How “Airlines industry” is making fool?

How “Airlines industry” is making fool?

I think, this is the time to change in the Airlines industry ( #SpiceJet , #GoAir, #AirAsiaIndia , #AirIndia, #JetAirways & #Vistara) & their benchmark because there is “No Standard” sustain by all the domestic airlines players .... the most surprising element , Even - Government is not ready to take any action around their procedure.     

Over the last 18 months , i travelled (+100 times) to Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Jaipur & others cities ,,,,Finally, it’s time to share my experience with domestic airlines players ....

.... i would like to tell you something about domestic airlines players ? I am sure, this is not enough but i tried to cover every aspect associated with Airlines industry ...

·        Does It matter to Airlines industry ( SpiceJet , GoAir, AirAsia India , Air India, Jet Airways & Vistara )?

? The answer is “NO”. Approx 70% time my travel got delay between 15 minutes to 9 hours ... this is the ridiculous things throughout last 18 months .... because this is the “BAU” for them. I saw people were fighting for their time, money & work . Now these days , i am not even reacting because that’s normal for me . Although, i am start comparing between Airplane to Buses ... i know , this is not at all right comparison because bus industry are more customer focus oriented. Honestly, such a low-level ....  

·        What is the satisfaction rate ?

? Are you happy with their facility \service ? most of the time or 96% , you will get an answer – NO. If this is fact, what the fuck is going on ?

why can’t we take some tough steps to improve their quality or Government doesn’t want to take any decision ....?    

Government aware of it ? if yes – are they planning to take any step ?

Ohhhh , let’s assume that -   Government not aware of it - 

Can anyone aware of this , how does it roll up to GDP ? it’ time to give an example :-

I am sure, this is shocking to everyone –

We have approx 180 seats in the plan :- 180 head count * waiting time (10 minutes ) = 1800 minutes

If we are wasting 1800 per day so in a year 1800 * 365 = 6,57,000 minutes ONLY ,,,, we can use this time somewhere else ....    

   ·        Playing with Customers sentiment & no value for their time ?

? No doubt, they (players) don’t care about sentiment of the customers as no backup plan for them in term of Airplane & others things . They were \ are \ will be asking passenger to wait. Today, why am i writing this article ? because they don’t have backup for OLD AGE customers \ people ... I can feel their pain ,,,,, i wish .. i can do something today ....

Anyways , on the other side – they are opening saying to take your money back or Cancel the ticket on the spot which is highly disrespectful & i tell why ? BECASUE – we don’t have any choice ... &&& we have to go ....    

  ·        What is the best way to take penalty from Airlines industry ?

? I think, this is the most interesting fact for reader. I know, everyone wants to take their money back with HIGH interest rate or we take current \ largest price of the tickets + plus interest from day we booked the tickets or free travel if they don’t give the proper service. Feel free to give your suggestion on it ...     

·        No understanding around emergency associated with customers ?

? I can explain it appropriately through example of one the passenger. Unfortunately, by professional he is a Doctor. Tomorrow morning, he has to do operation .... Neither he got the emergency seat to any other flight nor OLD AGE customers .... this is absolutely f***ing circumstance for them ..... people like me .. ONLY wasting time but they (Doctor & OLD people ) are losing their peace, sleep, health, wealth & can see the pain on their face.... BUT I CAN”T do anything ,,,,, i wish , i can hit someone ,,,,, but again not possible ...       

·        Back to back flight or connected fight throughout the day ?

? Most common reason from the fucking industry, why do they need to go for Back to back flight between cities ? even, if they don’t have backup plan ?

Why can’t Government cancel their licence ? why can’t they improve ? why can’t they feel the pain of customers ? this is happening again & AGAIN ? Why ?

WE WANT ANSWER ........ When will they change ?    

·        Training to calm down their customers ?

? One of fact of this fucking industry, every time- You will find one person who has no Authorities but he is controlling everything .. It’s part of the their training to maintain calmness between the customers, the best part he has “No Authorities” to do anything... but he has to take care of everything ...    

·        Do we need to create any rules for Airlines industry ?

? I want someone else give the answer for this question .... i don’t want to write because i don’t have enough power ,,,,

OMG, after waiting 3 hours ... I am going to Bangalore today .... i think, this is enough for the day... Good Night ,,,,, 


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