Affirmations are nothing but a few phrases or words that help you in creating a positive mindset inside you. It all about more than a century back when some doctor asked his patients to write repeatedly on a piece of paper ‘I am getting healthier and better, and it was a hit. Several other methods of affirmations then sprung up. But I am not going to talk about history.

 As you follow your journey to self-development and success, the role of unconscious mind becomes more important. If you want to


There is no set limit for the number of affirmations you have. Yet, be judicious. I feel a set of 10 to 15 affirmations, carefully chosen would serve the purpose.


 Hundreds of times, literally! Yes, some gurus prescribe several hundred repetitions of affirmations. But, being practical, you should at least chant each affirmation 10 times a day. More, if you have time. I do not prescribe writing it all over the house and believe that it would reflect on us. Better do it consciously and at a set time and position. It helps your mind understand that they are really important. Important is the key word for unconscious mind. If you sustain your affirmations for a very long period of time, then you could chant them just a few times per day. But, then don’t skip it for a single day.


For Health

  • I am powerful strong and healthy
  • My body is getting better, healthier, and strong day by day.
  • My heart ( … or any other specific part of body……) is getting better stronger and healthier every day.

For overcoming self-doubt

  • I create great goals and achieve them
  • I am capable, competent, and confident
  • I am energetic, enthusiastic, loving and cheerful

 For becoming more active and alive

  • I am active, proactive, assertive and bold
  • I am slim, trim, fit and healthy
  • I am Capable, Competent and Confident.
  • I am confident in my ability to [fill in the blank]

 For Feeling of Safety and Security

·     I am divinely protected and guided

 For generating positive mindset to money and prosperity

  • I am rich, prosperous and wealthy
  • I live in a world of abundance, opulence and happiness
  • Money is good and I am going to be good with more money.
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  • I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me
  • My actions create constant prosperity

 For Love & Relationships

  • I am full of positive loving energy.
  • I welcome love and romance into my life.
  • I am in a loving and supportive relationship.
  • I am loved, loving and lovable.
  • I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.

 The above are just examples. You can create your own affirmations.


Keep in mind a few things and you are through with writing your own affirmations:

  • Affirmation should be in the present tense. Do not use 'will', 'shall', 'would', 'should' etc.
  • Never say 'No'. Language should be positive. Don't say "I would not fall sick", but say 'I am getting healthier and better'.
  • No ifs and buts. The simple and straight sentence is enough. No long-winding or flowery language, unless you are a great literateur.


 Method to use Affirmation

  • Decide which are your top goals.
  • Decide what beliefs are required to achieved these goals.
  • Introspect and find out where you feel weak.
  •  Also decide which traits and behaviours you would like to reinforce.
  • Design the affirmations to suit your requirement

Meditation for saying confirmation.

 1.    Choose the affirmation you need, following the above criteria.

2.    Take your smartphone and record the text of meditation in your own voice. (Text given in next paragraph).

3.    Set a time, choose a calm and quiet place, and play the meditation in your own voice. It is far more effective than the pre-recorded meditation or by a guru. It is so because you have full control of your own course of action, your needs, and your own progress. You can change your meditation text as per your need.

Set a time daily and read out your affirmations. Or, you may tape it and play with your eyes closed. You can include in your meditation, visualization, and even exercise schedule

The Meditation Text (Saying it to yourself)

 Record the following text word-by-word into your voice recorder

 “Sit in a comfortable chair. See that every part of body is comfortable and free from tension. Allow a few moments to cool your mind …….. (pause)……….. Take a deep breath slowly and exhale. Feel the body relaxing whenever you exhale. …….. (pause)……….. Take second deep breath and and exhale, …….. (pause)……….., and finally take a third deep breath and exhale slowly………..…….. (pause)………..

Sooner or later, you will feel that your body is totally relaxed and mind is cool.

“Now, tell yourself that you are going to read out the affirmation for you own success in life. [READ OUT THE AFFIRMATIONS YOU WROTE DOWN BEFOREHAND]

These affirmations are going to help you achieve all your goals. …….. (pause)………..

Now, I will count from 1 to 5 and at the count of 5 you are going to be fully awake and alert as before. ONE…….., TWO, ……… THREE……… getting ready to wake up, ………..FOUR…….. getting up, AND FIVE, fully awake and alert.”

 There is no mystery in meditation. You can do it yourself. No need of any guru or teacher. s.


