How, then, am I mad? - Who is pulling the strings?
“TRUE! __nervous__very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses__not destroyed__not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad?”
— Edgar Allan Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart
On this, the sixth instalment of my article on Mathematics, I am going to tackle that old chestnut: The String Theory. Don’t worry, I get it. You think I am mad! As Edgar Allan Poe said: That disease has sharpened my senses. In any case, I needed to understand the string theory because my “Yet another theory of everything”, has strings in it. A different kind of string perhaps, but string nonetheless.
“ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over quaint and curious volumes of my favourite x-cology…”
- Kazeem Olalekan, Lamentations - A collection of Poetry, Chapter 3, verse IV, p 30
By Jbourjai - Mathematica output, created by author, Public Domain,
Let’s just say I approached this subject as a complete novice. But when you ride on the shoulders of giants, you can see far ahead indeed. So my research started by listening to this conversation between Prof Jim Al-Khalili and Prof Brian Greene on BBC radio 4’s Life Scientific. The trailer to the program went something like this: ‘Of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Prof Greene is probably the most capable of explaining this difficult subject’. So I have racked up over 40 hours of listening and reading around this subject but I must say, my brain has turned into mush! (1-4) This is truly a difficult area of theorising. So, in the spirit of what Prof Greene describes as ‘translating technical language into ideas and words that people can grasp (and there is plenty of that in his many books), there is great excitement when people can feel they are catching a glimpse of the cutting edge of understanding’ (I am visibly excited - read his ‘Elegant Universe’); I am going to use my own simplification (remember, they are just simplifications, so don’t quote me...damn it go ahead: quote me ;-)). My aim here is clearly to understand the theory using my own framework, after all I am on a quest to describe my own theory of everything. I also want to amplify the excitement around Superstring theory and hope that you (the reader) may one day join the next army of theoretical physicists.
The problem:
When we talk of giants they don’t come any bigger and bolder than Newton and Einstein. This story, that eventually led to the Superstring theory, indeed has a lot of giants. I will be standing on many of their shoulders. We have met Isaac Newton (1642-1727) before in relation to his work on calculus. He also formulated the theory of gravitation, amongst other things, after - the story goes - seeing an apple fall from a tree. Newton belonged to a class of scientists who like to observe things (empirical observation) and then provide some explanation of why. The explanation offered may be very accurate at the time but science is never precious about these things. Some bright spark might come around and offer a more compelling explanation. This was exactly what happened with Newton’s law of universal gravitation. You can read about what he said in more detail elsewhere because that is not the main point of this story. In any case, a GCSE/A Level Physics student will be able to recite Newton’s second law of motion - verbatim! The bright spark that came and poured cold water on Newton’s idea was no other than Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) who started with Special Relativity and later evolved this into General Relativity: a theoretical gravitational framework that superseded Newton’s law. Einstein belongs to another class of scientist, that just sits there with their pen and paper (chalk and blackboard in his case) and a good helping of mathematics and just thinks. These theoretical physicists, like their Greek predecessors, will think up an idea and then go and see if they can find experimental evidence to support it. We need both types of scientists!
Yes, you guessed it! Even Einstein’s relativity did not provide all the answers. His theories of relativity (1905 - special relativity, 1907-1915 - general relativity) works very well for big objects - everyday objects and in space. But a new area of physics was starting to emerge (mid-1920s) known as quantum mechanics, pioneered by a host of new giants: Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg and Max Born. This physics was looking at subatomic particles (really, really small particles). It turns out that at a subatomic level, these particles are a law onto themselves. They do not obey any of Einstein's relativity equations. So a new equation (a new mathematics) had to be developed for this area of physics. Enter another giant! Max Planck, who discovered that energy of an element is proportional to its frequency. You can start to see that elementary particles are not acting like point particles but almost like waves! At this subatomic level, we now start to talk about Planck constant and Planck length (both are really really really small numbers!); and theoretically, quantum gravitational effects are believed to begin to be apparent at the Planck length.
The problem string theory (and especially superstring theory) is trying to explain away, is the apparent dichotomy between what we observe around us and what is happening at the quantum level. Superstring theory is trying to provide a unifying explanation to everything - thus providing a better understanding of our universe: Which is commendable.
