How To Adapt Your Fat Loss Strategy Whilst Working From Home

How To Adapt Your Fat Loss Strategy Whilst Working From Home

The post pandemic working routine is still a mess!

Hybrid working and remote working is now something we have to live with.?

Some people thrive, others find it difficult to get into routine. This article is designed to give those people that struggle,some quick tips to help them push forward in their fitness journey.?

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The problem with working from home.

There psychological impacts of working from home are plentiful.?

Humans are massively impacted by their environment. So having your home as an office or a classroom is going to confuse you subconsciously.?

Your home should be where you relax and do, well, homely stuff. Working and working out at home has its downfalls. There is nothing worse than trying to get that report done when Dave is drilling holes in the wall next door.?


When you are trying to get a workout done in your front room and the kids come back from school and start harassing you.?

It can also be hard to switch off at night. Many of my clients working from home try and “get ahead” for the week and find themselves working 16 hour days.?

Work/life balance can go out of the window. Which in turn can lead to added stress and the dreaded “burnout”??

Here are three tips to help you shape your fitness journey at home.

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If you have no other choice but to train at home we need to set up our surroundings. This means dividing your house up into areas. The two main segregation's we are looking for is an office/work area, where all you do is work. The other is a workout area, designated area for becoming a beast master.

You can even go as far as walking out of the door in the morning and taking a 5 minute walk as your “commute to work” and then again before you exercise as your “commute to the gym”.This may seem a bit ridiculous, but your mind is so powerful. Little tricks or hacks like this could lead to better motivation.

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Something we thrive on in the military. For some reason, when we leave, structure is the first thing to go out of the window. Many of you will perceive you don’t have time to exercise because of work, but we can only truly concentrate for a small period of time. So beasting yourself for hours on end without taking a break is going to be counter productive.

The Pomodoro?technique was developed in the 1980's by Francesco Cirillo, an Italian student. The premise is you set a timer, usually 25 minutes and work like a demon until the timer is done. You then take a 5 minute break and repeat. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break. It’s actually very effective and fun.?

Having structure to your day will allow you to get the important things done, without going off course. Make sure you have small breaks, a dedicated lunch time and a dedicated start and finish time with your working day.

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Factor In Exercise.

?If it’s not in your diary, it won't happen! Many of you are in control of your own diaries, or you can catch up with the work after exercise. If you are someone who can’t exercise before or after work, dedicating your lunch break is the best option for you.

Actually inputting exercise time into your work diary will make you be more disciplined and stop those pesky last minute meetings from being arranged.

This could be something as simple as going for a brisk walk with a backpack on or actually getting a 10 minute HIIT session in. We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours. You allocate time to what you perceive to be worthy. It may sound like a cop out comment, but it’s true.

At the end of the day....

We all have many plates that we spin on a daily basis. Looking after yourself should be a high priority. If you do not look after yourself now, it will be tough to carry on spinning those plates.

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If you are struggling with obtaining your fitness results, send me a message and let’s have a chat to see if we are a good fit to work together.


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