How to Ansible

How to Ansible

1. Setup Ansible Environments

To gain expertise in establishing Ansible environments for efficient automation and management of DevOps processes, you need to understand several key concepts, practices, and workflows. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you build these skills.

### 1. Understanding Ansible Basics

Before diving into advanced topics, make sure you're comfortable with the basics:

- Control Node: The machine where Ansible is installed and from which you run your automation tasks.

- Managed Nodes: The machines that Ansible manages (e.g., servers, containers).

- Inventory: A list of managed nodes defined in an inventory file.

- Playbooks: YAML files that define a series of tasks for Ansible to perform on managed nodes.

- Modules: Reusable units of code Ansible uses to perform tasks (e.g., install packages, manage services).

### 2. Setting Up Ansible Environment

Example Workflow: Setting up Ansible to manage a simple web server environment.

1. Install Ansible on the Control Node:

- For example, on a RHEL-based system:


sudo yum install ansible


2. Create an Inventory File:

Define the managed nodes in an inventory file (`inventory.ini`).



web1 ansible_host=

web2 ansible_host=


3. Write a Simple Playbook:

Create a playbook to install and start an Apache web server on the managed nodes.



- name: Install and start Apache web server

hosts: webservers

become: yes


- name: Install Apache


name: httpd

state: present

- name: Start Apache service


name: httpd

state: started

enabled: yes


4. Run the Playbook:

Execute the playbook to automate the setup of the web server environment.


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini setup_web.yml


### 3. Role-Based Automation

As your infrastructure grows, organizing your playbooks into roles becomes essential for reuse and clarity.

Example Workflow: Creating a role to manage Nginx servers.

1. Create a Role:

Use ansible-galaxy to create a role structure.


ansible-galaxy init nginx_role


2. Define Tasks in the Role:

Edit nginx_role/tasks/main.yml to define the tasks for installing and configuring Nginx.



- name: Install Nginx


name: nginx

state: present

- name: Ensure Nginx is running


name: nginx

state: started

enabled: yes


3. Create a Playbook to Use the Role:



- name: Deploy Nginx using role

hosts: webservers

become: yes


- nginx_role


4. Run the Playbook:


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini deploy_nginx.yml


### 4. Advanced Ansible Features

A. Ansible Vault: Secure sensitive data like passwords using Ansible Vault.

- Encrypting Files:


ansible-vault encrypt vars/secure_vars.yml


- Using Vault in Playbooks:



- name: Secure deployment

hosts: all

become: yes


- vars/secure_vars.yml


B. Dynamic Inventory: Use dynamic inventory scripts to manage cloud-based infrastructure like AWS, Azure, or GCP.

- Example: Use AWS EC2 dynamic inventory.

- Install the necessary plugins and configure the ec2.ini file.

- Run playbooks using:


ansible-playbook -i my_playbook.yml


C. Ansible Galaxy: Download and use community roles from Ansible Galaxy to speed up automation tasks.

- Example: Install a role for Docker management.


ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker


### 5. Building CI/CD Pipelines with Ansible

Integrate Ansible into CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process.

Example Workflow: Automating deployments using Jenkins and Ansible.

1. Set Up Jenkins: Install and configure Jenkins.

2. Install Ansible on Jenkins Server: Ensure Jenkins can run Ansible playbooks.

3. Create a Jenkins Pipeline:

- Define a pipeline job that triggers an Ansible playbook after code commits.


pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Deploy') {

steps {

ansiblePlaybook credentialsId: 'my-ansible-credentials',

playbook: 'deploy_app.yml',

inventory: 'inventory.ini'






4. Monitor and Improve: Use Ansible to deploy and Jenkins to manage the automation, ensuring a smooth CI/CD workflow.

### 6. Best Practices for Ansible in DevOps

- Modularization: Break down playbooks into roles for reusability and better organization.

- Idempotency: Ensure playbooks are idempotent (running them multiple times doesn’t change the state unnecessarily).

- Error Handling: Use failed_when, ignore_errors, and block/rescue to handle errors gracefully.

- Testing: Use tools like Molecule to test Ansible roles.

- Documentation: Document your playbooks and roles for maintainability.

### 7. Scaling Your Ansible Setup

- Tower/AWX: Use Ansible Tower (or AWX, the open-source version) for enterprise-grade management, including a web UI, scheduling, RBAC, and more.

- Parallelism: Use forks to increase the number of parallel connections, improving execution speed.

### Conclusion

By following this guide and practicing the examples and workflows provided, you'll gain the expertise needed to establish efficient Ansible environments for managing DevOps processes. Keep experimenting with different modules, roles, and integrations to deepen your understanding and adapt Ansible to your specific environment.

2. How to work with Playbooks

Optimizing task automation in Ansible involves leveraging sophisticated strategies using variables and handlers. These allow for more dynamic, efficient, and maintainable playbooks. Let’s dive into these concepts with examples and workflows.

### 1. Understanding Variables in Ansible

Variables in Ansible allow you to customize playbooks dynamically based on the environment or the specific needs of your infrastructure.

#### Types of Variables

- Inventory Variables: Defined in the inventory file or host_vars/group_vars directories.

- Playbook Variables: Defined within playbooks.

- Role Variables: Defined in roles, typically in defaults/main.yml or vars/main.yml.

- Extra Variables: Passed from the command line using -e.

#### Example Workflow: Using Variables in a Playbook

Scenario: Deploy an application with different configurations based on the environment (staging or production).

1. Define Inventory Variables:

Create an inventory file with environment-specific variables.



app_server ansible_host=


app_server ansible_host=








2. Use Variables in the Playbook:

Write a playbook that uses these variables.



