How Affordable Transportation Can Combat Inequity

How Affordable Transportation Can Combat Inequity

#Transportation is something that many of us take for granted. Having the ability to get in our car and drive anywhere we want enables us to expand our job #market, pursue more affordable #housing and easily complete our daily errands. But this is a luxury that many people cannot afford.

For this reason, public #transit solutions like buses and trains have been implemented throughout most cities in an effort to help people that do not have access to personal vehicles. But this still leaves a large portion of the population being underserved. People that live in rural or lower income areas often have very little-to-no access to public transit, and are forced to rely on cars or active modes like walking and biking.

When a community is neglected by the government and private sector in regards to transportation it creates inequity because these people are not able to take advantage of the same opportunities as everyone else. From a financial perspective, people without access to #affordable transportation options will have a very hard time improving their financial situation because they can not afford a personal vehicle and do not have ability to travel to areas that offer high paying career #opportunities, so they must settle with the lower paying jobs that are available near them.

In order to combat this inequity governments should #invest in these areas and implement scalable #mobility solutions that will empower their residents. Whether this comes in the form of more public transit, micro mobility services like e-scooters or a multimodal transportation platform, providing these people with access to affordable transportation options will most certainly combat #inequity in underserved communities.

RideShark is working with governments, organizations and high-education institutions across North America to fight back against transportation inequity by implementing our Unified Mobility platform that enables residents to access carpooling, vanpooling, public transit, etc. This is a fully scalable solution that costs the city much less than any public transit system and incentivizes #sustainable transportation. To learn more about our platform, visit



