How to attract destiny helpers and great people in your life

How to attract destiny helpers and great people in your life

The most important thing in your life is not your salary but the connections you have. People you can call in your time of need. Relationships make your life move faster; imagine just with a phone call you get money into your account. Destiny helpers and great people may be business investors or partners, scholarship sponsors, life partners, mentors, and coaches just to mention a few. You cannot attract greatness unless you exude greatness from within.

Great people are not found in crowds; they are found in the marketplace where some form of exchange takes place.

The way you find successful people is by how they plan and allocate their lives. When you meet a great person, do you appeal to their intellect or take pictures and leave? Attracting great people does not mean becoming a people-pleaser, you should never forget your moral standing in the face of adversity lest people toss you around.

So how do you then attract great people and destiny helpers?

Become a person of honor

Great people and destiny helpers gravitate to something of value, one thing you need to decide as the days go by. What do you desire or say l want to be known for? If you are given a platform; what do you say, “I know this area to the best of my ability” In this millennial age, is your language clean? Society tends to gravitate towards men and women of honor. Whether you come from a marginalized or well-to-do community there are principles you need to engrave in your DNA;

Avoiding gossip

Standing by your word

Being kind and courteous

I have seen many people that crave fame and power yet their lives lack honor. To whom much is given much is required; people forget being famous is a prison cell on its own as you will be scrutinized for everything you did in the past and what you will do in the future. To attract great people and destiny helpers you have to encompass this and be of high rank.

Focus on an area and invest in it whether it be your passion or academics; creating value within you. You do not go to the supermarket to sightsee but to buy certain products and use certain services to aid you in your day-to-day life, that is value! Do you have value? If not start now creating it and see how life will twist and turn in your favor.

You make yourself present with your presentation.

Dress Differently

An old adage says, “You dress the way you want to be addressed” Do people know your style of dressing? Today you are casual, tomorrow you are formal, next week you are funky. One of the ways you can score marks in this race of attracting great people is by knowing how to dress. Clothes exude an aura about you whether you are inviting or not. When you rock that outfit or suit do you feel confident about yourself and believe you can take on the world with both hands?

Be royal in your own fashion.

Someone I know once said, “Every day is a fashion show and the world is your runway” It truly is. A story is shared about Christopher Columbus, ‘the great explorer’, and how he blended in with royalty yet he did not come from a royal family. Simply because he was royal in his own fashion and showed charisma another aspect that will soon discuss. You cannot attract great people and destiny helpers unless you show some sense of elegance and prowess. It is common knowledge that, “it takes 30 seconds to make a first impression” If your mouth cannot do the talking let your clothes do the talking for you.

Invest in people skills

What differentiates us from the next person is people skills. You may be wondering what this is. There are two sides to it; hard and soft skills. In my own understanding hard skills have to do with technicality how you are able to do a certain task, coding, whilst soft skills relate to how you relate with others, the energy you show and communicate with those within your space.

Great people are intrigued by how some people show energy and are easily relatable to issues and people around them. No wonder some authors are writing books that are dead on arrival because they have no life in them. It is potentially draining to speak to someone who has no enthusiasm and relates well with you.

Perennial Development

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness, nothing just happens without you putting effort into it. As they say, “An object at rest continues to be at rest unless motion takes place” The same phenomenon stands with regard to life. You cannot cross the path of the people that want to invest in you when you cannot appear in the same spaces they go to or present themselves. Make it your goal to do short courses, and develop yourself in every way in that sense you may bump into a connection that will change your life forever.

I have heard people say, “At this juncture, I will find a wife for myself” Great things come to us when we are busy doing something. Alignment comes when you are doing something, knowledge and enlightenment comes. As a person, always strive to initiate something whether it be a community project or to be on the radio, it may not happen suddenly but eventually, the universe will work with you to give you what you deserve when you show initiative.

Sometimes God protects us from the same things we crave that may turn us to go crazy. Imagine getting your first 100 million in your bank account, what will you do?

Restlessness, hunger, and drive will set you apart from everyone that surrounds you. Always be curious at every stage and have a vision of where you want to go and how you can become a better version of yourself now and in the coming years. A lot of people are in need of assistance yet they never tried anything! If you are to apply for a scholarship today do you have a proven track record of providing value or developing yourself?


Charisma is a currency everyone needs to attract greatness, talk about Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela the way their energy and how engaging they are when one gets to see a video of them talking is par excellence. The body language, mannerisms, and how they treat people you could see; if one has this trait can move mountains.

Being charismatic starts with your language, we have few people who are also articulate about themselves. Rather than being on Tik Tok all day enhance and expand your vocabulary. Let there be a sense of elegance in the way you talk. When you meet great people, ask questions and learn from their journey.

One way to appeal to someone's intellect is by asking them about themselves you give room for ideas and conversations to flow.

Let it be known when you speak; people drop off everything they are doing just to listen to you because you are a source of insight and wisdom. In that sense, great people and destiny helpers will likely invest in your vision.

Carl Tanyaradzwa Maswoswa is an award-winning certified life coach, writer, and Toastmaster grooming, mentoring, and coaching talent at the grassroots level to become the best version of themselves. A Founding member of a Coaching and Mentoring Club at the National University of Science and Technology in partnership with International Coaching and Mentoring Foundation with experience in Team Building, Executive, Leadership, Business, Digital and Financial Literacy, Youth and Relationship Coaching. Carl also has a slot on Skyz Metro FM Radio in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe as a resource person delivering mind-blowing presentations every Tuesday (Drive-Time) between 16.00 to 17.00 Central African Time (CAT) touching on issues pertaining to all things self-development. In addition, Carl writes and coordinates feature and opinion articles for The Herald Zimbabwe and here on LinkedIn. Carl facilitates coaching training sessions with elementary and robust information pertaining to purpose, disability, inclusion, public speaking, and life skills through community development, campus ministry talks, pro Bono coaching, and collaborating with local and international organizations to propel individuals to achieve their dreams and goals. Currently, he is serving as the Area Director for Toastmasters Zimbabwe for the year 2023/24 and as the Partnership Director for Coach Emmah Incorporation. Carl has received awards as the Performance and Public Speaking Coach of the Year in the years 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Anesu Isaac Fombe

Impact Igniter | Business Development Coach | Award-winning Author of 8 books | Award-winning Personal Development Coach | Certified Leadership Coach | CEO of Three Finger Foods Pvt Ltd and Inspired To Motivate Pvt Ltd

1 年

I agree with you Coach, this article here is GOLD, he who has ears let him hear and who has eyes, let him see????


