How to add a new website in Google Analytics
Do you have multiple websites on hand? You want to track them all and you know to track them, you have to use Google Analytics.
Well. First thing coming to your mind will be.
Great.... now I have to create 5 different google accounts for 5 different websites.
In this short tutorial, let me teach you how to add multiple websites to your Google Analytics Account. (Provided you already had one)
- Login to your Google Analytics Account.
- Click on the admin button located at the bottom of the left menu.
3. Select the account from the drop-down that you wish to add to.
Note* you can have 100 analytics accounts under a single Google account
4. From the property drop-down, click on the "Create new property" option.
Note* You can only add up to 50 websites in one account.
5. Fill in the website details and click on the "Get Tracking Id" button.
6. Use the tracking ID and embed it to your website for Google Analytics to track.
You have successfully added a new website to your Google Analytics account.
Now you can utilize the results from Google Analytics to further optimize your website.