How America and the World Got Sadder and Meaner on the Way to Authoritarianism
Frank Shines Midjourney generated image of dystopia as man stares into his smartphone.

How America and the World Got Sadder and Meaner on the Way to Authoritarianism

In recent years, a dark tide of authoritarianism has been rising around the globe. From the United States to Europe to Asia, populist strongmen promising to restore order and greatness have found eager audiences. But what's driving this troubling trend? According to political commentator David Brooks, the root causes go deeper than policy failures or economic grievances - they stem from a profound spiritual and relational crisis afflicting societies worldwide.

The Symptoms of Societal Decay

Brooks paints a stark picture of societies in decline:

- Rising rates of loneliness, depression, and suicide, especially among young people

- Increasing pessimism and negativity in public discourse

- Growing distrust in institutions and fellow citizens

- Widening divides between educated and less-educated populations

- Erosion of family structures and community ties

These symptoms manifest in political extremism, with many turning to populist authoritarians who promise simple solutions to complex problems. As Brooks notes, "A lot of people flock to the authoritarians and the populism because they're not only saying screw those elites, they're saying I'm restoring order to your deepest anxieties."

The Chain of Causality

But how did we get here? Brooks traces a chain of causality:

1. Extreme individualism and choice have eroded traditional sources of meaning and security (family, faith, nation)

2. This has left many feeling unmoored and anxious, lacking a "secure base"

3. Meanwhile, a rigid meritocracy has created vast inequality of opportunity

4. This has led many to feel the system is rigged against them

5. The resulting spiritual emptiness and resentment create fertile ground for authoritarians

At the core, Brooks argues, is a crisis of meaning and belonging. As he puts it: "We're undergoing a global spiritual recession and a lot of people are trying to use politics as a form of social therapy."

The Root Causes

Digging deeper, we can identify several interrelated root causes:

1. The privatization of morality - As shared moral frameworks break down, individuals are left to construct their own values, leading to disorientation

2. Erosion of social trust - With 71% of Gen Z agreeing that "most people are selfish and out to get you," existential insecurity proliferates

3. A narrow meritocracy - By sorting people primarily by academic achievement, we've created a rigid class system with limited mobility

4. Extreme individualism - An overemphasis on personal autonomy has weakened communal bonds and institutions

5. Loss of shared narratives - Without common stories and values to unite us, society fragments into warring tribes

Alternative Solutions

To address these root causes and stem the authoritarian tide, Brooks proposes several solutions:

1. Revive healthy forms of group identity - Reclaim positive visions of family, faith, and patriotism from extremists

2. Rebuild local community ties - Support grassroots efforts to weave social fabric and create spaces for human connection

3. Redefine merit more holistically - Move beyond narrow academic measures to recognize diverse forms of talent and character

4. Cultivate "defiant humanism" - Even in polarized times, strive to see the full humanity in others, including opponents

5. Limit social media use - Support efforts like phone-free schools to protect youth mental health

6. Practice radical curiosity - When faced with differing views, seek first to understand others' perspectives through respectful dialogue

The Path Forward

Ultimately, Brooks argues, the antidote to authoritarianism lies not in policy alone, but in repairing the spiritual and relational fabric of our societies. As he puts it: "We have to learn to see each other with that level of reverence and respect or else we will feel unseen, disrespected, unheard, existentially unsafe."

This is no easy task. It requires us to resist the impulse toward tribalism and instead do the hard work of building understanding across divides. It means reviving shared sources of meaning and belonging while still embracing diversity and individual liberty. And it calls on each of us to cultivate deeper human connections in our daily lives.

The stakes could not be higher. As Brooks warns, "These are tough times...It's tempting in these times to turn into what the authoritarians want us to be, which is war of all against all, us versus them."

But there is hope. By reconnecting with our shared humanity and addressing our deeper needs for meaning and community, we can begin to heal our fractured societies. In doing so, we may yet chart a path beyond the false promises of authoritarianism toward a more genuinely secure and flourishing democratic future.

Extremely insightful????

Trudy Shines Morgan

Transformational Wellness Coach

8 个月

Love love love!! So very true! As a radiant coach for trauma survivors- this environmental air of meanness, lack of respect, and ego continues to traumatize those that practice positive interactions for self and others, but so sad when they are looked upon as the weaker ones; thinking meek is weak. great article- thank you for sharing.



