How to Attach Records using Mass Update
TechMantra Now
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TMnow | February 28, 2023
The NetSuite platform, SuiteScript, which is based on JavaScript, provides comprehensive process customization and automation. Using scripts that are executed at predefined events, entire business records, and user information may be accessed and modified using the SuiteScript Web services.
A user can Update one or more fields in a group of records using Mass Update. Template Mass Update, Simple Mass Update, and Complex Mass Update are the three related functions that make up Mass Update. A template shows a list of fields that can be modified in a template Mass Update.
What does NetSuite's Mass Update Script do?
Through NetSuite's Mass Update capability, customers can access multiple rows in a document at once rather than having to Update each row separately. Mass updating, for instance, is used when you want to change a set of values in a record at once. To carry out bulk Updates, two approaches are used. They are Mass Updates that have been saved.
In NetSuite, you can get Mass Update by navigating to
What Mass Update can perform:?
Things To Keep In Mind:
Sample code for How to attach records using Mass Update:
In this sample code, we are updating the customer data in the form of bulk mode.
????????function each(params) {
???? var objRecord=params.type;
???? var
?????????? var? record.type= record.load({
???? ? ? type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
???? ? ? id: id,
???? ? ? isDynamic: true,
???? });
???? var value = recordtype.getValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'companyname'
???? });
???? var subsidiary = recordtype.getValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'subsidiary'
???? });
???? var phone = recordtype.getValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'phone'
???? });
???? var objRecord = record.create({
???? ? ? type: record.Type.CONTACT,
???? ? ? isDynamic: true,
???? ? ? });
???? objRecord.setValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'entityid',
???? ? ? value:value?
???? });
???? objRecord.setValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'subsidiary',
???? ? ? value:subsidiary?
???? });
???? objRecord.setValue({
???? ? ? fieldId: 'mobilephone',
???? ? ? value:phone
???? });
???? var recordId ={
???? ? ? enableSourcing: true,
???? ? ? ignoreMandatoryFields: true
???? });
???????? var id = record.attach({
???? ? ? record: {
???? ? ? ? ? type: 'contact',
???? ? ? ? ? id: recordId
???? ? ? },
???? ? ? to: {
???? ? ? ? ? type: 'custor',
???? ? ? ? ? id: id
???? ? ? }
???? });
????return {
????????each: each
In the beginning, we need to upload the script and need to create a script deployment for the Mass Update script. After creating the script and script deployment follow the below-given path for performing Mass Update.?
?A Mass Update page is opened and under custom Updates, under the deployed record we can see our script. Click to open. you can give the criteria based on your requirement.
Based on the Criteria the records are auto-selected for performing the Mass Update.
If you save the Mass Update we can view that performed Mass Update by following the below path
Lists > Mass Update>Saved Mass Update
1. What conditions must be met before a field can be Updated in bulk? A field must satisfy the following requirements in order to be eligible for Mass updating: There must be inline editing support. See Using Inline Editing for more details. It needs to be visible on your selected form for the modified record type.
2. What is the benefit of using a Mass Update script instead of other scripts? For each other, Mass Updates have been both a lifesaver and a time-saver while performing manual entries. If you need assistance with Mass Updates, please get in touch with them.
3. Is it possible to update any master data fields in Netsuite using a Mass Update script? Yes, it is possible.
4. What is the usage limit for a Mass Update script? The governance limit of Mass Update is 10,000 per record.
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