id)),
p_detail_pk => l_req_id);
04. Application Initialization
Create Oracle APEX Application Form
Create Oracle APEX Page, Create form to collect the form data as required to fill in BANK_CUSTOMERS table, you can alternatively give a different name such as BANK_CUSTOMER_APPLICATIONS later move the applications record to customer table after final approval
Save Application Data in a Table
Application Submission and Data Storage
Upon completion of the application, the submitted information is persisted in the Customer Application Table. At this juncture, the application status is initialized as "Initiated," and the account type is designated as a savings bank account. The primary key associated with the application is returned, facilitating seamless tracking and management of the application throughout its lifecycle.
Create a Dynamic Action to save form data into table.
We would not only like to save the application data in a database table but also we want to programmatically Invoke our Workflow
05. Initial Decision-Making of Application
Application Review and Approval Process
In our use case scenario, the designated application approver receives a notification on their device, prompting them to initiate the review process. Upon accessing the mobile app, the approver verifies the applicant's details and examines any existing customer data available, leveraging the provided information to inform their assessment.
Task Claiming and Application Review
The banker assumes the role of task reviewer or application reviewer, empowered to claim the task based on the inputs provided. In a real-world business context, multiple application reviewers may be involved, ensuring a robust and collaborative evaluation process. Once the task is claimed, the reviewer can approve or reject the application, effectively determining the outcome of the premium bank account opening request.
Workflow Management
Configuring Input Parameters for Application Processing
To facilitate efficient application processing, it is essential to establish the required input parameters. These parameters, integral to the application itself, enable the system to determine whether an application can be automatically rejected or requires review by a bank official.
Automated Rejection Criteria
Specifically, the input parameters can be configured to trigger outright rejection or request updates and resubmission if the applicant fails to provide:
By defining these parameters, financial institutions can streamline the application review process, reduce manual intervention, and provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience for applicants.
Create Workflow
From Shared Components, under Workflows and Task Definitions, Click on Workflow
Create Initial Workflow would look like this with one path for TRUE and another path for FALSE case and test this to check if we are able to invoke the Workflow.
Provide Required Workflow Input parameters.
There can be many pre-screening decisions, in our case we will start with Is Review Needed? where we will use an expression that the applicant has the minimum required income to open this account; those failing this criterion will be automatically rejected. For others, this will be routed to the review process.
A. Create Decision Task (Switch Task)
The corresponding function body is as shown, where : P_INCOME_LEVEL is passed as the input parameter
B. Auto Rejection Flow (Invoke API Activity)
if Application is Rejected then update application status
Update Rejection Status is configured as shown
Pass the required input parameters as shown below
For this we would need a Procedure or a Function as shown in the code below
C. Send Push Notification to Application Reviewer (and/or Email)
Add Send Notification and/or Send Email Task, where we will notify the reviewer about this application.
Activity details is as show below
D. Update Status to Pending Review (Invoke API)
This Step D. is similar to Step B; change the status input parameter value to "Pending Review."
E. Add Human Reviewer ( Human Task Create Activity)
We want the application to be reviewed by a human reviewer, who can approve or reject the application. This is where we will invoke the customer onboarding task, which was developed in Task 03 (03. Task Management)
Task Activity
V_TASK_OUTCOME, V_TASK_ITEM_ID and APPROVER are user-defined variables, please do not get confused with input parameters like P_CUSTOMER_ID
Add Human Review Activity and pass the required parameters on to our human reviewer task.
This will create a Task for the Human Reviewer, in our case, the Banker responsible for reviewing the customer's application. The output of Approval or Rejection is stored in a variable V_TASK_OUTCOME.
06. Task Notifications and Approval on Mobile Device
At this stage, if we check the App on a mobile device, as a Banker, we will get a Task Notification
Let us click on the Notification Link and check the Tasks in the workflow.
Click on the Application Link and View the task details
Claim the task Approve or Reject based on input available.
07. Closing the process with Card Issue and Notifications
At this stage, we are at the end of our business process, but we might want to update the application status and issue a debit card to the applicant.
Service: Approved and Service: Rejected: Basically update the record status fields based on the Outcome of the human task reviewer.
So, let's add Is Approved? (Switch Activity) after Human Review
Is Approved? (Switch Activity)
If the reviewer has Approved the Task, we will update application status with approved flag (Service: Approved) and Issue a Card (another service which we will talk about in the next section).
Create a Connector "Has Approved" based on condition "Is Equal To" = "APPROVED" value
If the application is rejected, we will move the flow to the Rejection lane below
Create a Connector "Has Rejected" based on condition "Is Equal To" = "REJECTED" value
08. Issue Card ORDS Service Integration
In our use case we wanted to issue a debit card such as master or visa, once the application has been successfully approved, let us also generate a credit card number.