- name: Deploy application

hosts: app_server

become: yes


app_name: "my_app"


- name: Install dependencies


name: httpd

state: present

- name: Deploy application


src: templates/app.conf.j2

dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/{{ app_name }}.conf

mode: '0644'

- name: Ensure the application is running


name: httpd

state: started

enabled: yes


3. Template File Using Variables:

The template (`templates/app.conf.j2`) can utilize the variables:


Listen {{ app_port }}

<VirtualHost *:{{ app_port }}>

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/{{ app_name }}

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/{{ app_name }}_error.log

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/{{ app_name }}_access.log combined

{% if app_debug %}

LogLevel debug

{% else %}

LogLevel warn

{% endif %}



4. Run the Playbook:

Deploy to staging:


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini deploy_app.yml --limit staging


Deploy to production:


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini deploy_app.yml --limit production


### 2. Using Handlers for Efficient Task Execution

Handlers are special tasks in Ansible that run only when triggered by other tasks. This is useful for actions that should only occur when something has changed, like restarting a service after a configuration file update.

#### Example Workflow: Using Handlers to Restart a Service

Scenario: Configure Nginx and restart the service only if the configuration changes.

1. Create a Playbook with Handlers:



- name: Configure Nginx

hosts: webservers

become: yes


- name: Install Nginx


name: nginx

state: present

- name: Deploy Nginx configuration


src: templates/nginx.conf.j2

dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

mode: '0644'

notify: Restart Nginx


- name: Restart Nginx


name: nginx

state: restarted


2. Run the Playbook:


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini configure_nginx.yml


In this example:

- The `notify` directive triggers the handler only if the configuration file changes.

- The handler restarts Nginx only when necessary, optimizing resource use.

### 3. Combining Variables and Handlers for Complex Workflows

You can combine variables and handlers to create complex, efficient automation workflows.

#### Example Workflow: Managing Multiple Services with Handlers and Variables

Scenario: Configure and manage multiple services (e.g., Nginx and MySQL) with handlers that are triggered conditionally based on the environment.

1. Define Environment-Specific Variables:

Use group_vars or host_vars to define service configurations per environment.


# group_vars/staging.yml

nginx_port: 8080

mysql_service: mariadb



# group_vars/production.yml

nginx_port: 80

mysql_service: mysql


2. Create a Playbook:



- name: Configure Nginx and MySQL

hosts: all

become: yes


- name: Install Nginx


name: nginx

state: present

notify: Restart Nginx

- name: Deploy Nginx configuration


src: templates/nginx.conf.j2

dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

mode: '0644'

notify: Restart Nginx

- name: Install MySQL


name: "{{ mysql_service }}"

state: present

notify: Restart MySQL


- name: Restart Nginx


name: nginx

state: restarted

- name: Restart MySQL


name: "{{ mysql_service }}"

state: restarted


3. Run the Playbook:

Deploy to staging or production:


ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini configure_services.yml --limit staging



ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini configure_services.yml --limit production


### 4. Advanced Techniques with Variables and Handlers

A. Conditional Handlers: You can use when conditions with handlers to control their execution based on specific criteria.




- name: Restart Nginx


name: nginx

state: restarted

when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"


B. Looping Over Variables: Use loops with variables to manage multiple items.




- name: Install multiple packages


name: "{{ item }}"

state: present


- nginx

- mysql

- php


C. Template with Variable Iteration: Generate configurations dynamically based on a list of variables.



# In your playbook





# In your template (nginx.conf.j2)

{% for server in server_names %}

server {

server_name {{ server }};

# Other directives


{% endfor %}


### Conclusion

Mastering the use of variables and handlers in Ansible allows you to create flexible, efficient, and powerful automation workflows. These tools let you adapt to different environments, manage complex configurations, and ensure services are only restarted when necessary, optimizing resource usage and reducing downtime.

By combining these techniques, you can craft sophisticated playbooks that are both robust and maintainable, ensuring your DevOps processes are automated to the highest standard. As you practice, explore more advanced topics like dynamic inventories, custom modules, and integrating Ansible with other tools like Docker or Kubernetes.

3. How to work with Cloud Environments

Streamlining cloud deployments on AWS, Azure, and GCP using Ansible involves automating the configuration, deployment, and management of your cloud infrastructure. Ansible’s ability to handle multi-cloud environments allows you to define a unified, repeatable process for deploying and managing resources across different cloud platforms.

### 1. Understanding Ansible’s Role in Cloud Deployments

Ansible is a powerful tool for automating cloud deployments, offering modules specifically designed for AWS, Azure, and GCP. These modules let you interact with cloud APIs to provision resources, configure services, and manage infrastructure efficiently.

### 2. Setting Up Ansible for Multi-Cloud Deployment

To deploy resources on AWS, Azure, and GCP using Ansible, you'll need to:

1. Install Ansible and Required Modules: Ensure Ansible is installed, and the necessary cloud modules (``, azure.azcollection, are available.


pip install ansible

ansible-galaxy collection install

ansible-galaxy collection install azure.azcollection

ansible-galaxy collection install


2. Configure Cloud Credentials: Set up credentials for each cloud provider.

- AWS: Use environment variables, a credentials file, or an IAM role.

- Azure: Use a service principal with az login or credentials stored in environment variables.

- GCP: Use a service account JSON key or authenticate via gcloud auth application-default login.

### 3. Creating Ansible Playbooks for Cloud Deployments

#### A. AWS Example: Deploying an EC2 Instance with Ansible




- name: Deploy EC2 instance on AWS

hosts: localhost

gather_facts: no


- name: Launch an EC2 instance

key_name: my-key

instance_type: t2.micro

image_id: ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0

region: us-west-2

wait: yes

count: 1

register: ec2

- name: Add new instance to host group


hostname: "{{ item.public_ip }}"

groupname: launched

loop: "{{ ec2.instances }}"

- name: Wait for SSH to come up


host: "{{ item.public_ip }}"

port: 22

delay: 60

timeout: 320

state: started

loop: "{{ ec2.instances }}"

