How to Ask Better Questions
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I thought I knew how to ask good questions until I met a guy named James.
As I began to work with James, I watched in awe as I compared his questions to my own.?He used?questions as a sharp-edged knife to cut through?mental clutter, uncertainty, and?decision paralysis.?
Whether we?were in an all-hands meeting, a team meeting, or a 1-on-1,?James knew?when?to?broaden?a discussion to include more viewpoints and when to narrow it to drive toward a decision.
For years,?I had?known in my gut that?asking?better questions was the secret to unlocking better answers from my team, but I struggled to find any good resources on the topic.?I read books with promising titles like?Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, but the books didn’t provide enough?tactical?advice?to be helpful.
Over the past several years, I’ve been taking notes on what I’ve observed from James and other leaders who?ask the right question at the right time.?These 11 tips have helped me immensely, and I’m sure they’ll help you as well.
1.?Ask one question?at?a time.
One of my colleagues tends to?spray questions?like a?shotgun blast. He’ll?rattle?off?four questions at once and leave everyone wondering what they’re supposed to answer: The first question? The last one? The one they’re most comfortable answering? All of them, if they can remember the full list?
Exercise discipline with your questions.?Ask one question at a time, then move on to the next question.?Doing so will lead to more?robust discussion,?fewer blank stares, and a more?engaged?decision-making process.
2.?Opt for?shorter questions.
“You don’t need?a runway of context, justification, and general?flim-flam?to be curious. It’s not really about you. Save everyone the time, and just ask the question.”?-Michael Bungay Stanier
Asking long questions is often as bad as asking multiple questions.?Long questions confuse others.?People get lost in the?rambling,?rollicking?nature of long questions, which makes it more difficult for them to respond with useful information.
For example, which question would you rather answer?
It takes a surprising amount of confidence to ask shorter questions,?like the second one above.?Our brains want to fill in more details rather than?cutting?ourselves?off?after we’ve asked the question.
Don’t give your tongue an unnecessary workout.?Ask short, simple questions.
3.?Become comfortable with silence.
According to a?2018 article ?in?Inc.,?most Americans feel awkward after about four seconds of silence.?Many inexperienced leaders rush to fill those awkward silences with something — anything — in order to make themselves and others feel less uncomfortable.
But silence is not a bad?thing.?Silence?is the noise thinking makes.
Silence gives people time to provide a more?thoughtful answer?to the question you just?posed.?In many situations,?silence is your proof that you’ve just asked the right question.
4.?Ask open-ended questions.
Open-ended questions (those that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”)?give the other person?full?latitude?to share?their ideas.
In work and in life,?open-ended questions?provoke rich dialogue rather than one-word responses.?If you’re walking out of a movie with a friend, a question like?“What did you think of the movie?”?elicits?a much richer response than a question like “Did you like that movie?”
Similarly, asking your boss?“How do you think I’ve been performing lately?”?is fundamentally different than “Do you think I’ve been performing well?”
There’s nothing?inherently?wrong with closed-ended questions.?There’s a time and place for them (as we’ll address later), but closed-ended questions tend to be more biased?and limiting than open-ended questions.
5.?Avoid “why” questions.
Questions that begin with “why” tend to?make presumptions?or?suggest solutions?(e.g., “Why did you…”, “Why wouldn’t you just…”).?Those types of questions put your team members on the?defensive,?feeling like they need to defend a decision they’ve made or an idea they’ve suggested.
You want to invite someone into a discussion with you — not?shut down?the conversation?with a question that makes the other person defend something.
6.?Ask “what” and “how” questions.
If you took a journalism class in high school or college, you probably learned about?the?“5?W’s and an H”:?Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.?
All six of those elements are necessary when writing a story or understanding a concept at a deep level.?But some of those?questions yield better, fuller answers than others.
Questions that start with “What” or “How”?invite the other person to share their ideas?with you and the rest of the group.?Here are a few examples:
7.?Consider whether to?widen or narrow the funnel.
“The essential skill of?inquiry?involves picking the right type of question for a situation.?For instance,?questions can go broad or deep.”?— Amy Edmondson
When you’re trying to collect as many ideas as possible, you want to ask questions with a very wide funnel: more is better.
