How to achieve your long term goals.
What is the ultimate one goal you wish you could accomplish? Probably, you have no problem naming it, so what holds you back from achieving it?
One of the biggest fears that life possess is always breaking down the best throughout plans though it is hard sometimes it is just our own minds that get in the way of our goals. Most of us have excuses for why those goals don’t get checked off our lists, and we become our own worst enemies. So, it is crucial that we pick up some habits to help reach our goals.
Write down your obstacles not the goals.
Sometimes, what might be holding us back is not that we are just afraid but we are afraid of the obstacles; that’s why it is important to think about what we will do if they happen and how we could prevent them. By practicing that it can help break the cycle of self-paralysis.
Approach your obstacles with curiosity.
You may find yourself sidetracked at times by a little voice that asks, Curiosity is your best weapon against distraction.
When you find yourself procrastinating, look at what’s going on in your mind. Are you bored? Scared? Frustrated? That insight can help you figure out what you need to resolve to get back on track.
Embrace your near wins.
Behind every achievement, there are countless near wins by those times when you come close to success, but you are not quite there yet. Those experiences are valuable, they show you what worked out with you and what you can improve, and they give you a chance to iterate.
By embracing your near wins, you can push yourself to attain more than you ever imagined.
Connect the goals with the personal core values.
In the complex science of motivation, one thing has become increasingly clear: It’s easier to stick with goals you truly believe in. The problem is that we often think too much about the outcome of a goal and not our motivation. Why do we want to achieve this goal in the first place?
It’s a big question. But one that can hopefully be answered through a simple exercise.
To understand the types of goals you’re most likely to stick to them, you need to first understand the type of person you are. The easiest way to do this is by deciding on your personal core values.
You’ve probably got more than a few major long term goals on your list. The good news is that you’ve got a lifetime to achieve them. The bad is that 92% of people struggle with hitting goals.
However, with the right plan, processes, and motivations in place, you can make your long term goal more than just another dream. And while your goals might change over time, the process for hitting them stays the same.