How AI is transforming the way we work, create and learn - feat. Antoine Macia, Tech Director @ PHORIA
Today I’m talking with Antoine Macia , our Tech Director, about all things artificial intelligence (AI) and how this powerful technology is transforming the way we work, create, and learn.?Check it out!
T: Welcome Antoine! Firstly, can you tell all these LinkedIn readers a bit about yourself?
A: Hello! I'm Antoine (pronounced as ?? + 1??), Tech Director @ PHORIA & CAPTUR3D, where my peers and I work on weaving immersive technologies together to solve real world problems and produce delightful experiences. I love reading and talking about AI & XR programming and their ethics. I also love solving interesting problems and making useful stuff. And I can bake my own baguette at any point in time.
T: Absolutely love to see it and thanks so much for finding the time to go on this curiosity voyage with me today! I know you’ve been diving deep on AI this year as part of our research and development goals - I believe you’ve even been conducting your own learning experiments?
A: That’s right!
T: So what are some of the AI tools you are most excited about?
A: Everything happening in the computer vision space is mesmerising to me, for example Midjourney, NeRFs... There has been an exponential progression in AI tools over the past 10 years. I’m so impressed by the predictive techniques that allow us to generate information in novel ways, like in the form of images. With tools like Midjourney, we can do things we couldn’t fathom not long ago!
The natural language processing (NLP) space has also made some incredible advancements, with its ability to correlate language in a way I didn’t think would be possible this early. What we call “general AI†doesn't feel so far away anymore.?
I’m excited as much as I am fearful of the applications of AI tools and its impact on humans across the globe - AI ethics is a domain of research and expertise that is underrepresented and unfounded in comparison. Between for-profit investors looking to generate revenue, and engineers looking to solve interesting problems, we need people thinking of long term implications.
T: I’m going to pick your brains more about the ethical implications of AI in just a second. But first, I want to focus on some industry applications for these tools. Working with CAPTUR3D, you tap into so many different industries, from real estate to retail. As a lifelong learner, I’m curious to see how education will be impacted by the rise of AI. What role do you see AI playing in creating more personalised and immersive learning experiences?
A: AI and data systems can be both an enabler and a force multiplier on most domains of expertise. They provide a different set of tools and techniques to solve problems in a way that isn’t really possible with traditional software techniques.?
With a lot of the immersive educational experiences we create, it’s all about contextualising information, and this is something AI is really good at. Whether it’s a chatbot that can provide help based on the learner’s context, or an AI driven AR experience that can curate information based on the learner’s playspace - there’s a plethora of use cases. Combining AI with existing immersive tech can produce more contextual awareness, and allow us to create educational experiences catered to the user.
T: It’s so exciting to think about adaptive immersive content based on someone’s surroundings. But of course, we need to consider the importance of human input and creativity. As a studio that’s filled with artists, designers, creatives - it’s a big talking point for us.
A: Absolutely.
T: So as AI becomes more integrated into immersive tech, how do you think we can balance the benefits of automation with the need for human creativity?
A: As a software engineer, I’m a big believer that automation can greatly empower human creativity and human capabilities; it can incrementally push the boundaries of what used to be limited.?
Generally automation is used to standardise our work, so that we’re not continuously re-inventing the wheel and can focus on the more novel problems. I think that automation by itself, by definition, leads to a lack of creativity in what’s produced. But humans can use automation (or “habitsâ€) to streamline their work and reach new heights. Good automation must be flexible and extensible. Like with humans, some habits that were previously useful must be “unlearned†in order to continue evolving.
T: That’s a great way to look at it - automation as an enabler of human creativity, rather than an inhibitor. I know that “AI generated, human edited†has become a bit of a mantra for the team. As you’ve said, automation can really help us streamline our workflows and digest large amounts of data that would otherwise boggle our minds.
I’m curious - how do you think AI and automation can help us better understand and leverage the data generated by immersive experiences?