Some illustrations
If we, as humans, are an integral part of this cosmic soup; then do not be surprised if the dichotomy that I describe above is playing out within our bodies and within our races. We already know that cosmic radiation can affect our genetics (our fundamental building blocks) resulting in cancerous mutations. So without trying to be a plonker (I see myself more as a Plancker; with an interesting grasp of the sub-planck length behaviours), I will use an accessible set of illustrations to help us understand what is happening at the quantum level.
Of course I am not trying to anthropomorphize these particles, but let us for now orient ourselves in a nation state where the secret services are particles operating on a quantum level (the level at which Planck’s law rules the waves) and the rest of the non-secret society are particles operating on the Einsteinian general relativity level. This is an oversimplification but it offers a framework of understanding. There is a school of thought that believes that quantum particles will follow Eineteinian relativity law if they are not secret and those that currently follow the Eineteinian law will follow Planck’s laws if they are secret. It appears therefore, that the fundamental dichotomy in the cosmic space is between that which is secret and that which is not secret.
Why is this the case?
Why do particles want to remain secret and others want to remain visible? It is a strategic choice. I am not going to offer an explanation here on who or what makes that choice. However, at the most fundamental level no particle sets out on a suicide mission. All particles are on a mission of self preservation. However, to truly achieve the level of preservation desired by all particles, a degree of synchronicity must exist between the secret and the non-secret particles. So if we return to our analogy of a nation state, the ideal is that all the citizens of that nation state (secret and non-secret) are working together to keep the nation safe.Unfortunately this ideal does not always play out as expected. At this point, you are permitted to let your imagination run wild as to why this might be the case. This cosmic dichotomy also plays out on an individual level. As a citizen in the nation state, I have things that are secret and things that are non-secret. My secrets are there to protect me and not necessarily to damage the nation state. That is a conscious decision I have made and is based on how I have processed the things that are visible (non-secret) to me. I act relatively to the nation state to keep myself and the nation state safe - because frankly they are one and the same thing. It has been suggested that we are [only] not able to observe Eineteinian relativity because of the speed at which events happen (at significantly less than the speed of light). There are occasions however (amplified by the level of state secrecy), when an individual’s secret inadvertently puts the nation state at risk. In such a case, it matters whether the individual is part of the secret or non-secret network of the state as this will determine how we go about investigating the potentially damaging secret.
The act of seeking understanding of the quantum universe, is the scientists’ way of unlocking and possibly neutralising any damaging secrets that may be lurking in the horizon. One of the tools used to conduct investigation on the quantum level is light (which makes the invisible, visible; the secret becomes a little less secret). Light particles and its speed are said to exhibit quantum symmetry i.e. it remains unchanged under some transformations. So light can go from secret to non-secret realms and remain unchanged. You might be able to bend light but you cannot change it. So what is the nature of light?
What has been observed?
It should be apparent that any secret agent would have lost his/her mojo the moment it is uncovered. What will be the point of a secret service or agent if it cannot keep secrets? So quantum particles have been observed to behave really erratically (like a wave) when they are cornered! They don’t like their secrets being uncovered, period! This act of keeping secrets is damaging however, to the scientist’s understanding of the quanta. So scientists send discrete photons, enough to just understand what is going on without causing too much agitation. Even now, we can only go on probability. One of our giants, Max Born (1882 - 1970) postulated a rule which states that the probability density of finding a (quantum) particle at a given point is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the particle’s wavefunction at that point.
A way a nation state might manage this conundrum, is to be open. It doesn’t mean it has no secrets, it just means the secret will remain so for a fixed period of time and then released. This is fraught with a lot of loopholes, allowing for the original accounts to be curated and therefore greatly diminishing the learning opportunities. The ideal is that the essence of what is happening is captured accurately without compromising the need to keep secrets. More like the Born postulate, where the released account more or less has the highest probability density of being a true account.
A problem arises when something forces a shrinking of the time between uncovering the secret and making it widely available. This is the same as merging Einsteinian general relativity with Planck’s law. This process throws up impossible mathematics, which scientists today are still trying to unravel.
