How To Be An Artist

How To Be An Artist

In the spirit of authenticity - of modeling for a world of artists out there who might feel like they’re alone - I wrote this manifesto of sorts to get me through. (What would you add to the list?)

  1. Find a confidant to complain to about how unfair the world is and how no one appreciates art. Let it allllll out. Then when you’re done, keep making your art.
  2. Call yourself whatever you are. “I’m a writer.” “I’m a painter.” Whatever you are keep saying it. Say it a lot because when someone asks you out of the blue — “What do you do?” — you might stumble if you haven’t practiced. Just like when you were doing your piano recital at the age of 8 and stumbled horribly, dreadfully. Maybe you stopped and looked at your mom for help. Because suddenly there was an audience in the room. Note this feeling will happen again as an adult over this fearful question.
  3. Be gentle with this inability to claim your space as an artist sometimes. Naming that you are a thing for which society might not be rewarding you monetarily or even through attention is a hard thing.
  4. Make your primary friends the ones who respect art making and believe that artists matter and make our world better. It’s a trifecta of belief you’re looking for!
  5. Maintain a sense of perspective about your value that is not connected to money. Did I already say that but slightly different? Fine, find different ways to say things to yourselves. Basically say whatever you need to say so you don’t quit. There is a big pull to doing a job that has a pension. You will have to resist. It’s a mental game.
  6. When your husband (or friend) says that though you are discouraged, things can change in an instant—accept that morsel of hope. Accept all morsels.