A: That’s a tough one! I think AI can help by correlating data sets together and generating predictions that increase a user’s “contextual capital†and enhance their experience. By contextual capital, what I really mean is a user’s ability to understand data in the context of the world around them. In my opinion, the more a user gets to see data layered over real life (through lenses like AR or Mixed Reality) the more impactful the data can be.
But first we need to question what makes a more educational immersive experience in general or what UX improvements actually benefit user engagement. We need to use these hypotheses to guide the improvements through AI and other tools (and sometimes just good heuristics suffice).
A relatively general practice around building data driven solutions is to “start with the dataâ€: gather as much data as possible and figure out what fun/useful things can be done with it. But this blanketed practice can disregard ethics and lead to solutions that don’t really fix any relevant issues or frictions.
In XR, information is delivered within the spatial context and we try to leverage as many human senses as possible. So the work really starts with the question: how can we make immersive experiences more educational and increase a user’s contextual capital? In VR and AR for example, users interact with content spatially. So input solutions like Chat GPT, where you need to type text on a keyboard, might not work that well. However, NLPs and voice-based interfaces could help increase a user’s awareness without breaking their immersion.?
Another opportunity for AR is to combine spatially detected objects with contextual information in real time, without being embedded into the application directly. Imagine a Museum assistant being able to provide information about the item in front of you, but curated to how you may best consume this information (e.g your age, language, etc..)
T: It makes me really excited to think about these applications.
A: Me too!
T: As you touched on, AI has so much potential in the XR space - but it’s quite a challenge to move away from blanketed practices. So as we use AI to create more inclusive and diverse virtual worlds, what challenges do you foresee for us??
A: Well, ML models are only as good as the data they’ve been trained with; if the data is skewed, the same will be true of the predictions. So if the companies conceiving AI products do not see the importance of inclusivity and diversity when crafting solutions, this could very much be reflected in the models that emerge.
On the other hand, if AI can identify human biases and make us aware of them, it could really help drive better inclusivity and diversity.
So really AI can increase biases as well as reduce them. It's a multiplier rather than a value adder - a very sharp tool that must be handled with both cautiously and thoughtfully. This is why I believe working on ethics, boundaries and regulations is important to pair with the rapid evolution of capabilities.
T: This feels like a perfect time to circle back to the ethics question. What ethical considerations do you think need to be taken into account as AI becomes more intertwined with our daily lives, and how can we prepare for them?
A: Plenty! AI is driven by data, and that data is biased in most (if not all) cases. In reality regulation on data collection, and regulation in general, is continuously playing catch up with the fast pace of the technology. As for-profit companies and VC’s are so eager to make more money in creative ways, this leaves us with a tonne of education and preparation to do as individuals.
T: Absolutely agree. As leaders in the tech space, it’s vital that we temper our excitement over AI by carefully considering the ethical implications.
A: Exactly. I believe there is a responsibility for data scientists, data engineers, businesses collecting data and any professional in the domain to be educated in data and tech ethics. These ethical considerations have to be taken into account with their decision making. I see professionals in the space and people in general as benevolent, but a lack of education in this context can lead to unintended yet particularly harmful implications. I suggest anyone in this field to take the Data ethics course from which does a great job at summarising the impact of AI and more broadly data misuse in our society.
T: I’ll definitely be making time to take that course. Thank you so much for joining me today Antoine, needless to say you’ve absolutely smashed this topic! Any final thoughts on how AI is transforming our lives?
A: AI, and how it allows us to work with data at scale, is transforming the way we work, create, and learn in so many ways. It enables us to automate tasks, to make more informed decisions and provide a new set of solutions to existing problems! And because of this immense potential, it’s important that we continue to invest in ethical regulations while pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
I honestly love talking about this, I could talk for days!
T: Ok readers, let us know in the comments what you thought of this discussion and if you want to see a livestream of Antoine and I talking more about AI and the metaverse!
A: Let’s do it!
good read!