How is AI nourishing the Indian Education system?
Indian Education systems are capricious and are subjecting education to a mass of students. The ways of delivering knowledge to students have been completely revamped over the last few years. A traditional method of having a class of 50-60 students with a black writing board is a thing of the past.?
We all still remember the days of studying in a class of 50-60 students barely getting a proper sight of a writing board but this is not the scenario now. Thanks to technology and development. Today, everything has been revolutionized and for good.
India with over 1.5 million schools delivering education to approx. 260 million students recently explored AI to elevate the value of education delivered. The physical schools despite having excellent faculty members feel lagged when the quality of education is concerned. The schools thereby have imbibed various AI software to enhance faculty’s ability and boundaries.
With AI, Teachers can get aid in maintaining grading systems, attendance records, student performance tracks all on a well-developed AI-enabled software. Once trained, teachers can leverage these software's for their good.
But, education is in no way limited to physical classrooms these days. The boundaries of the education world have reached our devices today. There are immense digital platforms available delivering knowledge to millions of students remotely on devices or computers.?
When it comes to leveraging AI principles, digital education platforms are leading runners. These platforms collect loads and loads of data for student’s watch time, course insights, fluctuation in the interest of students in the program, progress, tasks, and whatnot!
The collected data then goes through rounds of analysis to bring improvisation to the platform to make it better for students nationwide. Even though having been common for the mass public, with the aid of AI, this platform provides a personalized experience and unbiased attention to individual students.
Today, various tech giants are looking forward to leveraging AI to deliver education to a mass of students. The education platforms containing AI-powered courses can collect data on various critical parameters.
AI is here to stay and prosper. In the Indian education system, where the population is no way to stop, in the future delivering education to a mass of students that too with limited teachers can be possible because of AI.
And in executing this, virtual assistants can be of great help. Gravitas AI provides the same. We have customized AI-powered education assistant that can automate, and advance the way the education industry is operating.