How to add SwiftUI views to Turbo Native apps
Hey again,
A major advantage of?Turbo Native?is the ability to drop down to Swift when needed. You can interact with native APIs or even render your entire view with SwiftUI.
Upgrading a web screen to native can add some polish to your app and make it feel a bit more at home on an iPhone. You also unlock some doors, like caching data for offline access and launching faster than a pure web-powered app.
Here’s the basics on how to integrate a SwiftUI view into your Turbo Native app.
This 20ish video minute tutorial starts with my new example codebase. It has both a Rails and iOS app packaged together – each with the minimum needed to get Turbo Native up and running.
Bonus: After you clone the repo you can check out the swiftui branch to see the completed code example!
If you give this a go I'd love to know what you think. I'm writing a more detailed version for my upcoming Turbo Native book. And could use any feedback you'd like to share.
Thanks! Until next time. :)
P.S. I have some upcoming availability to work with a new client. If you’re looking for help with your Turbo Native app then check out my services page.