How To Attack A Day Like A Badass
“I don’t know about you, but I thought that 2021 was gonna show up with a magic wand and make everything miraculously appear better. 2020 was a shit show, we deserved miracles. My mental health, work habits, socialization... still need tending to. Well, we’re still somewhat isolated (that is, if we continue to follow some basic COVID protocols), yet I’m still finding very little time in my day to finish what I set out to do. And still, I’m struggling to find time for myself.
Unless we make a conscious choice to break it, it’s a never-ending cycle! So I picked one day, and resurrected that rock-solid schedule that I religiously stuck to over quarantine. Both the blessing and the curse of being an entrepreneur...
I woke up, wrote down what I wanted to accomplish for that day, worked out, did a few hours worth of work before lunchtime, then got back to my computer and worked for a few more hours, then cooked dinner and spent a quality couple of hours with the fam, then worked again for another hour, then watched some great content before finally zonking out at 10:30. I didn't allow myself to float — I made sure that I set my intentions for what I wanted to accomplish that day and I stuck to it, finally succeeding. I felt great!
The bottom line is, having a clear intention for your day before even setting a foot into it is essential! Remove distractions, then attack that day like the badass you are. It’s key to strong personal achievements.
AND… don’t forget to play! You see me with my pup Phoebe (she is always there to help me play) on a hike. Nature truly revitalizes! How do you play?” ~Beta
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