How to Admit a Mistake with an Honour
Before you start reading this, let me ask you something. Have you ever made a mistake? Most certainly the answer is yes, I mean who has not? But the real blunder is when you make a mistake and coop up in a corner reminiscing over the details instead of facing the situation and admitting to have messed up. This is what we are going to do together today, why should you and how do you get to clean up your mess, how to straighten things out.
Let us take one at a time, first let’s deal with why at all should you admit to having made a mistake? I mean, who wants to swallow the pill, being fully aware of its awful taste right? Well, you do. Maybe the benefits of admitting your guilt as mentioned below will convince you:
Spare the Guilt Trip
Making a mistake is awful but being aware of it and hiding it is the real culprit. The thought and guilt will only seep in deeper within your conscience more and more every day, no matter how hard you try to shrug it off or how many times in a day you remind yourself of how cool and unaffected by it all you are. And because you are super cool, you want to avoid all this unnecessary stress and face the situation head on by admitting to having made a mistake. You will instantly feel a big load off you, and you will emerge out of that situation as a stronger and better version of yourself.
Lying is Troublesome
Think of all the cock and bull stories that you might have to make up to hide that one little mistake (or maybe a big one), phew! Too much work right? And the added on stress of remembering the minutest detail every time the incident has to be repeated. To cover one mistake, you start with one little lie, and the pool just keeps growing deeper. So face it and own it up, and do not burden yourself under those big lies.
You are Courageous and Honest
Maybe the reason we shy away from accepting our mistakes is the fear of the situation, but think what if the truth came out, and it will someday. Wouldn’t your reputation be at stake? Everyone makes mistakes, so bring the courage upfront and own up having made a mistake honestly. You will be surprised and glad at how courageous you can be and the positive outcome that you get on your reputation because of this.
Move on
It is hard to just forget the mistake that you have made and the consequences of it all. The guilt will not let you move ahead with your life, the feeling of remorse of having made a mistake will always keep troubling you depriving you of enjoying yourself. So admit the mistake, and let the past stay in the past, you will enjoy your present better and definitely look forward to your future without any guilt or unresolved strings attached.
More Chances
Admitting your mistake not only makes you a more honest, humble, and trustworthy person, but it also helps you understand the right from the wrong. Learning is one of the most crucial necessities of life and learning from your mistakes by correcting them is a big piece of self-learning that will accompany you forever.
Now that you know the many big advantages of owning up to your mistakes, let’s understand how to do it. It is tough and challenging we know, but not as big as the stress of not having to deal with it.
Start With Yourself
An apology without empathy is just hollow. And empathy only comes when you truly feel the words being said coming from your heart. So the first step towards rectifying your mistake and admitting it is to acknowledge having made a mistake to your own self. Once you do that, apologizing for the error made will sound and feel more sincere and genuine to the recipient.
Keep It Short and Sweet
Using fancy words is great for a date night, but when it comes to admitting to having been wrong, the best words are ‘ I am sorry, I made a mistake’ or something in that context. Keep it simple, be straightforward, and truly mean what you say. Also, it is a good idea to elaborate on what you are sorry for, something like ‘ I am sorry I made a mistake, of not calling you back, even after promising you that I would’. It is always a good idea to clear the whole air, and not keep any fuzzy areas for later.
Discuss Your Action Plan
Bravo! Now that you have admitted to having made a mistake, go ahead and discuss what you have planned to make the situation better. This is applicable for mistakes of any kind, personal, or professional. By doing so, you are letting the other party know that you have given it serious thought and are willing to do something that you might not be very comfortable with in the first place but still chose to do because you care.
I know admitting to having made a mistake can be quite a task and I appreciate the fact that you read this article, because that only shows how prepared you are to face the situation. Mistakes happen, and everyone does it. The question is, what are you going to do to make it right and how? Go ahead and try using what you learned from this article today. Because the more you practice, the better and more liberated you become.
If you still struggle and need a guiding hand, remember you always have an expert to help you out, a professional and certified coach. You can seek help even through a virtual medium given the current situation. A coach makes sure that you are comfortable and confident with admitting your mistakes, while at the same time makes certain that you do not deviate from the path of honesty.
You may reach out to Kamelia Allow, an ICF Certified Business Coach, via email [email protected] or visit
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