How to approach Marketing on Mastodon?
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How to approach Marketing on Mastodon?

You might have heard about?it in many places over the past few months.: Mastodon and its distributed ecosystem this the new kid on the block for microblogging... Except that... it's not really new and has been with us for quite a few years now.?

If you are coming from other microblogging environments (like the one with a little bird as a logo), Mastodon might be puzzling. Not owned by a corporation, managed by volunteers, self-financed, not ad-supported, and without an algorithm to show you what you are supposed to see. How does that thing even work??

Nevertheless, Mastodon has been attracting a lot of users lately, and it’s still growing by bursts, at a pace of more than 1000 users per hour. Here’s why.

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Credit: Mastodon User Count ( @[email protected] )

Mastodon (and I'll keep using the term Mastodon instead of the actual name of its network (Fediverse), because it's better known), with its 10 million+ active users, across a range of highly dynamic communities, is very different from sites like Twitter. Here, you cannot pay to promote a tweet (called Toot in Mastodon). You cannot pay influencers either. If the content is not interesting, it will be ignored and forgotten.?

However, there are ways to communicate appropriately, reach the very dynamic, active, and community-focused members and interact with them in a meaningful way.?

I’ve been using Mastodon for a few years, and I’m administering two Mastodon servers, and one Peertube instance (another Fediverse application for videos). That does not make me an expert (I don’t think anyone can claim that), but I can share some of my experience. Let me try to help you join the evolution of micro-blogging.?

What Mastodon is not??

Mastodon is not really an alternative to Twitter, although they do share a few characteristics. It's not really a website or service.?

It's a network of microblogging servers that can communicate with each other. It relies on the Fediverse network and suite of protocols, compatible with other social networks that are using the Activitypub protocol.??

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The Fediverse logo

There is no official server, no central authority, but an alliance of like-minded communities. When you want to join the network, you need to select a server aligned with your interests. It’s not unusual for Mastodon users to have multiple identities in different communities, with different followers and content.?

Usernames on Mastodon reflect this: like an e-mail address, it's @ - username @ - server name. Servers communicate together using a common protocol, exactly like email servers do. (Think about it, you do not need to have an address on GMail to communicate with someone on Outlook. Mastodon works the same way).

What are the rules in Mastodon??

In Mastodon, each server admin polices its own community. This means that they handle conflicts, ban users, ban other servers from being federated, and can decide how the server will behave. This is very important to understand because it’s a major difference with a centralized application, so let me repeat this: you can get banned from a community, but a whole community itself can be banned from communicating with another one.?

This is one of the things that makes Mastodon safer for certain groups (for instance, LGBTQ+, women gamers, activists, people on the autistic spectrum, non-binary, etc). If you find a community with a good admin, hate groups (or servers with lazy admins) will be banned. This ensures that hate does not travel the network, and that people can be protected as much as possible.?

Mastodon is all about inclusion. This means that we use and overuse the Content Warning system. Content Warning (CW) blurs pictures and hides text that can be considered offensive.?CW are also called "Content Wrappers" to better reflect their usage on the network. (edited - Thanks Kristin Henry)

For instance, certain subjects are touchy. A lot of people moved away from Twitter after a very bad experience (hate, doxxing, etc.). Talking about Twitter on Mastodon is usually done under CW. Subjects related to hate, torture, and violence are also behind CW. This is important, as not doing it might get you banned as well.?

In order to be inclusive with people using text-to-speech software, there are rules on how to use hashtags. When a hashtag has multiple words, you need to use CamelCase writing. This makes it easier to understand for text-to-speech systems users.?

It’s the same idea when posting a picture, it’s expected that you will describe it in the alt-text, so that everyone will be able to enjoy it.?

Certain Mastodon-compatible apps also provide help for people with ADHD to reduce notifications, hide the number of boosts and likes on posts, etc.

If it feels complicated, be reassured: it’s not. All the apps used for Mastodon make it really user-friendly.?

Some features you might be used to on Twitter are purposefully absent on Mastodon. No full-text search, for instance, as it’s the main way trolls and hateful people find their prey on social media. Hashtags are searchable though. Once again, it’s all about consent: I am OK to get this or that found, but not OK about something else.?

Posting screenshots from Mastodon on other media (Reddit, Twitter) is also a big no-no. Don’t do it, or if you do, get the consent of the author beforehand. Most of the people on Mastodon are not there to gather followers or become influencers... I’ll come to that in a minute.?