- name: Setup NGINX on new instance

hosts: launched

become: yes


- name: Install NGINX


name: nginx

state: present

- name: Start NGINX


name: nginx

state: started

enabled: yes



1. Provision EC2 Instance: The module launches an EC2 instance in the specified region.

2. Register Instance: The public IP of the launched instance is registered in the launched group.

3. Configure Instance: The instance is then configured by installing and starting NGINX.

#### B. Azure Example: Deploying a Virtual Machine with Ansible




- name: Deploy VM on Azure

hosts: localhost

gather_facts: no


- name: Create a resource group


name: myResourceGroup

location: East US

- name: Create a virtual network


name: myVNet

resource_group: myResourceGroup

address_prefixes: ""

- name: Create a subnet


name: mySubnet

resource_group: myResourceGroup

virtual_network_name: myVNet

address_prefix: ""

- name: Create a VM


resource_group: myResourceGroup

name: myVM

vm_size: Standard_B1ls

admin_username: azureuser

admin_password: Password1234!

network_interface_names: "{{ vnet_interface_name }}"


offer: UbuntuServer

publisher: Canonical

sku: 18.04-LTS

version: latest

state: present

register: vm

- name: Install Apache on the VM

hosts: "{{ vm.public_ip }}"

become: yes


- name: Install Apache


name: apache2

state: present

update_cache: yes

- name: Start Apache


name: apache2

state: started

enabled: yes



1. Create Infrastructure: The playbook creates a resource group, virtual network, subnet, and a virtual machine.

2. Install Apache: Once the VM is provisioned, Apache is installed and started.

#### C. GCP Example: Deploying a Compute Engine Instance with Ansible




- name: Deploy Compute Engine on GCP

hosts: localhost

gather_facts: no


- name: Create a GCP instance

name: my-instance

machine_type: n1-standard-1

zone: us-central1-a


- auto_delete: true

boot: true


source_image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9


- network: default


- name: External NAT


state: present

register: gce

- name: Add instance to inventory


hostname: "{{ gce.instance.public_ip }}"

groupname: gcp_servers

- name: Install NGINX on GCP instance

hosts: gcp_servers

become: yes


- name: Install NGINX


name: nginx

state: present

update_cache: yes

- name: Start NGINX


name: nginx

state: started

enabled: yes



1. Provision Compute Engine: The playbook creates a new Compute Engine instance.

2. Install NGINX: The newly created instance is configured to run NGINX.

### 4. Optimizing Availability and Performance

#### A. Autoscaling with Ansible

1. AWS Autoscaling Group: Use the module to manage EC2 instances based on load.

2. Azure Scale Set: Use the azure.azcollection.azure_rm_scale_set module to create and manage Azure VM scale sets.

3. GCP Autoscaler: Use the and modules for autoscaling in GCP.

#### B. Load Balancing with Ansible

1. AWS Load Balancer: Use the module to create and manage load balancers.

2. Azure Load Balancer: Use the azure.azcollection.azure_rm_loadbalancer module to configure load balancing.

3. GCP Load Balancer: Use the and modules to manage load balancers.

### 5. Monitoring and Optimization

To ensure optimal availability and performance, incorporate monitoring and alerting:

- AWS CloudWatch: Use the module to configure monitoring and set alarms.

- Azure Monitor: Use the azure.azcollection.azure_rm_metric_alert to set up alerts.

- GCP Cloud Monitoring: Use the to manage alerts in GCP.

### 6. Ansible Workflow for Multi-Cloud Deployment

Workflow Overview:

1. Define Variables: Store cloud-specific variables in group_vars or host_vars to differentiate configurations across environments.

2. Provision Resources: Use Ansible playbooks with cloud-specific modules to provision infrastructure on AWS, Azure, and GCP.

3. Configure Services: Deploy and configure services on the provisioned infrastructure using Ansible roles and tasks.

4. Implement Load Balancing and Autoscaling: Ensure high availability by automating load balancing and autoscaling with Ansible.

5. Monitor and Optimize: Set up monitoring and alerts to maintain performance and ensure availability.

### Example Directory Structure:


├── ansible.cfg

├── inventory/

│ ├── aws.yml

│ ├── azure.yml

│ └── gcp.yml

├── playbooks/

│ ├── aws-deploy.yml

│ ├── azure-deploy.yml

│ └── gcp-deploy.yml

└── roles/

├── common/

│ └── tasks/

│ └── main.yml

├── nginx/

│ └── tasks/

│ └── main.yml

└── monitoring/

└── tasks/

└── main.yml


### Conclusion

Using Ansible to streamline cloud deployments across AWS, Azure, and GCP allows you to maintain consistent configurations, automate scaling, and ensure high availability. By utilizing cloud-specific Ansible modules, you can achieve a unified deployment strategy across multiple cloud providers, ensuring optimal performance and availability.

4. Integrate Ansible with CI/CD Tools

Integrating Ansible with CI/CD tools like Jenkins and GitLab is essential for automating the deployment process, ensuring continuous delivery, and maintaining consistency across environments. Below, I’ll walk you through the steps to integrate Ansible with Jenkins and GitLab, providing examples and workflows.

### **1. Integrating Ansible with Jenkins**

**Jenkins** is a popular open-source automation server that can be used to build, test, and deploy your code. Integrating Ansible with Jenkins allows you to automate infrastructure provisioning and application deployments as part of your CI/CD pipeline.

#### **A. Setup Jenkins for Ansible Integration**

1. **Install Jenkins**:

- You can install Jenkins on your server using the following commands:


sudo apt update

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'

sudo apt update

sudo apt install jenkins


- Start Jenkins:


sudo systemctl start jenkins


2. **Install Ansible** on the Jenkins server:


sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible

sudo apt install ansible


3. **Install Required Plugins**:

- Install the “Ansible” plugin in Jenkins:

- Navigate to **Manage Jenkins** > **Manage Plugins** > **Available**.

- Search for “Ansible” and install it.

4. **Configure Ansible in Jenkins**:

- Go to **Manage Jenkins** > **Global Tool Configuration**.

- Under “Ansible”, click “Add Ansible” and configure the Ansible installation path.

