How Airim optimizes your 'Hooked' cycle?
Tushar Tyagi
Sales @6sense | B2B SaaS | President's Club Winner | Whatfix | BITS Pilani
"Accurate information is a key part of motivation" - Mary Ann Allison (Co-Owner of Allison Group LLC)
Engaged users are an asset to every business. From sign ups to retention, renewals and repeat purchases, engagement is critical at all stages of user journey. Product managers and marketers often utilize the classic 'Hooked' model by Nir Eyal to create design elements for persistent engagement of users.
Successful products use triggers to prompt user action in anticipation of immediate rewards. Offering variable rewards plays a vital role in keeping experiences unpredictable and surprising for users. The loop ends with the user making an investment in the product. This can be in form of inviting friends, stating preferences or giving feedback. Multiple cycles of this loop urges users to form subconscious associations with your product as the source of relief for their pain with recurring use. Once this status is achieved, they will continuously come back for more.
Going through the model, I realized that one of the major internal triggers is 'Information'. Thinking about information, 'Google' immediately came to my mind and I built the cycle most of us go through when we are looking for information on Google.
Evidently, every time we leave Google and reach our website/app/webapp destination, we're helping Google to know us better. This is in turn used by Google to improve its search enabling us to look for information more easily. But what happens once the user reaches the website/webapp/app? How are they quenching their information need within your platform?
Let us hold this question for a while and see how 'Hooked' loop works for Airim.
As shown above, Airim works on similar principles to optimize user journey on your app or website. Let me take you through user journey on any website/app/webapp to see how Airim shortens this loop with every cycle.
As you can see, personalized information can shorten user journeys and help them complete more number of 'hooked' cycles. Getting right information also motivates them to take make purchase decisions faster on your website or app. These results are based on a model by B.J. Fogg which shows how action is a function of Motivation, Ability and Trigger. When you design user journeys on your website or app, you are already ensuring that there are 'Triggers' in place to prompt users for action. In terms of 'Ability', you would ensure that there are no blockers for user to complete the intended action. But when it comes to motivation user would need information to make the final decision that would push them to take the final action.
For example, you have pushed notification of a X% discount offer as a trigger for users to discover the campaign you're running on an educational course. You have designed all Call-To-Actions (CTAs) to ensure a seamless journey for users to take action. But the user won't make the purchase decision until they know that the course covers a certain topic they would like to study. This will hinder them from crossing the threshold and taking action to sign up for the course. These kind of cases might appear in different forms but the problem is same: User doesn't have the information they need about your product. Every time you solve this problem, users save time and get hooked to your platform.
I shared some of my thoughts on this 'Hooked' journey here. I hope this is useful in understanding the critical role of providing accurate information to customers instantly.
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