The String Theory and the Superstring Theory
String theory was first studied in the late 1960s as a theory of the strong nuclear force (forces that act between protons and neutrons of atoms) but was abandoned in favour of quantum chromodynamics. That is another great thing about science. Scientists are never too precious about ideas. If it doesn’t work, they move on! It turns out that the very properties that made string theory unsuitable as a theory of nuclear physics made it a promising candidate for a quantum theory of gravity. Enter a new set of giants (figure below). The theoretical framework replaces point-like particles of particle physics with one-dimensional objects (usually on the order of the Planck length) called strings. Earliest version is the bosonic string theory but later developed into five consistent versions of the superstring theory and later unified into M-theory.
Courtesy Google search
Let us go back to our simplistic nation state. Now let us visualise that everyone in the state - both secret and non-secret agents are connected by these one-dimensional vibrating objects called strings. Information (through the concept of resonance) can pass in both directions without compromising secrecy, with the ultimate aim of keeping everyone of the citizens safe. Well done, you’ve noticed a flaw! How can you pass information to the right person without attracting unscrupulous attention? This is especially true when you, a citizen in the nation state, is not even sure who in the secret or non-secret world shares your objectives. Superstring theory introduces a concept called supersymmetry in which each elementary particle from one group has an associated particle in the other group. This is known as its superpartner. By extension, a citizen in the secret arm of the nation state will have a superpartner in the non-secret arm of the nation state. Now you can let your imagination run wild.
Having a superpartner in the secret domain (if you are in the non-secret domain) or a superpartner in the non-secret domain (when you are in the secret domain) of the nation state is not enough. Whilst spacetime (the dimension used by Einstein in his general relativity) works very well in everyday non-secret life, String theory must incorporate extra dimensions which would not be observed in experiments. We have to accept (and take account of) the fact that there are multiple dimensions in the non-secret world (e.g. the citizen with both secret and non-secret elements) and more so in the secretive world which we just can’t observe experimentally. Different models have been used to describe the different dimensions (5,6). Bosonic string theory has 26-dimensional spacetime, Superstring theory has 10-dimensional spacetime and M-theory has 11-dimensional spacetime.
I am pushing very hard now at the limits of my understanding, but you can start to understand the setup from a String theory’s perspective. I will stop soon but not before exploring the problem posed by the shrinking of the time between uncovering the secret and making it widely available - which I will call the Einstein-Planck conundrum. The problem arises because keeping secrets are effective ways of entrapment. You are seduced by the prospect of thinking that whatever action you are made to undertake, will never see the light of day; thus giving you a green light to act with impunity. You feel betrayed. That is one explanation. The other explanation is that the unmasking of the secrets too soon, results in increased risk of fatal consequences to all associated with the secretive agent. This violates the mission of all particles. Again you feel betrayed. This is a moment of tumultuous change and strife. String theory addresses this by proposing that the fabric of space can be ripped and torn.
“Some physicists have really suggested that there is a puncture (in the black hole) but we are protected from this cosmic singularity by the event horizon of the black hole” - The Elegant Universe - Brian Greene (Chapter 11).
One of the models used to describe the many dimensions of spacetime: the Calabi-Yau manifold, has been shown to undertake flop-transition, which basically is the shrinking of the sphere in a Calabi-Yau space to the point of tearing or puncturing and then ‘sewing up’ the hole. Theoretical physicist Edward Witten proposed that the reason no flop-transition has ever caused universally catastrophic results is because the world-sheet of the strings will surround the flop-transitioning sphere and virtually cancel out the effects. That sounds about right. The reason why our nation state does not disintegrate because of the tearing that occurs as a result of the Einstein-Planck conundrum, is because all the citizens (secret and non-secret) of the nation state rally round to cancel out the effect.
Isn’t it odd that when I hear about the space fabric tearing, the image that forms in my mind is this:
“...Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;..”
-Matthew 27:50-51
- The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (available on Audible) Link
- The String Theory of Everything 1 & 2 (Documentary available on Amazon Prime) Link 1 Link 2
- Brian Greene Explains the Universe (Documentary available on Amazon Prime) Link
- String Theory (on Wikipedia) Link
- Calabi-Yau manifold Link
- Brane cosmology Link