#### **B. Creating a Jenkins Pipeline with Ansible**

1. **Create a Jenkins Pipeline**:

- In Jenkins, create a new pipeline job.

- In the pipeline definition, you can use a Jenkinsfile or inline script.

2. **Jenkinsfile Example**:


pipeline {

agent any

environment {



stages {

stage('Checkout') {

steps {

git ''



stage('Run Ansible Playbook') {

steps {

ansiblePlaybook credentialsId: 'your-ssh-key-id',

disableHostKeyChecking: true,

installation: 'ansible',

inventory: 'inventory.ini',

playbook: 'playbook.yml'




post {

always {

echo 'Pipeline finished.'






1. **Checkout Code**: Jenkins checks out the code from the repository.

2. **Run Ansible Playbook**: The ansiblePlaybook step executes the specified Ansible playbook, using the inventory file and credentials.

3. **Triggering Deployments**:

- Configure Jenkins to trigger the pipeline automatically on code commits or based on a schedule.

### **2. Integrating Ansible with GitLab CI/CD**

**GitLab** provides built-in CI/CD capabilities that can be integrated with Ansible to automate deployments.

#### **A. Setup GitLab Runner**

1. **Install GitLab Runner**:

- Install GitLab Runner on your server using the following commands:


curl -L --output /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner

gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner

gitlab-runner start


2. **Register GitLab Runner**:

- Register the runner with your GitLab instance:


sudo gitlab-runner register


- Enter the GitLab URL, token, and specify the runner type (shell, docker, etc.).

3. **Install Ansible on the GitLab Runner**:


sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible

sudo apt install ansible


#### **B. Creating a .gitlab-ci.yml File**

1. **.gitlab-ci.yml Example**:



- deploy


stage: deploy


- apt-get update

- apt-get install -y ansible

- ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml


- main



1. **Stages**: Define the deployment stage in GitLab CI.

2. **Script**: Install Ansible (if not pre-installed on the runner) and execute the Ansible playbook.

3. **Triggering Deployments**: The playbook runs automatically when code is pushed to the main branch.

#### **C. Advanced GitLab CI/CD with Ansible**

For more advanced scenarios, you might use Dockerized environments or deploy to different environments:

1. **Using Docker in GitLab CI**:



stage: deploy

image: ansible/ansible:latest


- ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml


- main


2. **Deploying to Multiple Environments**:



- deploy


stage: deploy


- ansible-playbook -i inventory_staging.ini playbook.yml


- staging


stage: deploy


- ansible-playbook -i inventory_production.ini playbook.yml


- main



- **Deploy Staging**: The pipeline deploys to staging when code is pushed to the staging branch.

- **Deploy Production**: The pipeline deploys to production when code is pushed to the main branch.

### **3. Best Practices for Ansible in CI/CD**

1. **Use Version Control**: Keep all your Ansible playbooks, roles, and inventories in version control (e.g., Git).

2. **Environment-Specific Variables**: Use group variables (`group_vars`) for environment-specific configurations.

3. **Secrets Management**: Use Ansible Vault or CI/CD tool secrets management features to securely manage sensitive data.

4. **Testing**: Incorporate testing stages to validate playbook syntax and functionality before deploying.

5. **Idempotency**: Ensure your Ansible playbooks are idempotent, meaning they can be run multiple times without causing unintended changes.

### **4. Example Workflows**

#### **Jenkins + Ansible Workflow**:

1. Developer pushes code to GitHub.

2. Jenkins automatically triggers a build.

3. Jenkins pipeline checks out code, runs tests, and deploys the application using Ansible.

4. Ansible provisions infrastructure and deploys applications.

5. Jenkins sends a notification upon completion.

#### **GitLab CI + Ansible Workflow**:

1. Developer pushes code to GitLab.

2. GitLab CI pipeline is triggered.

3. The pipeline runs Ansible playbooks to deploy the application.

4. Different playbooks are used for staging and production environments.

5. Notifications are sent on success or failure.

### **Conclusion**

Integrating Ansible with CI/CD tools like Jenkins and GitLab streamlines the deployment process, ensuring continuous delivery and consistency across environments. By defining clear workflows and automating repetitive tasks, you can focus on delivering high-quality software faster and with greater confidence.

5. How to Resolve Playbooks Errors

When working with Ansible playbooks and inventories, errors can arise due to various factors like syntax issues, incorrect configurations, or environment mismatches. I'll guide you through common error scenarios and how to resolve them, along with best practices for managing inventories effectively.

### 1. Common Playbook Errors and Solutions

#### A. Syntax Errors

Problem: Syntax errors are common when writing YAML files. Ansible playbooks must adhere to strict YAML syntax.



- hosts: all


- name: Install nginx


name: nginx

state: present

update_cache: yes # Correct indentation

notify: restart nginx # Incorrect indentation



- Use YAML linters like yamllint to check for syntax errors.

- Ensure proper indentation (2 spaces per level is standard in YAML).


pip install yamllint

yamllint your_playbook.yml


Corrected Example:


- hosts: all


- name: Install nginx


name: nginx

state: present

update_cache: yes

notify: restart nginx


#### B. Undefined Variables

Problem: Running a playbook may result in an error if a required variable is not defined.



- name: Copy configuration file


src: "{{ config_file }}"

dest: /etc/myapp/config



- Ensure all required variables are defined in the appropriate scope (e.g., playbook, role, inventory).

- Use vars, group_vars, or host_vars to define variables.

Defining Variables in Playbook:


- hosts: all


config_file: "/path/to/config_file"


- name: Copy configuration file


src: "{{ config_file }}"

dest: /etc/myapp/config


Defining Variables in Inventory:



server1 ansible_host= config_file=/path/to/config_file


#### C. Host Unreachable

Problem: The playbook cannot connect to a remote host.

Example Error:


fatal: [server1]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Host key verification failed.", "unreachable": true}



- Ensure SSH access to the target host is configured correctly.

- Verify that the correct SSH keys or credentials are being used.