Click on SQL Workshop > RESTful Services.
We will need some PL/SQL to randomly generate a card and issue it to our new customer.
Now that we have our REST URL, we need to create a REST Data Source
Under Shared Components, click on REST Data Sources and Create REST Data Source
Define REST Service URL and Operations (POST is required in our case)
Input Parameters for our REST Service
09. Invoke ORDS as Service API in our Workflow
Drag and Drop the Invoke API task on the workflow canvas, Select Type REST Source and Select our Data Source.
This will automatically create a list of required parameters map to process input variables.
10. Complete Workflow
11. Start to End Demonstration
12. Create Workflow Administrative Console
To View Task Details as an Administrator, create Workflow Console page
Review the flow as shown below by clicking on task
13. Troubleshooting Tips
Sometimes, you might not know if the Workflow or Task has faulted, whether it is in the Active state, or whether it has been Completed. Some of the SQL queries below help you determine the task and workflow status.
Workflow Status Check
SELECT w.workflow_id,
FROM apex_workflows w,
apex_workflow_variables v,
apex_tasks T
WHERE w.application_id = :APP_ID order by w.WORKFLOW_ID desc;
SELECT * from apex_workflows w order by WORKFLOW_ID desc;
SELECT * from apex_tasks order by TASK_ID desc;
Programatically testing Workflow using PL/SQL
--- Invoke Workflow -----------
--- Replace variables -----------
l_workflow_id :=
(p_static_id => 'MYBANKWF',
p_detail_pk => o_cust_id,
p_initiator => UPPER(l_user),
p_parameters => apex_workflow.t_workflow_parameters
(1 => apex_workflow.t_workflow_parameter(static_id => 'P_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', string_value => l_account_number),
2 => apex_workflow.t_workflow_parameter(static_id => 'P_CUSTOMER_ID', string_value => o_cust_id),
3 => apex_workflow.t_workflow_parameter(static_id => 'P_CUSTOMER_NAME', string_value => l_bank_customer),
4 => apex_workflow.t_workflow_parameter(static_id => 'P_INCOME_LEVEL', string_value => l_income_level)),
p_debug_level => apex_debug.c_log_level_info);
Unable to Invoke Workflow? Activate Workflow
When the Workflow is in development mode, you would need to be logged in to workspace application, once Workflow has been tested end to end - Activate the Workflow.
14. Data Redaction
Oracle Data Redaction is a feature that allows you to mask sensitive data in real-time, making it unreadable to unauthorized users. It provides a way to protect sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, or other confidential information, by redacting or masking it.
Benefits of Oracle Data Redaction
Types of Oracle Data Redaction
Implementing Oracle Data Redaction
Step 1: Create a Redaction Policy
-- Copy the CC_FD table
create table cc_fd_secure as select * from cc_fd where 1=0;
-- Insert few records, including few random credit card numbers
select * from cc_fd_secure
-- this will display credit card numbers as plane text unmasked as any other columns in that table.
Let us now Mask the credit card column cc_no in our schema docuser
-- login as ADMIN user and run this
object_schema => 'DOCUSER',
object_name => 'CC_FD_SECURE',
column_name => 'CC_NO',
policy_name => 'mask_cc_nums',
function_type => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
function_parameters => '7,1,5',
expression => '1=1');
Insert few records
Now run the SQL, we will see masked data for cc_no (credit card number) column, we can use SQL Commands of Oracle APEX or SQL Worksheets to test this.
15. How to create Oracle APEX Users and Groups
Click on Application user in the logged in Oracle APEX workspace
Click on create user button and provide user details
Once user has been created add user to group
Similarly Groups can also be created
ORDS CRUD Operations (Introduction video)
- Optional learning for ORDS beginners
Check us out here!
Thanks for Reading, Liking and Sharing
Regards, - Madhusudhan Rao
Oracle APEX Cloud Developer || Data Analyst (Business Intelligence)
1 个月Very informative article. It's a great feature of Oracle APEX. Last time, I faced some issues when trying to execute an APEX collection inside a package to retrieve data using a SELECT statement from apex_collection. I also passed the session information to the procedure, but it didn’t work. However, when I tried calling the procedure directly using a PL/SQL block from the APEX application, it worked fine. Can you help me figure out why it's not working when called from an APEX workflow to create or manipulate an APEX collection?
Oracle Software Developer | Oracle Sql, PL/Sql | Jasper Report | JavaScript | HTML 5, CSS 3 || Ex- TCS
1 个月Its Helpful
Software Engineer || Data Analyst - PL/SQL || ORACLE APEX || HTML, CSS, JavaScript || Python || Power BI
1 个月Brilliant work ????
How is your process debt? Oracle Cloud can help you drive it down.
1 个月Very helpful
Architect at Oracle
1 个月Thanks so much for putting this together