How To Address Delegation Concerns For Business Success
Let’s face it, delegation is a crucial component of any successful business, but it’s a real problem for so many. Some people may be concerned about delegating tasks and responsibilities, worried about the potential loss of control or the quality of the final product.
In this article, you’ll learn how to address these delegation concerns and ensure that delegation contributes to the success of your business.
So, let’s start by tackling the first myth of delegation.
Myth #1: “It’s Faster if I Just Do it Myselfâ€
That’s the biggest lie I hear when I coach agents on how to delegate. When we don't delegate tasks to others, we will forever be doing the work ourselves. The goal is to make more time for yourself through delegation..
Usually, this delegation concern is due to the fear of losing control. So I recommend starting small. Begin by delegating simple tasks, monitoring the progress, and providing feedback.
As team members prove their capabilities, gradually increase the complexity of the tasks delegated. And for goodness' sake, allow your team to do what they do best. Give yourself permission not to micromanage. The delegation process will pay off, and it will give you the luxury of more time to spend with your family, or anything you dearly love.
Myth #2: “Nobody Can Do it As Well As Meâ€
Trust me. There are many people that can fulfill our role, and maybe even do a better job than us. Business leaders who are obsessed with doing everything themselves usually become overwhelmed and sacrifice productivity..?
Based on my experience training real estate agents, not delegating to others stems from a lack of trust & experience in delegation. So I encourage you, when delegating, to communicate and trust new employees by providing them with clear guidelines. It’s also very important to allow others to make mistakes and correct them. This is how they learn.
It's important to ensure that the employee has all the necessary information, resources, and support to complete the task successfully.
You don’t have to be deeply involved, just perform a regular check-in and communicate. This will build your trust in the team, and ensure that the work is progressing as planned.
Delegation is a Profit Center Not an Expense
Many business owners and managers don’t delegate because they believe it’s an “unnecessary expenseâ€...
…however, not delegating will permanently make them slaves to their work and keep their businesses from scaling. In contrast, when they invest in talented people, and delegate, they can take their business to the next level.
As a byproduct, they’ll be happier and far more productive. Because now they have a lot more time on their hands to spend as they wish.
Before we part ways, make sure to follow me for more business success wisdom and advice. Also, you can check out The Core Truth playlist on YouTube, to learn more about building a profitable real estate business working less, and achieving more.