There are a lot of other rules on the network. I’ll go through a few examples later, but it’s important to familiarise yourself with the network (and your server's rules) before attempting to post anything...?

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An example of a code of conduct on

Oh, two more things before we go further. First, of all, it’s important to tell everyone who you are (meaning your interests, etc), which is why we’re using the hashtag "introduction". The other thing is that ads are not welcome on the network, so...?

How should you NOT approach marketing??

Twitter is all about reach (number of followers, likes, etc). Mastodon is all about interactions.?

Let that sink in (sorry). It’s important to understand that: Twitter is about reach, and as such, it’s very aligned with the usual way Marketing used to be done (shout your message to a large audience). Mastodon is all about interactions, meaning real responses from users, comments, etc. No algorithm, no “Promoted messages”.?

How does a Toot propagate through the network, then??

If a Toot is interesting, the people receiving it can do two things: Either sending you a Favorite and/or re-sharing it (this is called a Boost in Mastodon).?

Contrary to Twitter, Instagram, etc, Favoriting a Toot does nothing to its reach (remember: no algorithm). It’s just a nice way to say “I’ve seen what you posted and I like it”. A Boost, though, will be sending this Toot to all the followers of that user.?

You cannot comment on a Boost, or alter its content. If you want to say something, it goes in the responses to the Toot, and it’s added to the thread. This is also done to avoid shaming or aggressive messages. If the content agrees with their followers, they can Favourite or Boost it as well, increasing its reach.?

For a Toot to be Boosted by a large number of people, it needs to be of high quality: interesting content, funny, witty, not offensive, and aligned with the community.?

An obvious advertisement message will get no reach. Likely no response, and maybe some bans. Keep in mind, someone is paying for the instance, and it’s very likely they do not want to pay for spam.?Usually, personal marketing and independent creator's shop are welcome on most servers (it's the case for ), but company ads are not.

And that’s where it’s getting a bit tricky.??

Let’s say you’re an education company. Dropping a message like “enroll now for our Master in Sustainability course” will have very little reach. It’s an ad, and it’s obvious.?

A message that says “We’re starting a Master in Sustainability course, and we’ve prepared an introduction on the topic, available here for free:” might be better.?

On the other hand, having regular messages about what’s happening in that area (Sustainability), new activities, and interactions with the users on that topic will be a good way to get interested people to respond and re-sharing.?

Providing feedback and accepting feedback from other users as well. Basically, it’s all about getting genuine, quality interactions on the network.?On Mastodon, you're not targetting likes, but good interactions.

Give to the community and interact with people interested in the same topics as you. This is how to create a living community.?

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An example of interactions across social media - Courtesy Martiijn Baarda ( @[email protected] )

Avoid lying through your teeth as well. A “normal person” praising a single company but not mentioning the link in its bio would be an obvious tell-tale and will get you unfollowed or banned. Being open about it is the best way.?

Lastly, I would avoid using a public server in the long run. It would be better for you to create a company-specific server and bring your people on it. In my earlier example, it would mean the students and the professor teaching the sustainability course would be on the server and would post regularly.?If you're following the steps of Medium ( @[email protected] ), you could even open it to some of your customers.

It might sound like a lot of work to build a community. But reaching out to your customers and bringing them closer to you is what the future of marketing will look like for most companies.?

A word about the three timelines.?

As we’ve seen earlier, there is no algorithm that will magically show your toots to the world. But there are three timelines.??

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An extract from a screenshot of Mastodon's timelines titles

The first timeline you can see (your Home) on your application is composed of all the toots made by the people you follow, and the ones they boost. This is your main timeline, and you will likely spend some time on it.??

The second one is the Local timeline. There, you will see the toots of the people in your community (on your local server). For instance, if you are part of a cybersecurity community, you will see a lot of toots on that subject.??This is one of the reasons why selecting the right server is important (and potentially bringing some of your customers to your own server once you've set it up might be the right way to go). (edited - Thanks Kristin Henry @[email protected])

The last one is the Federated timeline. There, you will see all the toots, and boosts, of all people, on any server, who are known by your instance. This means that anyone, anywhere, followed by someone on your instance will appear here (including boosts, replies, etc.). As you might imagine, this moves quite a lot, but it’s a great way to find other people to follow.?(edited - Thanks KarlE @[email protected] )

What should you do now??

You’re now convinced that it would be great for you and your company to be active on the network! You’re aligned with the values, you want to fight hate and bigotry, your company places very high importance on inclusivity, and you would like to join a like-minded community. Great! I would love to hear from you in my timelines!?

