How America can avoid treasonous money elites, of the 1% dooming us to the same fate as the 5th century Western Roman Empire

Not appreciated, but the barbarian tribes whom entered the Western Roman dominions in the fifth century AD, were often no more than about 50 thousand or so people, with no more than about 10 thousand warriors. How did such small groupings collapse a political entity roughly half the size of the EU, over 1600 years ago?

In a word, rich Roman landlords, with massive holdings allowed themselves to be co opted in a pattern of insane obsequiousness to barbarian groupings, this in an era when the Roman Principate, of the first to third century AD, then the Dominate arrangements of the later fourth century AD effectively disarmed the Western Roman empire population and made it too disinclined to resist terror bands. While the uninformed may point to American gun culture as being a point of resistance to encroaching terror bands, the fact is, that the Roman land lords had massive plantation style semi slave arrangements for much of their labor, with the stirrings of feudalism as decreed by Diocletian, in the end of the third and fourth century shackling up to half of the country side in master-serf style arrangements, so the response of Roman Italy to the disaster of Cannae as initiated by Hannibal, where new armies were recruited overnight simply was not going to happen 7 - 8 centuries later on. Over 70 thousand Roman soldiers were butchered in Cannae, in the 3rd century BC, but within weeks, the Councils of the Roman Republic in the Third Century BC fielded massive land armies almost equal in number to the slaughtered Roman army destroyed by Hannibal, and Rome fought on to the battle of Zama, outside the gates of Carthage over a decade later.

In the fifth century AD, the Roman population rolled over and played dead to essentially puny Barbarian armies. i.e. there was no patriotism, and the Rich 1% of land holders in the Western Empire cut their own deals with barbarian "kingships" in the misnamed Federai ( Roman - Barbarian allies) arrangement of the sort used by Flavius Atius used to fight the Huns in 451 AD. In the battle of Chalons, not far from Paris today. Once Atilla, the so called "scourge of God" was no longer a factor ( he died on his wedding night shortly afterwards), the Barbarian Federai , in spite of a brief Western Roman imperial resurgence by Macron, in about 461 AD, threw the Western Roman dominions into chaos. The slaughter of the Eastern Roman army when it was in a huge transport fleet near Carthage by Vandal Fireships, about 468 AD, in spite of the fact Sicily was briefly used as a replacement for North African wheat supplies to Rome, blew the entire show to kingdom come.

What we have to worry about now

A. McConnell, Ted Cruise, Rubio, and numerous cowards in the GOP senate have for insane reasons unfortunately convinced themselves on the basis of specious reasoning that the defacto future of America has to be tied up in feudal arrangements with Russian spies, serving as minders for Rich Americans who in turn direct GOP representatives to do the bidding of Vladimir Putin. And all backed by billions of USD / Euro cash deposits. i.e. now due to the sheer unpopularity of Donald Trump, the role of rich industrialists is declining whereas the Russian money influence in Senate, and in US Presidential elections is exploding

B. Yes, as noted in FOX news, recently, Russia SHOULD present no real threat to the United States. It . Russia, is a HUGE threat, as Putin has managed with a 300 billion Euro war chest to bank roll half of the GOP senators whom are abysmally blackmailed by FSB bail outs and Russian Mafia money.

C, We got into this situation with respect to Russian money due to Citizens United, the worst US Supreme court decision in US history.

D. Ironically, the sheer unpopularity of Donald Trump is fueling the increasing dependence of GOP senators upon Russian money.

Here are some solutions

I. Repeal Citizens United, i.e. the worst USSC decision in American history. End it as a matter of national security.

II. Take away from Donald Trump the ability of the Trump administration to award ambassadorships to rich donors, like Sondland, whom for one million USD got a plumb ambassadorship to the European continent he never should have been given

III. Make it a federal crime, punishable for up to 10 years in Federal prison for US senators, especially, to receive foreign money. i.e. and ENFORCE it.

IV. Make it well known over and over again that obsequiousness to presumably weaker foes will in the end only breed contempt and further blackmail. i.e. Those receiving money from Putin (Trump and nearly 30 of the GOP senators) are routinely reviled as stinking cowards in the Duma ( I have seen the broadcasts) and that familiarity with such obsequiousness does not bring respect.

V. Make willing promotion of Russian propaganda in elections grounds to at the minimum to have those doing it to be required to register as agents of a foreign power, with those resisting it, when this is backed by Russian money, targeted by RICO and other criminal statues

We do not have to commit suicide as far as being a nation state. There are ample grounds for changing statues as to enforce the intent of avoiding bought elections, by foreign nationals.

Finally in doing this, we can avoid the suicide of the Western Roman empire of the 5th century AD, by ceasing to be bought by rich Russian criminals and paid actors of Vladimir Putin.

Note what was said by Palmer recently


When asked about it by a reporter, Donald Trump said this about his phone conversation with Gordon Sondland: “I don’t recall.” Wait a minute here, that doesn’t sound like a very Trump-ian response. In fact we did a search, and Trump has never tweeted these words in his life. These are the words you hear someone nervously and tepidly dishing out when they know they’re in such deep legal trouble, they’re finally busting out the phrase that their lawyers told them to use all along.

We’re not saying that the “I don’t recall” defense never works. It’s just that the Donald Trump we’ve come to know and hate would normally have responded to such an accusation by insisting that the phone call never happened, phones don’t exist, and Gordon Sondland isn’t even a real person. This new iteration of Trump is clearly afraid to assert that the call didn’t happen. That alone means he’s roughly as overwhelmed by the first day of televised impeachment hearings as his Twitter silence led us to believe.

End of quote

It is good that the repeated lying fests of the POTUS are no longer so frequently used, but it is necessary to go beyond mere recitation of stock Lawyer injunctions to get at the root of the problem, which is the insane obsequiousness of the top 1% in America to Russian funding and control of the GOP senate.

Bear in mind, that Russia is a MUCH weaker country than the USA. We do not have to commit suicide as the Roman elites did, 1600 years ago to comparatively puny (in comparison to the total economy of CONUS) nation states

We have a choice. It is time to act on it.

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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