How Amazon uplifting US National's Life?
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How Amazon uplifting US National's Life?

"You know what you must be thinking about now, but no one else can hear you. Your mother is coming to visit, and she'll be right here." -Molly Hennessy

It had been a long time since Molly Hennessy had gotten the letter from her dying mum (her mum being the very embodiment of everything great in life). She knew there were many more letters that would be sent over the years. This is when one begins to wonder how much more the woman lived (or her father lived?) and the amount of great times that she has kept from everyone. The question remains, though, as to where this woman's message was put. It seems to suggest that life was not all good in spite of my mum. There were a few things that I believe are quite easy enough for us to dismiss without any hesitation, however, one thing remains true, our mothers left us with something that we truly need, if not more to take on the world. One such thing being to find out we have each other, and that she came into our lives at a moment before she died. We must keep this in mind as it allows us not only the opportunity to understand our mothers better but also to give back more of ourselves to them through words. Her death also gave me an opportunity to finally let go of some of the things that I had thought that had a direct cause for it to happen. After all, I am not sure how much of a threat does a dead person pose. I just don't think it would make sense for someone to want something bad done to them, that way. When they say that 'they're going to do it again' they really mean they're going to keep doing it until they get away. However, despite this information and a lot more being revealed to me within this article, we need to remember that what's most important to them, it's always a matter of choice.

What was the point?

I honestly cannot tell you anything anymore that I wouldn't get the same exact reaction from the person who asked me to talk to your mum. As far as you're concerned things are never going to go well, as all our parents' will do eventually, regardless of their own feelings about this situation. You need to realise that you've grown up around your mum because of the times you spent together and the times you've shared with your brothers. Whether or not you wanted to admit it or not, you've loved her and she has given you a family that can't be taken away from you. Even when she got sad you had those people to help her get through these times. You're now old enough to understand this. My mum was very happy, not only me, but most importantly there was nobody who ever felt sorry for her. All she wanted was to have kids and to love them as her own. The reality was different though, when you were growing up you didn't even realize it. So, when you meet one of the greatest loves of your life, the answer isn't simple for you and it might just be another heartache, another tear to help yourself get over. Don't get me wrong, I understand, every parent wishes their child was happy because it means so much to them and they'll always want to protect and support them. What I'm trying to say is that they don't want to deal with heartache as it leaves you feeling vulnerable and alone as well. In turn, they want to be able to have you comforted and made whole. No one wants this at all (if I'm being honest) and they aren't going to feel good about that. They just want their child to know them and they want them to know them to be what they truly are. If their child is struggling then they believe it's because they're not perfect like you and she'll never be perfect like how I am. Now that I'm older than I've ever been, I understand why I say they're not perfect, I'm not saying that you aren't. I'm just saying that the people you love like me are much less perfect that you and I am. For these reasons, I believe a bit is all it takes. A bit could change us both if we choose to. For what purpose does it all come down to? Why have a relationship like that between two people?

Not being perfect anymore doesn't necessarily make us better, in fact, it could very easily ruin it. We both want the best for each other, yet, I think this is where so many misjudge each other. As much as your mum would choose you for your personality and your upbringing, I think what's important is having her as your partner. That way, we can get the best and I think life is too short for people to feel lonely and empty when friends don't seem to care about them the way she does or about each other. At least, I hope that this isn't the case by stating this and by reminding you of all the great things she did for you no matter what, or don't, she did for you. I mean everything, because if this is the case what happens next? You don't want to hear the advice that my mother gave me that still rings in my ears. I understand, but even she knows it's not true. What I hope is that this helps bring peace to you and me. To put it bluntly if I am being blunt to you, having a relationship (even if it's a temporary one) has become more important and that's making you more fragile. I know, that's difficult to accept. Having said that, if we stick to this and learn to accept that we don't have all of the answers you need to have then we can at least share them. Let's put some distance between us and the ones we love, and let's be brave enough to say goodbye to the things we wanted to say, and maybe learn to do them in front of them in person. Maybe someday when your mum dies you'll realize one day why those things were so hard for you to say, and why they were so hard for me to do. Maybe they should be the reason you get the attention and love from your parents. I hope that one day it'll make you feel the same love that you'd want to receive and be proud to have known them. Maybe you'll realise that the person you used to call an enemy isn't one anymore. We should be ready to forgive them and be with them to remember our past, our present and future. At least so the memory will stay, and hopefully not stay a dream. It might just end up becoming the last things that they ever see, and it might just change us both. Hopefully, at least, we'll be good enough, and we'll even be strong enough to handle it. Whatever happens, as long as we can be there for each other and make the best decisions possible for our futures, then I hope to see you one day soon and I wish you the happiest time of your life.?

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