- Disable host key checking (if appropriate) by adding the following to ansible.cfg:



host_key_checking = False


- You can also add the -e 'ansible_ssh_common_args="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"' flag when running the playbook.

#### D. Module Errors

Problem: A module in the playbook fails to execute correctly, often due to missing dependencies or incorrect parameters.



- name: Install a package


name: "{{ package_name }}"

state: present




fatal: [server1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package matching 'nonexistent-package' is available"}



- Ensure the correct module parameters are used by referring to the [Ansible documentation](

- Verify that the target host's package manager repositories are configured correctly.

- Add a task to update the package cache before installing packages:


- name: Update apt cache


update_cache: yes

- name: Install a package


name: "{{ package_name }}"

state: present


### 2. Effective Inventory Management

Inventories in Ansible define the hosts and groups of hosts that the playbook targets. Managing inventories effectively is key to avoiding errors and ensuring your playbooks run smoothly across different environments.

#### A. Organizing Inventories

Problem: A large inventory can become difficult to manage, especially when targeting multiple environments (e.g., dev, staging, production).


- Group Hosts: Organize hosts into groups (e.g., webservers, databases).

- Use Dynamic Inventories: For cloud environments, use dynamic inventories that automatically fetch the current list of hosts.

- Environment-Specific Inventories: Maintain separate inventory files for different environments.

Example Directory Structure:



├── dev/

│ ├── hosts.ini

│ └── group_vars/

│ └── all.yml

├── staging/

│ ├── hosts.ini

│ └── group_vars/

│ └── all.yml

└── production/

├── hosts.ini

└── group_vars/

└── all.yml


Example Inventory File (`hosts.ini`):



web1 ansible_host=

web2 ansible_host=


db1 ansible_host=


#### B. Using Dynamic Inventories

Problem: Manually maintaining static inventories for cloud environments can lead to errors due to frequently changing infrastructure.

Solution: Use dynamic inventory scripts or plugins to automatically pull host information from cloud providers like AWS, Azure, or GCP.

AWS Example:

- Install the AWS collection:


ansible-galaxy collection install


- Use a dynamic inventory configuration file (`aws_ec2.yml`):




- us-west-2


tag:Environment: dev


- key: tags.Name

prefix: "instance_"


- Run your playbook using the dynamic inventory:


ansible-playbook -i aws_ec2.yml playbook.yml


#### C. Managing Variables in Inventories

Problem: Variables can be scattered across playbooks, inventories, and group/host vars, making it hard to track and debug.

Solution: Use a hierarchical approach to organize variables, ensuring that more specific variables override more general ones.

Hierarchy Example:

1. Playbook Vars: Defined directly in the playbook.

2. Host Vars: Defined in host_vars/ directory.

3. Group Vars: Defined in group_vars/ directory.

4. Inventory Vars: Defined in the inventory file.



# group_vars/webservers.yml

nginx_version: 1.18.0



# playbook.yml

- hosts: webservers


nginx_version: 1.20.1 # Overrides group var


- name: Install NGINX


name: "nginx={{ nginx_version }}"

state: present


#### D. Validating Inventories

Problem: An improperly configured inventory can cause playbooks to fail, often with unclear error messages.


- Use the ansible-inventory command to validate and view your inventory structure.

Validate Inventory:


ansible-inventory -i inventory/production --list


Display Host List:


ansible-inventory -i inventory/production --graph


### 3. Troubleshooting Workflow

A. Identify the Issue:

- Start by identifying the exact error message and where it occurs. Use verbose mode (`-v`, -vv, or -vvv) to get detailed output.

B. Check Syntax:

- Run ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook.yml to catch syntax errors early.

C. Validate Inventory:

- Validate your inventory file with ansible-inventory to ensure that all hosts and variables are correctly configured.

D. Test in Isolation:

- Test individual tasks or roles separately to isolate the issue.

E. Use Debugging Tools:

- Use the debug module within playbooks to print variable values or messages during execution.



- name: Print the value of a variable


var: some_variable


F. Log Analysis:

- Review Ansible logs for errors, especially when running Ansible in verbose mode.

### Conclusion

Resolving playbook errors and managing inventories effectively is crucial for successful Ansible automation. By understanding common issues, organizing your inventory structure, and using debugging techniques, you can streamline your workflows and ensure reliable, repeatable deployments.

6. Reusable Automation with Ansible Roles and Galaxy

Ansible roles and Ansible Galaxy are powerful tools that allow you to create scalable, modular, and reusable automation content. Roles enable you to organize and reuse your automation scripts, while Galaxy allows you to share and download roles from the community.

### 1. Understanding Ansible Roles

Ansible Roles are a way to break down playbooks into reusable, organized components. Roles allow you to group related tasks, variables, files, templates, and handlers together. This makes your Ansible content easier to manage and reuse across different projects.

#### A. Role Structure

An Ansible role follows a specific directory structure:



└── my_role/

├── defaults/

│ └── main.yml # Default variables for the role

├── files/

│ └── file1 # Static files to be transferred to remote hosts

├── handlers/

│ └── main.yml # Handlers, usually used for services restart/reload

├── meta/

│ └── main.yml # Role metadata, dependencies, etc.

├── tasks/

│ └── main.yml # The main list of tasks to be executed by the role

├── templates/

│ └── template1.j2 # Jinja2 templates to be rendered and transferred

├── tests/

│ ├── inventory # Sample inventory for testing

│ └── test.yml # Sample playbook for testing the role

└── vars/

└── main.yml # Variables defined at a higher priority than defaults


Key Components:

- `tasks/`: The main tasks of the role are defined here.

- `handlers/`: Handlers that can be triggered by tasks.

- `files/`: Static files that are transferred to the remote hosts.

- `templates/`: Jinja2 templates to be rendered with variables and then transferred.

- `vars/` and `defaults/`**: Variables used in the role. vars/ has higher precedence over defaults/.

- `meta/`: Metadata for the role, such as dependencies on other roles.

