How AI can make a better metaverse for women!

How AI can make a better metaverse for women!

How AI can make a better metaverse for women.

We are all aware that now the preponderance of Metaverse participants are women, and nobody can refute the fact that the Metaverse will indeed be primarily geared towards women as well. As the physical and virtual worlds converge, the metaverse's promise will intensify.?The worldwide metaverse market is predicted that by 2030 it will surpass the cap of $1.3 trillion by 2030. This boom, based on research, will be fueled by widely implemented virtual economy practices, in addition to the growth of communities, business incorporation, Global crypto adoption, and multiplayer services.

A recently conducted survey unveiled that the metaverse will mostly undoubtedly reshape social incorporation, especially from the perspectives of women.?69% of the interviewees thus believe this claim of revolutionizing the lifestyles related to additional approaches to leisure and recreation.

AI will make the metaverse more interactive

AI has the ability to help build much more dynamic metaverse ecosystems. Even though the concept of artificial intelligence and the metaverse are still relatively new, certain examples from today demonstrate how this may play out.

Sebastien Borget, co-founder and chief operating officer of The Sandbox, reveals that over 1 million people of both genders are members of the sandbox ecosystem and have grown accustomed to expressing themselves as avatars. As AI and ML components are introduced to the ecosystem, it will eventually become more user-friendly and accessible to a larger female audience, allowing them to personalize to their interests and liking.

Here are some factors in which AI can e used to Enhance a woman's experience in the metaverse.

Personalized Avatars: Experts believe that AI will assist you in developing realistic avatars for yourself via AI composition and rendering, allowing you to distinguish yourself from the crowd and have a personal identity. AI algorithms analyze 2D reference pictures using 3D scans and then build a very accurate duplicated portrait. It investigates facial expressions, hairstyles, age, and emotions. of the persona and can replicate it in their avatars, allowing them to freely express themselves and improve the believability and vitality of the avatar.

Real-Time Motion Tracking: According to Sony's new motion tracking development, the Mocopi Motion Tracking System, users will be able to physically participate in the metaverse community by incorporating their own bodily movements into their digital avatars, resulting in more customized and lifelike aspects.

Real-time voice changer: Using AI to include speech quality as well as motion tracking could dramatically improve conversations in virtual worlds. According to Sabin Dima, CEO of, AI will play a big role in the metaverse when it comes to establishing increased customer engagement. Developing digital speech and enabling avatars to converse in multiple languages will stimulate contact between individuals, improve experiences, and eradicate discrimination.

Development of Metaverse's ecosystem: The actual investment of AI in the domain is indeed the development of the Virtual Experience. The AI engine works with statistical information, evaluates it, & generates distinct outcomes each time. AI is evolving into a virtual environment that resembles the actual world. It produces results that are almost identical to those seen in the actual world. It was trained and honed to produce realistic human-like virtual worlds. More advancement in the field can help to sustain the metaverse without human intervention.

Self-sustaining AI:

Another AI innovation is self-supervised training. It is a machine learning-based solution that sits halfway between supervised and unsupervised learning. Using NLP algorithms Self-supervised development is enabled by artificial neural networks, which enable metaverse automation and the development of AI bots such as ChatGPT and Human AI to make the metaverse more dynamic and add more features of human in the ecosystem like digital humans to behave similarly to real-life humans. Self-supervised learning improves the automatic capabilities of AI algorithms and makes the metaverse more streamlined and interactive.

Yat Siu, co-founder and chairman of Animoca Brands, Also states he believes in artificial intelligence for improvement in metaverse experiences using Chatbots.

“One primitive example of this is chatbots. In video games, we constantly engage with non-player characters with rudimentary character development. AI changes this significantly. They will deepen and enhance engagement as well as create deeper meaning and utility to their related ownership of their assets in the metaverse,” he said.

AI, no matter how revolutionary or frightening, is a crucial and revolutionary instrument that will help develop a metaverse that can respond to the needs of women. And, since women are central to the Metaverse. It will have to be refined and advanced in the future. Though there are a few advantages and few disadvantages to deploying AI in the metaverse. Even with a scaled metaverse, it would be impossible to develop authentic or interesting material. Recently, all gaming and social media firms have joined forces with Meta to address the limitations of AI in the metaverse and increase its future ingenuity for women.

Penned by Hamza Nizamuddin