For example, if you’re running a two-hour brainstorming meeting, you probably want to?begin with the premise?that every idea is worth sharing.?Open-ended questions lend themselves well to brainstorming because they widen the funnel,?prompting wide discussion?and idea generation:
But?eventually, you will need to?pivot?to action.?Maybe an hour and a half into the brainstorming meeting, you decide it’s time?to force prioritization and make a few decisions.?That pivot?requires a different set of questions — questions that begin to narrow the funnel.?Here are a few examples:
8.?Make people “weight” their decisions.
If you’re asking questions to a group of people and want to move the group from brainstorming to action, you often need to know how strongly each person feels about the ideas on the table.?Traditional questions like “What do you think we should do next?” often elicit blank stares, so it’s sometimes necessary to make people weight their preferences.
Here are a few weighting systems I’ve found helpful:
There will always be good ideas that you cannot pursue, and applying weights to questions acknowledges that fact while moving the group to action steps.
9.?Strategically use closed-ended questions to force decisions.
Closed-ended questions (those that can be answered with a mere “yes”/“no” or choosing between limited options)?force the person or group to choose between the selections you have created.
Returning to the example of the brainstorming meeting,?you would likely want to begin the meeting with open-ended questions and conclude the meeting with closed-ended questions?like the following:
10.?Don’t hide answers in your?questions.
“The truest way to be?deceived?is to think oneself more knowing than others.”?-Fran?ois de La Rochefoucauld
Many people utilize questions to?not-so-secretly plug their own opinion about?something.?From a mom asking her son, “Don’t you think that friend is a bad influence?” to a CEO asking an employee, “Why wouldn’t we just [take this course of action]?”, we’re used to hearing people?couch their ideas in the form of a question.
Author Michael Bungay Stanier calls this?“offering advice with a question mark attached,”?and it’s a?subtle?form of manipulation.?Ask legitimate questions — not?contrived?ones.
11.?Apply a rigorous standard to your questions.
Several years ago, I received some feedback I will never forget. I was?pitching a training?idea?to my?CEO, and he asked me how I would determine whether creating the training would be worth my time.?
I explained that I had begun asking managers, “If I created this training, would you attend the training?”
The CEO immediately?called me out:?“Bobby, I don’t think you have a?rigorous?enough standard for?the questions you ask.”?My ears?perked up.
He explained that my question?set a low bar?and that I should instead ask?managers a question like,?“What would this training need to look like for you to?bring your whole team to the?training?”?Basic attendance from a single manager wasn’t enough; I?needed complete?endorsement.
Depending upon the stakes?of whatever initiative you’re about to launch,?you may need to apply the?higher standard of endorsement to the questions you’re asking others.?Here are?a few examples of endorsement questions:
I’ve had the opportunity to lead hundreds of meetings in my career: strategic planning meetings, 1-on-1s with direct reports,?team?retrospectives, company?offsites, project update meetings, and dozens more.
In those meetings and in my everyday conversations with family and friends,?I’ve noticed there is?a?profound?difference in the answers I receive based upon how I ask specific questions.
As a manager, questions are your key to unlock?the insight, wisdom, and creativity of your team members.?As Nancy Willard says,?“Answers are closed rooms, and questions are open doors that invite us in.”
Are you asking the right questions to invite others in?
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Multi award-winning Real Estate Success Consultant I Empowering Estate Agents to vastly increase sales revenue and volume, leveraging sales psychology I Gold Level Sales Agent & Manager at IAD International
3 个月Great article. Asking good questions is a skill many people never fully develop.
Enabling People, Process, & Value
1 年Great advice, as always, Bobby. And now I know what that noise is when I stop to think. ??
Global Marketing Executive | CMO | B2B & B2C2B GTM Strategist | Helping Information & Professional Services, SaaS, Tech, & Media businesses grow and scale profitably | Fractional CMO & Advisor
1 年A great checklist and reminder for how to get more out of the limited time we have to do things. Thanks for sharing Bobby!