How and Why Amplio Is Designed the Way It Is
Over the last twenty years, I’ve been studying what people have done to be effective. Here’s what I’ve seen effective approaches have in common. This has been achieved through a combination of 10,000+ interviews over this time and the integration of a dozen or so leading thought leaders, such as Russ Ackoff, Christopher Alexander, W. Edwards Deming, Tom Gilb, Eli Goldratt, Don Reinertsen, and more.
I have integrated these approaches into a cohesive system that can be used as a quick start, an improvement over time, or a jump to a better method.
The key insight is that most organizations need to accomplish many similar objectives to be successful as a whole. Some, of course, have to deal with additional things when hardware development, government regulation, or extreme quality are needed. These additions are easy to specify. The key differences are not in the vision as much as in how to achieve it. Current culture, structure, knowledge, and other factors must be considered.
I specify here what Amplio does, but this is a reflection that these are requirements for a successful approach to work over a broad range of organizations.
Amplio is based on creating a vision, having clarity on objectives to be met, providing a diagnostic approach to create an improvement path, uses principles and patterns to guide you, all the while integrating how to coach people in the process.
The depth this flexibility requires includes how to disseminate what’s needed to avoid cognitive overload.? This enables it to be used as simply or extensively as appropriate to the situation at hand.
Amplio is built on Top of Flow, Lean, the Theory of Constraints, Human Centered Development, and an understanding of how people listen, learn, react, and resist to new information. This enables it to apply anywhere by adjusting to the needs of the situation. It deals with complexity by taking advantage of what know to discover what complexity obscures from us.
Amplio integrates value stream analysis, how to create value, how to coach, and UX design. Knowing what to do takes a holistic approach.
Amplio uses scale-free methods, which enables it to be used at the team or across an organization. This enables you to start at the scale most appropriate to your situation.
It starts with identifying the values, success criteria, and constraints of critical stakeholders. This includes sponsoring stakeholders (e.g., those paying for its development), consuming stakeholders (e,g., customers), and constraining stakeholders (e.g., government agencies). This enables creating alignment of vision and reduces the need for coordination.
It identifies a set of capabilities that most companies need to implement to be effective. This avoids the risk of people missing key requirements to be effective.
Amplio has a diagnostic tool to help see what needs to be improved and create an improvement path. Amplio helps you see what you need to do to fix your problems instead of offering preset solutions without a diagnosis.
Amplio provides ways of accurately predicting which changes to your workflow will improve it. This makes learning faster and reduces resistance through understanding.?
How Amplio Continues to Grow
Amplio has already gone far beyond the work I did at Net Objectives and at the PMI with the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant workshop. I continue to lead in the advancement of Amplio in Amplio University.
The participants and I continue to refine Amplio as I teach it. Co-creation is the best way to learn.
One of the biggest differences in attitude is that when something is misused or misunderstood, we don’t blame people but look for ways to make it more understandable.
We are currently putting it into an AI engine to help solve new problems as they come up.
The Vision of Amplio
The pace of business is too fast to have to fill in the blanks yourself while also avoiding following other people’s solutions. Amplio provides quick learning in how to solve your problems.? It can provide a quick start to get going or can do improvement in place regardless of your current approach. This enables you to fit your situation and culture.
Amplio focuses on creating leaders instead of followers by providing understanding and insights. This helps avoid resistance to improvement.
Other details
Amplio provides tools to use for learning, decision-making, and collaboration.
It also provides PowerPoint slides to assist in conveying concepts as needed.
A detail often overlooked – affordability
The trick today is no longer in having someone know what to do. It’s getting your team to know what to do. This requires affordable, convenient education in the workplace. I have been working on this for over 20 years. I joined the PMI hoping to bring what I knew about this to them, but they, unfortunately, were not interested. For the last 3 years, I’ve been creating a new type of education and consulting approach that provides information to those who want to be leaders in their organizations. While its cost is about 20% of what it would take to cover its scope, its real value is that it enables you to learn in your workplace over time. And it incorporates how you can convey useful concepts to others.
More information on Amplio University can be seen here.