How to Attract and Develop a Powerful Multigenerational Workforce on LinkedIn
Kim Peterson Stone
Helping Experts & Entrepreneurs Build Authority and Reach Their Ideal Audience with Proven Strategies and Systems | Founder,
It’s glaringly apparent that certain aspects of the business world are changing at unprecedented speed. This change is, in part, due to rapid advances in technology and up-and-coming generations entering the workforce. Because each individual has different skills, talents, and unique experiences to contribute, a multigenerational workforce is one of the best ways to ensure a company’s success in today’s unique and diverse market.
89% of talented professionals believe that a multigenerational workforce makes a company more successful. But the importance of age diversity has only begun to become apparent in the business world in recent years, so where do we even start?
Here’s what you need to know about this critical 2020, and beyond, employment trend:
Why a multigenerational workforce is important
There are many factors to consider in the importance of a multigenerational workforce. Still, perhaps two of the most important ones are that older generations are living longer, and younger generations are entering the workforce for the first time. Baby Boomers and Generation Z’ers were raised in vastly different ways and have undeniably different approaches to business.
There’s a genuine disconnect in many organizations between age-diverse teams. By encouraging everyone to come together and contribute their unique viewpoints, ideas, talents, and skills can help create a healthy workforce. Productivity is ageless, and we can all learn something from one another if we’re willing to listen.
For example, younger demographics, from Generation Z to Millennials, are likely to have more experience with technology, social media, and marketing than older generations are. But older generations may be more familiar with historic booms and busts in the market, cash flow management, time management, and may have long-standing and well-established relationships with current and potential clients.
Each individual has something to offer, and by coming together, we can cross-train and create uniquely versatile and age-diverse organizations that thrive rather than bicker.
How you can use LinkedIn to attract a diverse team
LinkedIn has 310 million active users each month, with 40 million of them being students or recent graduates, and the remainder belonging to varying demographics. LinkedIn, without a doubt, the best social media platform for members of the business world. An active presence on LinkedIn can help your business acquire a diverse team and drive your success.
You can use keywords and an air of inclusivity on your profile, in your pictures, videos, and shared posts, and all other content to show that your company is radically inclusive. Each demographic in the United States is more diverse than the last, so appealing to a wide range of individuals will help you attract the best possible team and acquire individuals with unique talents and ideas to contribute. Show potential employees that you’ve fostered an environment that encourages and respects different opinions by starting meaningful conversations. Acknowledge the importance and meaning of diversity by incorporating it into your mission statement and your content. These are great ways to encourage a successful multigenerational organization.
Ways you can appeal to a range of demographics within your company
Posting, sharing, and responding on LinkedIn as an individual and a business is an excellent start in appealing to a wide range of demographics within your business. But there are many ways to meet the same goal, and you’ll want to implement more than just one tactic. To attract and keep employees of all ages, you will need to get creative.
Consider offering flexible or unique benefits and other incentives. You can also attend job fairs (making sure that you reach out to connect with everyone you'd like to keep in touch with on LinkedIn) and create ways that different generations within your company can share information, such as organizing group get-to-know-you lunches, fun team-building exercises, and brainstorming sessions. As a bonus, this offers another chance for you to encourage diversity and inclusivity by asking your current employees to share their ideas for bringing on new talent.
Companies and individuals to follow for inspiration:
Bill Partyka - President & CEO - Gerber Products Company
Pascal BORNET - Digital McKinsey Leader
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Kim has attracted an audience of over 235,000 professionals from around the globe on LinkedIn and is the CEO of Linkability, Inc. She is a dynamic Entrepreneur, Global Business Communications authority, and three-time business founder. Linkability is a strategy and consulting firm that provides world-class Intrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs, and organizations with consulting, services, and products that helps to grow robust networks and drive tangible results in sales, marketing, and thought leadership positioning.
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