- `tests/`: Testing files to validate the role's functionality.

#### B. Creating a Role

Let’s walk through creating a simple role to install and configure NGINX.

1. Create the Role Directory Structure:


ansible-galaxy init nginx_role


2. Define Tasks:

Edit roles/nginx_role/tasks/main.yml:



- name: Install NGINX


name: nginx

state: present

update_cache: yes

- name: Copy NGINX configuration


src: nginx.conf.j2

dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

notify: restart nginx

- name: Ensure NGINX is running


name: nginx

state: started

enabled: yes


3. Define Handlers:

Edit roles/nginx_role/handlers/main.yml:



- name: restart nginx


name: nginx

state: restarted


4. Create a Template:

Create a template file roles/nginx_role/templates/nginx.conf.j2:


user www-data;

worker_processes auto;

pid /run/;

events {

worker_connections 1024;


http {

include /etc/nginx/mime.types;

default_type application/octet-stream;

sendfile on;

keepalive_timeout 65;

server {

listen 80;

server_name localhost;

location / {

root /usr/share/nginx/html;

index index.html index.htm;





5. Set Default Variables:

Edit roles/nginx_role/defaults/main.yml:



nginx_user: www-data

nginx_worker_processes: auto


6. Include the Role in a Playbook:

Create a playbook site.yml that uses this role:



- hosts: webservers


- nginx_role


#### C. Running the Playbook

Run the playbook:


ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml


This will install and configure NGINX using the role you just created.

### 2. Using Ansible Galaxy

Ansible Galaxy is a hub for finding, sharing, and using Ansible roles developed by the community.

#### A. Installing Roles from Ansible Galaxy

You can search for and install roles from Galaxy using the ansible-galaxy command.

1. Search for a Role:


ansible-galaxy search nginx


2. Install a Role:


ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx


This will install the geerlingguy.nginx role into the roles/ directory.

#### B. Using Galaxy Roles in Playbooks

Once a role is installed, you can include it in your playbooks just like any other role.

Example Playbook:



- hosts: webservers


- geerlingguy.nginx


#### C. Creating and Sharing Your Own Roles

You can also share your own roles with the community on Galaxy.

1. Prepare Your Role for Sharing:

- Ensure your role is well-documented.

- Include metadata in meta/main.yml to describe your role.

2. Share Your Role:

Log in to Ansible Galaxy and create a new role, then use the following command to share it:


ansible-galaxy import username role-name


Follow the instructions on Galaxy to push your role to the repository.

### 3. Best Practices for Using Roles and Galaxy

1. Modularity: Break down your tasks into small, reusable roles. Avoid creating monolithic roles that are hard to reuse.

2. Version Control: Use version control for your roles, and specify versions when installing roles from Galaxy.


- src: geerlingguy.nginx

version: "2.7.0"


3. Documentation: Document your roles well, including input variables, outputs, and any dependencies.

4. Testing: Use Molecule to test your roles before sharing them on Galaxy.


pip install molecule

molecule init role -r my_role -d docker

molecule test


5. Dependency Management: Define role dependencies in the meta/main.yml file of your role.



- role: geerlingguy.nginx

- role: geerlingguy.firewall


### 4. Example Workflow for a Scalable Deployment

Imagine you need to set up a web server stack with NGINX, a firewall, and a monitoring agent.

1. Create Roles:

- `nginx_role`: Manages the installation and configuration of NGINX.

- `firewall_role`: Configures a firewall with iptables or ufw.

- `monitoring_role`: Installs and configures a monitoring agent like Prometheus node exporter.

2. Define Dependencies:

- monitoring_role depends on firewall_role to open necessary ports.

- firewall_role is independent.

3. Use in a Playbook:



- hosts: all


- role: firewall_role

- role: nginx_role

- role: monitoring_role


4. Test with Molecule:

- Write Molecule tests for each role.

- Run molecule test to ensure your roles work as expected.

5. Deploy:

- Run your playbook with ansible-playbook to deploy the full stack.

### Conclusion

Using Ansible roles and Galaxy allows you to create modular, reusable, and scalable automation content. By organizing tasks into roles, you can maintain cleaner playbooks, share roles across projects, and leverage the vast community resources on Ansible Galaxy. This approach not only streamlines your automation processes but also promotes collaboration and best practices across your DevOps workflows.

7. Automate using Ansible Tower and AWX

Deploying high-level automation using Ansible Tower (or its open-source counterpart, AWX) allows you to scale your Ansible automation, manage your inventories and playbooks more effectively, and implement advanced features like role-based access control (RBAC). Below is a comprehensive guide to getting started with Ansible Tower/AWX and how to leverage RBAC for secure and efficient automation.

### 1. Overview of Ansible Tower and AWX

- Ansible Tower is a commercial product that provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and other powerful tools to help manage Ansible operations.

- AWX is the open-source upstream project of Ansible Tower. It includes almost all features of Ansible Tower and allows you to manage your Ansible playbooks, inventories, and credentials more easily.

### 2. Installing AWX

To begin, you can install AWX in your environment. Here’s a simplified process for installing AWX using Docker.

#### A. Prerequisites

- Docker and Docker Compose: Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system.

#### B. Installing AWX

1. Clone the AWX Installer Repository:


git clone

cd awx/installer


2. Customize Your Inventory:

Modify the inventory file to configure AWX.

Example configuration:


localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python3"








3. Run the Playbook to Install AWX:

Execute the playbook that deploys AWX:


ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml


After the installation is complete, AWX should be accessible through the web interface.

#### C. Accessing AWX

- Once installed, access AWX via your browser using the IP address or domain name and port configured (default is port 80).

- Log in with the default admin credentials (you'll be prompted to change these).

### 3. Configuring Projects, Inventories, and Credentials in AWX

#### A. Creating Projects

A Project in AWX is a logical collection of Ansible playbooks.

1. Navigate to Projects:

- In the AWX web interface, go to Projects.

2. Create a New Project:

- Click Add and provide a name.

