How To Approach Your Ex Boyfriend (How To Approach Your Ex Boyfriend After No Contact)

How to approach your ex boyfriend - How to approach your ex boyfriend after no contact.?

The first conversation after a breakup can be one of the most awkward and nerve-wracking experiences, but it doesn't have to be. There are many ways to go about naturally easing into conversation that can save you those anxious butterflies (or full blown panic attacks), so just relax - it will be okay.

If You Can't Make It, Don't Fake It

While faking a smile has been proven to actually improve your mood, and may even lead to real, genuine smiling, the true cannot be said for conversation. If you really can't find anything (good and nice) to say, then it really is just best to wait until you are more calm and can speak freely without sounding so forced.

Hello Is Always Nice

A simple greeting is usually the best way to start any conversation, and this applies to ex's as well. Just say "hello", with a smile (which can be faked if necessary!), and see where it takes you. If you follow it with a genuine "how are you?" or "how have you been?" then you practically have a full conversation going right there!

A Compliment is Always Nice

If you've found your way past the greeting, a compliment is always nice. Don't think too hard about it, just notice something (anything really), and comment in a pleasant way about it. Even if it's something ridiculous, and it's obvious that you are really stretching for a compliment, your efforts will be noted, and endearingly appreciated.

See A Movie You Know They Have Recently Seen

What would we do without modern cinema? Screenwriters, actors and filmmakers would be unemployed, critics would be falling dead with boredom, and people would have to find something else to talk about. But fortunately, we do have it. Use it to your advantage.

Pretend You Called the Wrong Number

This works great. Act surprise and confused when your ex answers the phone, and then just plainly explain that you accidentally dialed their number (or your phone pocket called them!). Then, while you have them on the phone, ease into a greeting, and go from there.

Online Counts

Never underestimate the power of online communication. It counts. It's as real as voice - at least it can be. Starting a conversation via online chat or email is a "safer" way to go too, since the immediate face-to-face rejection factor is removed. One in six marriages now are attributed to online meetings and online dating so don't be shy to use these new forms of communication!


When in doubt, breathing is always good. It's amazing what we cannot accomplish because of stress and anxiety, and how much more pleasant everything is when we calm down, remember to breathe, and take it easy. So, take a deep breath, and just start talking!

Imagine where you could be in a short while - with your ex back in your arms, and you will never have to let go again. It is very possible, and it is easy to do. For proven step by step systems that will have you back with your ex in no time, Visit Ex Back Secret

2 Tips on How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Many women go through several boyfriends throughout their lives before they finally find that one guy that fulfills all of their wants and needs. When this happens life is as good as it gets. However, sometimes it doesn't stay this way. Sometimes things change and you find yourself separating from the man of your dreams and now your life is turned upside down. Don't write off all hope just yet. Let's go over 2 great tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back without looking like a desperate women in the process.

Tip 1: Take the negative energy out of the situation

If you've recently broken up or if there is still tension in the relationship to the point where communication is an uneasy process (but still civil), then you need to find a way to release that negative energy. It's killing the chances of rekindling the relationship before you even start trying.

The best way to remove this uneasiness is to think of something that you would absolutely need to talk to him about. Perhaps you shared an account somewhere and maybe you can ask him about the details of it. Pretend like you're trying to figure out your password or other information. You can be a little sneaky here; it's all with good intensions. This technique allows you to approach your ex boyfriend without seeming to have planned it.

Now, for this to work you need to deflate all negative energy before you start the conversation. Saying something like "Hey, I'm really trying to find this information out and I really didn't want to bug you but you're the only one that can help me" will immediately put him in a non-defensive mode. Also tell him you appreciate any help he can provide. Now he feels needed as well.

See how this conversation goes. It's intended to open a door that wasn't necessarily open before. It breaks down the negativity barrier and gets both of you back in a "you do for me and I do for you" mode, which brings us to tip number two.

Tip 2: Inject positive energy

Okay, now that you've broken down the wall between you and your ex boyfriend and are communicating again, you need to take it one step further. After a little time passes, approach your ex boyfriend again and express to him how thankful you were for him helping you out and suggest that you might not have been so helpful to him given the situation at the time. This immediately builds him up again. It gives him the sense that you appreciate him and you are willing to see that he does go the extra mile for you.

Now, the discussion should be on a very high note. It's now a perfect time to dive in with your intension. Suggest that you'll buy him whatever his favorite dinner is next Friday (or any day) for being such a great help to you. Now, you've really opened the door and you don't look like you're trying to get your ex boyfriend back - you look like you're doing him a favor back for being so helpful to you. Believe me, if there's some spark left in the relationship, he will take the bait!

Remember, relationships are all about energy between two people. When it's negative, things fall apart, but when it's positive, great things happen. People are always inclined to stay with people that build a positive energy around them. You know your boyfriend is attracted to you - he was your boyfriend. It's likely the negativity settled in. Learn how to deflect the negative aspects and attract the positive ones and you'll never need to worry about any tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back again.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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