How Antibiotics In Animal Feed Can harm the Children, Why to choose Organic ?
Rama gum industries Pvt Ltd.

How Antibiotics In Animal Feed Can harm the Children, Why to choose Organic ?

What Are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are compounds with antimicrobial activity that helps in treating and preventing diseases. They also serve the purpose of constituting growth and development to the livestock. Antibiotic substances like procaine penicillin, oxytetracycline, tylosin etc. are introduced in animal feed to make the livestock healthier. These chemical substances can fatten animals, causing the livestock to gain weight so that more kilograms of meat can be sold to the market. Antibiotics also help in limiting the spread of infection or diseases among animals. However, the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed is making it difficult for doctors to treat life-threatening infections in children.

How antibiotics in animal feed is harmful to children

The report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) points out that the boundless act of offering antimicrobials to healthy domesticated animals to advance development and disease resistance among them is making the medications ineffective when they are in need to treat diseases in people, especially the children. Children under 5 are prone to risk, particularly kids with low immunity and those who have undergone bone marrow transfers, or organ transfers. Children in the clinic for injury and other serious issues can be more in danger, as well.

In the year 2013, an American report showing a total of 19056 infected cases, 4200 hospitalizations, and 80 deaths were presented to the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, a CDC surveillance system (a system that analyses and interprets health conditions), covering 15% of the US population. Non-typhoidal Salmonella species of bacteria is a significant cause of foodborne illness in children.

This species can cause neonatal and pediatric infections through indirect exposure to contaminated food. Children may acquire salmonella infection through direct contact with the cattle. Campylobacter is another species of bacteria that causes foodborne illness in children. They can cause health effects that arise due to eating poultry or non-poultry meat products and unpasteurized dairy products.

Exposure to sewage water and farm animals infected with this bacteria may also cause infections in infants and children. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacterium (MRSA) is another kind that causes infections in various parts of our body.

These species can transmit from animals to human beings through close contact. Antibiotic resistance is becoming a major problem among kids as well as adults.

The use of antibiotic drugs to feed healthy animals for prolonged periods can create new health dangers to humans.

Food processing workers may add antibiotic agents in the feed of cattle or other food-delivering animals just to treat and control irresistible illnesses and not for development or growth.

The antibiotics fed to the cattle lead to the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the animal. These microorganisms can then be spread to human beings when we consume animal food. Adequate cooking of animal meat might destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, there are still chances for transferring these microorganisms into your body. These organisms can also enter into a human body through direct contact with an animal carrying the organism. People working in farms, processing facilities etc. are more prone to these bacteria than the general population.

So, while choosing the feed for your cattle, it is best suggested to pick organic feed or food raised without antibiotics

Why use of Organic Guar korma as feed is increased?

Organic Roasted Guar Meal (Roasted Guar Korma) is obtained from an Organically grow source and an ideal source of protein for animal feeds that contain essential amino acids as well as high energy. It is an alternative source for animals to other expensive sources like groundnut, soya, etc. This guar meal contains more percentage of the germ part of guar seeds.

The roasted guar meal is been processed with the help of heat and steam enhances the protein as well as amino acid digestibility increasing the productivity of livestock and poultry.

It is a 100% natural product that does not contain additional chemicals and is also rich in carbohydrates. For animal feed, Guar meal can also be used in conjunction with other feedstuffs that gives a complete nutritional feed without any harm.

Advantages of Roasted Guar Korma

  • Higher percentage of Crude Protein (CP)( Above 56% O&A)
  • Higher Digestibility Percent(85-90%), due to the removal of anti-nutritive factors
  • More desirable and balanced Amino acid Profile
  • 100% Natural Source and Organically grown
  • It is a Non-GMO product
  • Higher Energy content and fat percentage
  • Lower percentage of less digestible Fiber
  • Higher Palatability, complete elimination of characteristic bean odor and taste

Organic Roasted guar korma by Rama Gum Industries (India) ltd.

Why Rama Gum Industries (India) Ltd. Is leading the Organic feed supply? ?

Rama Gums is a leading manufacturers and supplier of Guar Gum powder, Guar Gum Splits, and Guar Meal in Gujarat, India. We here at Rama Industries give great importance to Quality. Processing and Packaging of the final product is done in such a way that it preserves the highly delicate product in good condition for a long time.

Rama Industries and its flagship brand Ricol command a high reputation worldwide for quality products, efficient services, and level of reliability as a stable supplier of quality products. The company lays special emphasis on maintaining quality standards parallel to the highest in the industry. It is always busy developing new and improved products for various applications.

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