- Set the SCM Type (e.g., Git) and provide the repository URL where your playbooks are stored.

- Specify the branch to use for the project, if applicable.

#### B. Setting Up Inventories

Inventories define the hosts that your Ansible playbooks will manage.

1. Navigate to Inventories:

- In the AWX web interface, go to Inventories.

2. Create a New Inventory:

- Click Add, name your inventory, and provide a description.

- Define the hosts and groups within the inventory.

- You can also configure dynamic inventories that pull hosts from cloud providers like AWS, Azure, or GCP.

#### C. Managing Credentials

Credentials in AWX allow playbooks to authenticate with remote systems securely.

1. Navigate to Credentials:

- In the AWX web interface, go to Credentials.

2. Create New Credentials:

- Click Add, provide a name and description.

- Select the Credential Type (e.g., Machine, Source Control, Cloud, etc.).

- Enter the required authentication details (e.g., SSH key, API token).

### 4. Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC in AWX is crucial for ensuring that only authorized users can execute specific tasks, access certain inventories, or manage credentials.

#### A. Understanding RBAC Components

- Users: Individual accounts in AWX.

- Teams: Groups of users, often aligned with departments or projects.

- Organizations: Logical groups of users, teams, and resources within AWX.

- Roles: Permissions granted to users or teams that control what actions they can perform within the AWX interface.

#### B. Creating Users and Teams

1. Create Users:

- Go to Users in the AWX web interface.

- Click Add to create new users, specifying their details and providing them with initial access rights.

2. Create Teams:

- Go to Teams in the AWX web interface.

- Click Add to create a new team.

- Assign users to the team to manage group access more easily.

#### C. Assigning Roles

Roles determine what users or teams can do within the organization.

1. Assign Roles to Users or Teams:

- Navigate to the resource (e.g., Project, Inventory, or Credential) you want to secure.

- Go to the Access tab and click Add.

- Select the user or team, and choose the role you want to assign.

Example Roles:

- Admin: Full control over the resource.

- Update: Can update the resource (e.g., run playbooks).

- Read: Can view the resource but cannot make changes.

2. Role Examples:

- Playbook Execution: Grant "Execute" permission on a playbook to a team responsible for deployments.

- Inventory Management: Grant "Admin" permission on an inventory to a user responsible for maintaining inventory details.

- Credential Access: Grant "Use" permission on a set of credentials to a user who needs them to run specific playbooks.

#### D. Example RBAC Workflow

1. Set Up an Organization:

- Create an organization that will house your projects, inventories, and credentials.

2. Create Teams:

- Create a "DevOps Team" and a "Security Team".

- Add users to these teams according to their responsibilities.

3. Define Projects:

- Set up a project for "Web Server Deployment" and another for "Database Management".

4. Assign Roles:

- Give the DevOps Team "Execute" permissions on the "Web Server Deployment" project.

- Give the Security Team "Admin" rights on credentials used for sensitive operations.

### 5. Automating Workflow with Job Templates

Job Templates in AWX allow you to automate the execution of your playbooks.

1. Create a Job Template:

- Go to Job Templates in the AWX web interface.

- Click Add to create a new template.

- Select the project, inventory, and playbook you want to run.

- Assign the necessary credentials for the job to authenticate with target hosts.

2. Run a Job:

- You can execute the job template manually or schedule it to run at specific times.

### 6. Monitoring and Notifications

AWX provides built-in features to monitor jobs and send notifications.

#### A. Monitoring Jobs

- View Job Status: After running a job, you can monitor its status in real-time in the AWX interface.

- Job History: AWX maintains a history of all jobs, allowing you to review logs and outputs from previous executions.

#### B. Configuring Notifications

- AWX supports integration with various notification services like email, Slack, and others.

- Go to Notifications in the AWX interface to set up new notification services.

### 7. Best Practices for Ansible Tower/AWX

1. Organize by Projects and Teams: Keep your automation scripts organized by projects and align access controls with teams.

2. Use Dynamic Inventories: For cloud environments, utilize dynamic inventories to keep your host lists up to date automatically.

3. Secure Credentials: Limit access to sensitive credentials, using RBAC to enforce strict permissions.

4. Automate with Job Templates: Create job templates for common tasks, reducing the need for manual intervention and increasing consistency.

5. Monitor and Audit: Regularly monitor job executions and review audit logs to ensure compliance with organizational policies.

6. Leverage Notifications: Set up notifications to alert teams about job failures, successes, or other important events.

### Conclusion

Ansible Tower and AWX provide a powerful framework for managing and scaling your Ansible automation with robust RBAC. By using roles, projects, inventories, and credentials effectively, you can ensure secure and efficient automation across your organization. Implementing these tools can greatly enhance the manageability and security of your automation workflows, providing clear oversight and control.

8. How to monitor Ansible Jobs

Efficiently managing workflow by scheduling and monitoring Ansible jobs involves using features in Ansible Tower (or AWX) like job templates, schedules, notifications, and the integrated monitoring tools. These features allow you to automate tasks at specific times, track their progress, and respond to any issues that arise.

### 1. Scheduling Ansible Jobs

Scheduling jobs in Ansible Tower/AWX allows you to run tasks automatically at specified times. This is particularly useful for regular maintenance tasks, backups, or deployments that need to occur at off-hours.

#### A. Creating a Job Template

Before you can schedule a job, you need to create a job template.

1. Create a Job Template:

- In the AWX/Tower web interface, navigate to Job Templates.

- Click Add to create a new job template.

- Fill out the necessary fields:

- Name: Give your job template a descriptive name.

- Job Type: Select Run (to execute playbooks) or Check (to perform a dry run).

- Inventory: Choose the inventory that the playbook will run against.

- Project: Select the project that contains the playbook.

- Playbook: Choose the specific playbook to run.

- Credentials: Assign the required credentials to access the remote machines.

2. Save the Job Template:

- After filling in the necessary details, click Save to create the template.

