How to actually remember all your passwords
Everyone knows it is important to have a different password for every website, though we rarely admit it is too hard. But is it really impossible to remember thousands of passwords? Well, here is my tip! An easy method called Malerba Password enables anyone (even my grandpa) to recall every password while using a different one for every website. It never fails! Do the following:
1) choose a word (any word from 6 to 8 letters, for example Harvard)
2) add two numbers (for example your birth date, e.g. 24)
3) add two symbols (e.g. @%)
5) add the first three letters of the domain or app name you are subscribing to (e.g. for
LinkedIn you should choose LIN, but for Facebook FAC, and so on...; now the
easiest example of your password would be: Harvard24@%LIN and Harvard24@%FAC and so on.
6) Make sure to have at least two upper case letters
Let's stop here. Now you have a password that respects most of the requirements for a secure password (upper case letters, numbers, symbols) and is always different (because of the three letters) though unforgettable (because you will always remember your only "root" and the three letters).
Some plus to make it more effective:
7) Mix everything up so that an easy to remember words, like Harvard, will not be easily recognized (Example: @Ha2Lrv4Ird%N)
8) A plus would be changing the three letters with the Caesar Cipher, so that if someone gets your root, will need to work on the three letters, still.
I have used this system for ten years now and it always works. I can even "remember" passwords I used just once ten years ago and I will be able to remember them ten years from now.
Of course, nothing is perfect. I know where there may be some problems there (shorter passwords requirements, someone discovering your root, systems that require you to change password once in a while...). Everything has a solution though and I am sure you can deal with these problems more easily starting from here.
I would love to have your opinion and hope that, if you try the Malerba Password, you will not regret it. I didn't.