How To Achieve Sustainability - Marketers' Edition
Mohamed Salah Helmy
Snapper ?? Speaker, Trainer & a Father | | I translate KPIs to Marketing Strategies across EMEA (??UAE KSA UK) FIDM, MCIM, mMBA, CIM PgDiploma, ex-GroupM/Publicis/Jellyfish
Please don't treat this article as a trend, or just another checkmark on your strategy
In order to proceed with the below topic, you must agree on ONE of the below statements;
? I believe that carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of global climate change.
? My company - regardless of my views - have a sustainability goal, and I have to plan for it.
If so - then you are in the right place!
You can also find very strong charts on CO? emissions from Our World in Data ( )
The conclusion is that to meet the targets set by the Paris agreements, annual global CO2 emissions will have to be reduced by -48% in 2030 vs 2019
It Is Everyone's Responsibility, Including Marketers
According to a report by Ebiquity plc and Scope3 , 32% of each person's carbon footprint now comes from the ads they see and receive*, and advertising adds 28% to the annual carbon footprint of every single person in the UK alone - as an example from Dr Grace Kite at magic numbers **
Companies don’t have to choose between sustainability and growth, they can have both ?
A joint study from 麦肯锡 and NielsenIQ examines sales growth for products that claim to be environmentally and socially responsible, in order to make sure it goes beyond surveying customers. The results are promising as products making ESG-related claims averaged 28% cumulative growth over the past five-year period, versus 20% for products that made no such claims.
And the more the claims, the more they grew!
Same was confirmed by 波士顿谘询公司 data
It Is Up To Marketing Leaders To Challenge This
There is - of course - the usual track that brands can take like;
And there are less common practices, that are not just radically innovative, but also speak louder of brand's commitment to reducing carbon footprint.
You Can Buy Your Media With The Environment In Mind!
1 year ago, we started meeting with Prasad Ghag and Anna Kechekmadze to discuss our respective learnings regarding the measurement and reduction of CO2 in Paid Media. Our teams have been working hand-in-hand to design the most accurate and custom reporting possible, enabling teams from 35 markets to monitor carbon emissions over 8 different channels => Céline Craipeau VP, Sustainability at Jellyfish
Today's outcome?
A 30% drop in CO2 emissions from Sanofi ads, boosting performance rather than hindering it. Relying on Scope3 exceptional and ever improving carbon calculation model and on - Publisher Intelligence to?identify Made-For-Advertising websites and eliminate those carbon-intensive, low-efficiency sites.
So here are new innovative route that you can take
1 - Use C A R B O N E S T I M A T O R before you run your next campaign to see if it will really meet your environmental goals
2 - Use a Bidding tactic F O R C L I M A T E while the campaign is running so you are buying the most CO2 efficient channels
3 - Run C A R B O N F O O T P R I N T A N A L Y S I S once the campaign is finished to ensure you have delivered on your promises
Yes, Media Bidding For The Environment!
The one that is most amazing, is the bidding tactic, that I find to be the best in-class sustainability media product till date.
If that doesn't deliver on your environmental promises, and more than just a tick in your sustainability strategy, then I don't know what would!
Reach out to me directly if you would like to explore more about any of these solutions for your brand or for your client, and let's please consider the next generations future if everything we do.. even bidding on that placement in your next campaign ??
Great Thanks to Céline Craipeau on all her efforts internally within our organization, and externally with clients, to extend that responsibility that we hold towards the future.
I am Mohamed Helmy, and this is my LinkedIn newsletter (?????? ??????????????????' ??????????????). Through my 12+ y ears of marketing and media career, I have managed budgets and performance for many clients (more than $50M of annual budgets) to deliver on their KPIs and business objectives.
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