How to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Failed?” in a Job Interview

How to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Failed?” in a Job Interview

While no one expects job candidates to have perfect records, you also don’t want to give prospective employers reasons for doubt. So how should you answer this common behavioral interview question?: “Tell me about a time you failed.” In this piece, the author outlines eight tips and offers advice on what to say (and what to avoid). If you respond to the question in a way that highlights your resilience and commitment to learning and progress, your interviewer will likely remember how you prevailed, not how you failed.

“Tell me about a time you failed” is one of the interview questions job seekers most dread, up there with “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want to work here?”

But you can’t blame interviewers for asking it. Stories of failure can reveal important insights about an applicant’s maturity, resilience, temperament, openness to learning, and ability to receive critical feedback — qualities that won’t appear on a resume or cover letter and probably won’t be brought up by the applicant unsolicited.

Does this mean you should respond with your most epic screw-up ever?

No. Your screaming self-preservation instincts are correct. Sharing an embarrassing and consequential failure during a job interview could leave a lasting negative impression, but you still don’t want to seem evasive. So, where’s the safe zone between a revealing response and a repellant one? This can be tricky to navigate, so it’s important to practice in advance.

How to Respond to “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”

Here are eight tips for answering this common behavioral interview question, along with examples of what to say (and what to avoid).

1. Focus more on the learning than the failure.

What the recruiter ultimately wants — and they may even state this explicitly — is not so much your story of failure but what you learned from it and how you turned that insight into a productive approach. So, pick a story with those reflections in mind. These are often failures of realizing, appreciating, or preparing versus failures of doing, ruining, or harming, which emphasize the consequences of the failure.

To source those episodes, don’t even look first for failures. Start by looking for moments of revelation, realization, course correction, and improvement. Those moments can be presented as a “story of failure” if you share them chronologically. For example:

Three years ago, we were doing A, but realized the result fell short of the goal. Things were just not working. Many saw it as a failure, but we also saw it as an opportunity to improve, so we did a thorough analysis and realized that B was a better tactic. We activated it, and now we’re seeing a greater C.

Notice also how the failure is followed up immediately by the fix (“Many saw it as a failure, but it was also an opportunity to improve.”) Don’t let the failure and its impact linger and possibly damage your reputation — emphasize the correction and let it take the spotlight.

Finally, know the difference between learning/realization and correction/improvement. You didn’t go from failure to solution magically — the learning/realization was a critical step and catalyzed the correction/improvement. Make sure to articulate both steps so the interviewer knows how you traveled from failure to learning to improvement, not just failure to improvement.

2. Choose a miscalculation, not a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes, but in a job interview, a simple mistake may be perceived as a personal flaw — which can damage your reputation. Ultimately, the most productive learning comes not from a mistake but from a miscalculation. When did something not go as planned? When was a strategy ineffective? When did an approach miss the actual target? These events happen frequently in modern workplaces, are not seen as personal or connected to flaws, and are more likely than mistakes to produce impactful recalibrations.

3. Don’t draw extra attention to the failure.

Saying the word “failure” one time is appropriate to demonstrate that you’re answering the question directly. Afterward, you can minimize the sting of a failure by calling it a “result,” “event,” or a “consequence,” which are neutral, not negative terms.

4. Look for a we, not a me.

If a team failed as a group, that might seem more relatable (and excusable) than an individual failing because there was consensus behind the decision-making. It may also have the side benefit of reinforcing your commitment to teamwork, so look for episodes that involve a group or team miscalculation versus a personal one.

5. Aim toward low consequence, not high consequence.

Feel free to share a moment where the consequence was minor but make sure the correction was significant because remember: they’re much more interested in your response than what triggered it. The consequence could even be a potential failure, but make sure it was a possible peril, not a hypothetical one.

6. Keep the failure story short.

Think of your failure as an opening act, not a featured performer. Its only purpose is to provide context for and set up your story of improvement and elevation, so keep it tight: “Z happened. And Y was the result. But we learned A and applied B.” When sharing the failure itself, get in and get out.

7. Don’t defend a failure.

After presenting a failure, some applicants try to limit the damage by simply defending, rationalizing, or minimizing it. But remember the point of your answer: learning, correction, and elevation. Deliver a compelling story that reflects your dedication to improvement, and that failure will become a footnote, not a focus.

8. Be thoughtful about the words you use.

Throughout this article, I used a variety of words to indicate how one learns from and overcomes failure. Familiarize yourself with them to avoid sounding repetitive:

When speaking about learning, use words like:

  • Learned
  • Gleaned
  • Gained insight
  • Realized
  • Understood

When speaking about overcoming a challenge, use words like:

  • Overcame
  • Improved
  • Elevated
  • Corrected

When speaking about reimagining a challenge, use words like:

  • Recalibrated
  • Adjusted

While no one expects job candidates to have flawless records, you don’t want to give prospective employers reasons for doubt. If you respond to the “failure” question in a way that highlights your resilience and commitment to learning and progress, they will likely remember how you prevailed, not how you failed.



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