#### B. Scheduling a Job

Once the job template is created, you can schedule it to run at specific times.

1. Navigate to the Job Template:

- Go to the Job Templates section and click on the job template you created.

2. Add a Schedule:

- In the job template view, click on the Schedule tab.

- Click Add to create a new schedule.

- Set the Name for the schedule.

- Define the Start Date and Time for when the job should run.

- Specify the Recurrence:

- None: The job runs once at the specified time.

- Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Set up regular intervals for the job to run.

- Custom: Use a cron-like expression for more complex schedules.

- Save the schedule.

3. Verify the Schedule:

- The schedule should now appear under the Schedules tab of the job template. You can modify or delete it if needed.

#### C. Example Scenario

Imagine you need to back up a database every night at 2 AM. You could set up a job template that runs a playbook to back up the database and then create a schedule that triggers the job daily at 2 AM.

### 2. Monitoring Ansible Jobs

Monitoring is crucial to ensure that your scheduled jobs run successfully and to diagnose any issues that arise.

#### A. Viewing Job Status

1. Access the Jobs Page:

- In AWX/Tower, navigate to Jobs from the side menu.

- Here, you can see all jobs that have been executed or are currently running.

2. Job Details:

- Click on a job to view detailed information:

- Playbook Output: See the detailed output of the playbook run, including which tasks succeeded, failed, or were skipped.

- Host Status: View the status of individual hosts targeted by the playbook.

- Logs: Review logs for troubleshooting and auditing.

3. Job Filters:

- Use filters to find specific jobs by status (e.g., successful, failed, canceled), job template, or time range.

#### B. Real-Time Monitoring

- Real-Time Output: While a job is running, you can monitor its progress in real time from the job details page. This allows you to intervene if necessary, such as stopping the job or rerunning it.

- Live Logs: As tasks are executed, the output is streamed live, giving immediate feedback on the job's progress.

#### C. Notifications

Setting up notifications ensures that you are promptly informed about the status of your jobs.

1. Set Up Notification Templates:

- Navigate to Notifications in the AWX/Tower interface.

- Click Add to create a new notification template.

- Choose the type of notification (e.g., Email, Slack, Webhook).

- Fill in the necessary details (e.g., email addresses, Slack webhook URL).

2. Attach Notifications to Job Templates:

- In your job template, navigate to the Notifications tab.

- Attach a notification template to be triggered on specific events (e.g., on success, on failure, or always).

3. Example Use Cases:

- Email Notification: Receive an email when a nightly backup job fails.

- Slack Notification: Post a message to a Slack channel whenever a deployment job starts and completes.

### 3. Managing Job Failures and Retries

When automating tasks, it’s important to plan for failure scenarios and set up mechanisms to handle them.

#### A. Automatic Job Retries

1. Configure Retries in the Job Template:

- AWX/Tower doesn’t natively support automatic retries within the job template itself, but you can implement retries within your playbooks using Ansible’s until keyword.

- Example:


- name: Ensure service is running


name: nginx

state: started

until: result|success

retries: 5

delay: 10


2. Manual Retries:

- After a job fails, you can manually retry it by navigating to the Jobs page and selecting the failed job, then clicking Relaunch.

#### B. Handling Failures in Playbooks

You can use Ansible strategies to control how playbooks behave on failure.

1. Ignore Failures:

- Use ignore_errors: yes to continue executing the playbook even if a task fails.


- name: Attempt to restart service


name: nginx

state: restarted

ignore_errors: yes


2. Fail Fast:

- To stop the playbook immediately upon encountering a failure, use the fail module.


- name: Ensure critical task succeeds

command: /some/critical/command

register: result

failed_when: result.rc != 0

- name: Fail if the previous task failed


msg: "Critical task failed"

when: result is failed


### 4. Reporting and Auditing

Regular reporting and auditing help you understand the overall performance of your automation tasks.

#### A. Job Reports

1. Access Job Reports:

- AWX/Tower generates detailed reports for each job execution. These can be accessed from the Jobs page.

2. Export Reports:

- You can export job reports in formats like JSON for further analysis or archival.

#### B. Audit Trails

1. Access Audit Logs:

- Go to Activity Streams in AWX/Tower to view a detailed log of all actions performed within the system, including job executions, user logins, and configuration changes.

2. Filter and Search:

- Use filters to search for specific actions, making it easier to trace the root cause of issues or verify compliance with security policies.

### 5. Example Workflow: Nightly Maintenance Automation

Let’s put it all together with an example workflow where you schedule, monitor, and manage a nightly maintenance job.

#### A. Create the Job Template

1. Create a Playbook:

- Develop a playbook that performs maintenance tasks, such as clearing cache, updating packages, and checking disk space.

2. Create a Job Template:

- Create a job template in AWX/Tower that uses this playbook, applying it to the appropriate inventory and credentials.

#### B. Schedule the Job

1. Create a Schedule:

- Schedule the job to run nightly at 3 AM.

#### C. Set Up Monitoring and Notifications

1. Real-Time Monitoring:

- Monitor the job during its first execution to ensure it completes successfully.

2. Notifications:

- Set up an email notification to alert the DevOps team if the job fails.

#### D. Handling Failures

1. Retries:

- Implement retries in the playbook for tasks that are prone to transient failures.

2. Review Logs:

- In case of failure, review the logs in the Jobs section to diagnose and address the issue.

3. Manual Intervention:

- If the job fails repeatedly, trigger a manual rerun or investigate further.

### Conclusion

By efficiently scheduling and monitoring Ansible jobs with AWX/Tower, you can automate repetitive tasks, ensure their reliable execution, and respond quickly to any issues. The use of job templates, scheduling, monitoring tools, and notifications allows you to create a robust automation workflow that can scale with your organization’s needs. Implementing these practices not only increases efficiency but also reduces the risk of errors and downtime in your automation processes.


Denis Gukov

Full Stack Developer

7 个月

AWX is good, but often overkill (especially the need for Kubernetes). Semaphore UI could be a good alternative.



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