How to Ask for Help: 10 Simple Rules
By Bruce Karney
In a company with a knowledge-sharing culture, we have a duty to help each other to acquire useful and timely information. We must all work together so that our company can know what we already know. This post explains how to write an effective request for assistance. The target audience is knowledge workers, but the principles are universal.
Let’s start with a few assumptions:
The wrong way
Below is a typical request for help. It’s similar to messages that many knowledge workers receive daily. Unfortunately, this is an example of how to do it wrong.
From: John Doe
To: <several email distribution lists with hundreds of names>
Subject: Information Request
Does anybody know if there is a commercially available software package that will automate the customer support function for a company in the financial services industry?
John <[email protected]>
This message’s flaws are obvious:
The only positive thing about the message is its brevity. But that’s a flaw, too, if you assume, as I do, that Mr. Doe would have put more time and effort into composing his message if the situation were really important to him.
The right way
I’d like to propose 10 simple rules that will help you write requests that get results. That is, your requests will motivate those reading them to actually tell you things you need to know that you don’t already know. The same rules apply no matter whether you intend to send your request as an e-mail or post it to an online forum.
10 Rules of Asking Others to Share Knowledge
At the end of this post, I give two made-up examples of messages composed using the rules. The first is a rewrite of Mr. Doe’s request. The second is a simple non-technical example. In both cases the numbers in brackets tie back to the rule numbers listed above. It is not necessary that the message list the points in order from 1 to 10, but I have done so for the sake of clarity.
Comments on the last 3 rules
Most of these rules are obvious to thoughtful writers. However, rules 8, 9, and 10 deserve a little extra commentary.
A real example
To see an example of what kind of knowledge-sharing takes place when most of these rules are followed, please see the SIKM Leaders Community.
Questions from earlier readers of this article
Q1. Your examples of good messages seem really long. That means they will take longer to read, and that costs more money. How can that be an improvement?
A: It will take longer if readers go through the whole message. However, because of the way it is written, most people won’t need to read the whole message. The title alone will let many readers know they have nothing to contribute. The first few short paragraphs also give enough information to help many others decide that they don’t need to read the whole message.
Remember, too, that more time may be spent in replying than in reading. For example, a message read by 100 readers at 1 minute each takes 100 minutes to read, but if the message generates 10 replies that each take 15 minutes to compose, that’s 150 minutes. By taking the time to be specific, the author of a detailed message helps those who reply. Their replies only have to address points that are not known by the requestor. Fewer people will need to reply, and their replies can be shorter because they know what the requestor knows and what he doesn’t.
Q2. Should questions be e-mailed or posted to a forum or both?
A: It depends on whether a useful forum exists and how quickly you need a response. The one thing that is always true is that if there is a relevant forum, you should post your question there even if you also decide to send it by e-mail to certain individuals. By posting the question, and later the answers, (see Rule 9) you enrich the collective knowledge base.
Q3. What should you do if your query results in information being given to you over the phone or sent as a private reply?
A: Unless the reply contains truly confidential information or could embarrass someone, I believe the best practice is to post a summary in the relevant community or forum as a comment on your original posting. The person who provided the private reply should be made aware of your plan for sharing the information before you post it publicly.
By asking for assistance in the right way, you can improve the number and quality of responses you receive. You can also minimize wasted time for those who help you, and ensure that what you learn is available to others in the future.
Technical Example
Subject: Looking for Call Center Automation S/W for $500K Credit Union Deal [1]
I’m John Doe, a Project Manager in the Financial Services Practice based in the Western US. [2]
We have been asked to respond to an RFP from Pacific Federal Credit Union (PFCU) to modernize its call center. They have 15 agents currently and are growing 10% per year. They are currently using CallWare, a twelve-year old solution running on Windows 3.1. [3]
If we win this bid, we think the total revenue (hardware plus services) will be about $500K in the first year, plus $100K annually thereafter. We think we have a good chance of winning if we can identify the right third-party Call Center Automation software to propose. [4]
I’m looking for recommendations on what software would be best for this small call center environment. The client has a preference for software that runs on Windows, but will consider Linux or Unix if the solution is truly superior. High availability (at least 99.8%) during their 12-hour x 5-day workweek is imperative. [5]
Our response to the RFP is due June 30, but we need to make our decision on what software to recommend by June 23. Therefore, I would like to get inputs by June 20 so we have a few days to analyze everything. [6]
Based on the research we’ve done so far, we believe that CU-Track and RateMaster are possible solutions, but we have no internal references. We believe that OMNIcare is too expensive for this client and that MyCallCenter should not be considered because it doesn’t have enough features. [7]
If you have any ideas about what else we should contact or what else we can do to get this information, please let me know. [8]
We will post all replies (and our conclusion) in the Financial Services Community of Practice to make it available for future reference. [9]
The entire PFCU account team will be very grateful for any help you can provide. [10]
Anytown, CA (555) 555-8888, e-mail [email protected]
Non-Technical Example
Subject: Looking for Lost Members of the Oly High Class of 1975 [1]
Hi, it’s Jane Jones, a classmate of yours from good old OHS. [2]
I am the Chairman of our 30th Reunion Committee, and I’m trying to track down the “lost” members of our class so we can invite them to the reunion. Unfortunately, we have no address for more than half of our classmates. [3]
I’m sure you’ll all agree that the more people who attend a reunion, the more fun it will be for everybody. Wouldn’t it be great if we could track down all our classmates so that we could invite everybody to the last reunion we’ll have before we all turn 50? [4]
What I’d like you to do is to review the list of “lost” alumni that is attached. If you have a current address, e-mail, or phone number for any person listed, please send that information to the Committee. [5]
The reunion is on August 4, and we want to send out invitations on May 4. So, if you have information to share, please send it by April 30 so we’ll have time to update our database before the big mailing. [6]
We’ve already got the mailing list we used for our reunion 5 years ago, plus a few updates. We’ve also sent e-mails to everyone listed on the web site. So, we now have what we think are good addresses for 215 classmates, but 325 are still “lost.” Sadly, we also have a list of 30 classmates who have passed away. [7]
We will send a letter or e-mail like this one to each lost person we find to validate the information and ask for their help in searching for other lost alumni. [9]
Finally, for every person you help us find, you’ll get one ticket in a raffle that will take place at the reunion. The prize will be a $100 gift certificate to Rainy Day Records, Olympia’s best CD store, courtesy of our classmate John Doe. [10]
1234 Main Street, Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 555-1234, e-mail [email protected]
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Knowledge Management Consultant, KM Coach, Author, Speaker
9 年Stan, this was definitely needed. Very often it is more about how you say it then what you say (or ask). Thank you for this great guidance.
?? Award-winning facilitator, the OG of remote work, virtual team alchemist, facilitation skills trainer, navigator of differences, presenter and author
9 年Love this article, Stan! Asking for help in a way that prompts people to want to respond to you requires the kind of specificity and context you call out here. Your examples, both before and after, are very helpful, as are your 10 tips. Thanks for sharing.
Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning Consultant, Coach, Trainer and Speaker. FCIPD FCLIP
9 年Great practical stuff - thanks Stan.