How AR Building Services Can Improve Your Test Scores.
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How AR Building Services Can Improve Your Test Scores.

As schools approach the testing season, the critical relationship between the cleanliness of educational facilities and students' academic performance becomes increasingly evident. Recent research underscores the significance of a well-kept environment in promoting both student health and success in examinations and ability to learn material .

Schools grappling with major unmet repair needs and a shortage of custodial workers often witness higher absentee and dropout rates. In times of budget constraints, maintenance budgets are viewed as expendable "soft money." However, neglecting maintenance can have far-reaching consequences, impacting both school health and academic programs. Recent studies emphasize the significance of an enhanced cleaning protocol, including bi-weekly cleaning of classroom desks, custodian and teacher training, effectiveness monitoring, and regular feedback, resulting in a statistically significant reduction in biocontamination on desktops.

A survey involving 1,500 students revealed insights into the significance of a clean school environment . A staggering 88 percent reported that cleanliness-related distractions occurred at APPA's Level 3 (casual inattention) and Level 4 (moderate dinginess). An overwhelming 84 percent expressed a desire for APPA Level 1 (orderly spotlessness) or Level 2 (ordinary tidiness) standards to create an optimal learning environment. Conversely, Level 5 on APPA's scale, categorized as unkempt neglect, was identified as an undesirable state.

Cleanliness emerged as the fourth most important building element influencing students' personal learning experiences, with noise, air temperature, and lighting taking the top three spots. Additionally, students highlighted classrooms, libraries, and personal study spaces as the most effective learning environments.

In conclusion, maintaining a clean and well-maintained school environment extends beyond aesthetics—it directly impacts student health and academic success. By investing in effective cleaning protocols, monitoring their implementation, and addressing facility maintenance needs, schools can create healthier learning environments, to foster improved test scores and overall student success. As schools prepare for the testing season, acknowledging the pivotal role of a clean and conducive learning space is paramount.

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