How to Attract Young Families So They Will Listen to Your Financial Advice

How to Attract Young Families So They Will Listen to Your Financial Advice

Thousands of young families are lost in the financial space when planning their future.?It's hard for them to see the effects of the financial actions they take now.?

And that leaves a big question mark:?

How will they handle their future economic challenges? They're in dire need of guidance from a serious and professional source.?

That’s you!?

But the question is - how do you get them to listen to you? A conversational tone in your copy will start your relationship off on the right foot.

The Tone in Your Writing

Today I’d like to share the importance of writing in a conversational tone.?

I’ll show you three ways to make your copy more conversational that may attract far more people to read and take action. Getting customers to your business is the goal of our writing - inspiring the reader to take action - to subscribe, click for more info, whatever you’d like them to do.?

Few, if any, readers connect quickly with business jargon. A conversational tone, though, will make them listen to you.?

Then you’ll have their attention and can make your point.??

I’ll explain what I mean:?

Some time ago, a friend of mine had a job interview. As always, an exciting event.

It took place at the Grand Hotel in the city.

"Welcome," said the interviewer.

Then he started a slide show and said:

"I want to start by showing an overview with facts about our company, the economy, the business, the premises, the equipment, the management, the employees, and our prospects."

When he finished, the floor went to my friend, who said:

"Thank you for inviting me. I’ll tell you about my background and what I have to offer."

He continued for a while. When he finished, the interviewer said:

"Many thanks! We’ll be in touch.”

They didn’t ask any questions—no discussion or conversation.

It all felt bizarre. If the company offered my friend the job - do you think he would take it?

No. It all felt so weird that my friend lost interest in that company and applied to other companies. There was nothing conversational about this interview: no warmth, no friendliness -? all business. And boring.

One advantage of being a doctor for many years is that I’ve met many young parents every day. And I’ve learned the best and respectful ways to speak with them about their most important issues - their children’s health or illness.?

I recently saw an article published by George Washington University about how young families need education in personal finance. “...less than 25 percent of Millennials have had any financial education and only 7 percent show a high level of financial literacy.”

From a business point of view, grabbing this moment to write newsletters to Millennials might be a gold mine. The need for financial knowledge in this vast group is enormous.?

I’m sure you know how to teach them, but how do you reach them??

The tone of your message is crucial.?

When talking about children’s health with their parents, you need an empathic and conversational tone. Discussing finances with customers needs a conversational tone to make them listen - and read on.?

I can, to some part, see parallels between speaking with parents as a physician about their children’s health and communicating with young families about their finances - and both concern their childrens’ and families’ well-being.

?Why does it work in your writing??

The trick is to write about finances, or whatever your subject is, like you’re talking to a friend on a barstool. Present your professional facts in a friendly, enjoyable manner with a positive attitude. That's key to reaching your potential customer.?

I’ll show you three ways that’ll help you create a conversational tone in your copy.?

3 Techniques for your conversational writing:?

  1. Research your target audience and their tone. The better you know your audience, the more they will listen. So, first, study how they live, what they do for a living, their hobbies, interests, and more. Then, look for them on social media and maybe join some of the same kind of groups they like.?
  2. Write as you talk - short sentences. Imagine sitting with a friend in a bar, chatting about this and that. Write in a human voice - a calm voice. Also, make them smile when appropriate.
  3. Read your writing out loud, to yourself or someone else. You’ll be able to tell right away if it’s conversational or not. And you’ll know how to fix it if it isn’t.??


The use of a conversational voice in promoting a Financial Newsletter for young families could vastly increase your business.?The right tone offers an opportunity for you to increase your business by supporting these families in critical financial situations - and become a servant leader in your field.

I’m a lifelong pediatrician from Sweden. I am gradually reducing my clinical work. To stay active, I’ve turned to copywriting to support US and European companies to better reach out to their audience. I use the experience from my clinical practice in my writing.

If you’d like help with a conversational tone, you′re welcome to get in touch with me at [email protected] or contact me on LinkedIn.

Bo Tjellstrom

Copywriter Marketer


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