The first step would be to discover the network before you go further. To do so, you can join an existing community. Jump on and find a community that accepts new users and that aligns with your interests.?

Create an account and hang out there for a while. Follow people, and get familiar with the rules and the communities. Interact with the great people over there. Make friends!?If you're looking for inspiration about whom to follow, you can start with FediFollow ( @[email protected] ) which brings each day new interesting accounts to follow, or visit any of the Directories pages (more info on FediFollows' account). And of course, don't forget to add me :)

Once you’re comfortable, I would suggest you start your own community for your company. Create a new Mastodon server. Or, or something better suited for your business. For instance, if your business is all about pictures (photography business or digital agency), a PixelFed instance might be better aligned. If you do videos, have a look at Peertube, etc.?If you're unsure, ask me.

Mastodon servers are not very big, but it depends a lot on the number of users and interactions.?

The next step is the most difficult one. You will need to enlist other people from your company to start sharing about their work and their interests. This is how the communities will be built. If they are passionate, it won’t really be a problem, as they will be interacting with people interested in the same topics. Building a community takes time and patience. But it’s very rewarding.?

Once you have enough traffic on your server, it might be worth thinking about including your super-star customers as well.

Afterward, you might want to give back to the communities, for instance by setting up a public relay to reduce the load on the other servers, or by donating to servers that are aligned with your topics. It won’t get you promoted toots, but it would be considered a nice gesture to help the communities and generate goodwill.

A few other accounts before we end.?

One of the questions you might ask is who else is on this platform? Is it becoming mainstream?

Some companies have been jumping on the bandwagon. We mentioned Medium earlier which went all in with their server and the option for subscribers to join it, but the European Commission ( @[email protected]? ) and some other European groups have been joining as well. Greta Thunberg ( @[email protected] ) posts also regularly. Universities have been joining in the hordes last year. Some actors like George Takei ( @[email protected] ), Anthony Rapp ( @[email protected] ) or Jeri Ryan ( @[email protected] ) - Fine, busted, I'm a Trekkie :) have also joined.

The list is also growing every day. Today, NPR has announced they stop using Twitter (NPR to stop using Twitter after being falsely labeled : NPR ), and the word on the Fediverse is that they would be keen on joining as well. PBS posted something similar a little bit later, and it's unlikely they will be the last...

And of course, Meta (Facebook) just announced they would like to play as well: Meta considers a new social network, as decentralized model gains steam - The Washington Post

Companies, and celebrities, are a symptom of the Great Migration that started a year or so ago. We're seeing more and more awesome people coming to the communities, and new communities blooming every day. You would not be the first to join, for sure, but you would be part of an incredible movement.

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A screenshot of AJ Sadauskas ( @[email protected]) 's toot explaining why Twitter is far from a Mastodon replacement. ( AJ's LinkedIn:

Let's meet!

I hope we will meet soon on the Mastodon (Fediverse), in which case, be sure to follow me: @[email protected] !?


I would like to thank everyone who helped to write this small article or allowed me to share their content and accounts (although this is not an endorsement of the content on their part), including:

John Butterworth , AJ Sadauskas ( @[email protected] ), Martijn Baarda ( @[email protected] ), WelshPixie ( @[email protected] ) , the wonderful admin of, and everyone I've not listed here. I would like also to thank everyone who helped me with some corrections, including Kristin Henry ( @[email protected] ) and KarlE ( @[email protected] ).

Gordon Winters

SafeSpace Counselling

1 年

Thank you for a very interesting article. Thank you also for all the helpfull information. I have been made aware by Publer, i was hopong to join as a business which is Avon Cosmetics and Network marketing but im not sure if this would be good for Mastodon, any help would be great.

Dominique Lahaix

CEO | Social Data | Social Intelligence | NLP | Artificial Intelligence | LLM

1 年

Hi Dimitri, we just extended our social intelligence application to Mastodon. This can be helpful for a brand to discover influencers to follow in its vertical/niche and to understand what people are talking about. . Would love to demo !

Ivan Maljukanovi?

Small business website expert | I help small businesses create & manage their website in a way that increases profits and reduces headaches | Schedule a free consultation on my website.

1 年

It's as simple as being social and engaging with your posts and comments. Funny how #socialMedia controlled by #bigTech companies slowly killed the social aspect of the web during the last decade. It's time to take our agency back!

Steven Gabris

Product Delivery Manager | Build strong teams with great processes.

1 年

Great article Dimitri, can't wait to try out Mastodon for myself


