How America and Democracy Will Triumph - Part 1
Art: Music, Film. Theatre, Process?
With Schindler’s List and The Pianist, Steven Spielberg reminds us that violence and atrocity are as Bertolt Brecht wrote and Asimov and Putin confirmed:
A Little History
History proves that trade is the alternative to violence and war. Bertolt Brecht asserted that “Like Love, War always finds a way.” So does trade! The evidence of this lies in our prehistory, as does the evidence of the caveman and cavewoman’s ability to think and to create works of art.
The handprints found on the walls of the caves of Altamira are those of a woman:
Women hold up half the sky ~ Mao
Update and Relevance
?America’s leadership has been placed in a sensitive position as has been our software industry and our global trade agenda.?
Putin’s food and fuel global trade grab in Ukraine was intended to buoy up the ruble. This on the heels of a global pandemic. They have fueled a rush to refuge in the USD which is now at par with the Euro.?(Please see my related Linkedin article Interest Rates, Economic Growth and Global Trade)
U.S. exports are no longer advantaged by a dollar that was once weaker than the Euro. U.S. manufacture and?industrial production will have to be at a standard of excellence that allows our country to compete globally.?
Ironically, by invading Ukraine, Putin has advertised to the world Asimov’s?contention about violence and incompetence. The imagery of the poor quality and incompetence of Russian leadership in the field, of Russian tactics, of Russian military equipment and Russian logistics and Russian geopolitics has scaled globally.?
Now is the time for America to counterattack globally with the superiority of our communications systems, our technological innovations, our “Yankee ingenuity” and our historically proven superiority in logistics.?
Berlin Airlift
Regrettably what is lacking and holds us back from achieving excellence both on the battlefield and in business; global business, is how we finance global trade.?
Because of this incapacity and despite the fact that 22 U.S. Federal government agencies support U.S. exports, the fastest growing sector of the U.S. economy and everywhere the greatest creator of jobs, has a deplorable record of achievement. U.S. small business, when it exports-which is rare, exports to 2 countries, namely Canada and Mexico. Compare this record to that of Chile’s small business community, which after education and mentoring, exports to 13 countries.?
How do we fix this and achieve excellence in small business exporting? The answer lies in the democratization of what Infor (, Plug Power and AWS do and what leadership provides. It also lies with the lessons learned from Amazon, its development of AWS and its prospective acquisition of IRobot.?The assumption that a multinational acquires innovation by buying an innovative small business has been completely reverted by the experience and expertise of Christian Lindener. Complicating this challenge is the fact that private wealth and its political agenda now dominates the U.S. global trade agenda
The solution does not involve selling vaporware:
we must upgrade our thinking beyond #BusinessasUsual (Lindener)
or electing cartoon characters into the White House:?
The solution lies in utilizing what Deming described as “deep knowledge” of banking, of global trade and global trade finance, to lead America in achieving excellence again by sharing knowledge globally.?
America is Go for launch:
and our very best days are ahead of us because:
and global trade finance is an Art, and as Brent Staples wrote: History is the only education. All the rest is just training.
Women hold up half the sky ~ Mao
and as Churchill wrote:?
“There is no such thing as public opinion, there is only published opinion.”
Back to the Future
Thomas Edison's phonograph and his modest film studio, have evolved into a global film industry, representing an advancement and global scaling of ideas and history. As Faulkner reminds us, "The past is never dead. It is not even past."
Continued with Part 2: Film?and Relevance?