How to AI (at your own risk)
Setting up the party
To make sure you have the latest version of WLS installed, do the following:
In Windows, run Windows Update and restart.
After that is being dealt with, in Windows, open CMD or Powershell and run two commands:
wsl --update
And then
wsl --install
This will prompt for username and password for your new Ubuntu installation. Finish setting up your Ubuntu.
Then you should be automatically logged into your new and shiny Ubuntu.
In Ubuntu, run the following commands one after another:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install git-all python3-pip
pip install diffusers invisible_watermark transformers accelerate safetensors --upgrade
Inviting your best friend to the party
You should still be in Ubuntu after previous steps are done. Run this thing then:
git clone && cd green-menace/
That's it, we are ready to get this party started.
It's party time!
Copy the following to your Ubuntu shell and hit Enter as hard as you can:
Oh baby, this surely is one of the parties of all time!
And now we wait. Depending on hardware it be anything from 33 days of waiting to the heat death of the Universe. We have the time, we have good company, let's just sit down and relax.
Okay, this will take a while, so let me show you how the Success looks like.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 1.68E+165:
To be a party pooper, hit Ctrl+C