How to Achieve Greater Balance

How to Achieve Greater Balance

In the busy hustle and bustle of daily life, achieving balance seems not only like a daunting task, but sometimes it seems impossible.

But if you don’t get into balance, then you are really doing yourself a disservice and won’t be able to reach your highest potential either.

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First of all, what is balance?

It ties in with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When you are out of balance physically, you may be tired or overweight, or maybe you don’t get enough sleep.

Emotional imbalance can include lethargy, sadness, anger, frustration, or despair. Mental imbalance can result in memory loss or ADD tendencies.

Spiritual imbalance can result in feeling disconnected from your higher self or the bigger universe, or even that a higher purpose exists at all.

When these things extend over time, you might feel like that’s just the way it is. But there are things you can do, even if they’re small things. Yes, you can identify imbalances through the hands and hand analysis.

Here are five tips for identifying and getting back into balance:

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Fatigue - Squishy thumb ball - If the flesh of thumb ball collapses when you squeeze it, this is a sign of fatigue.

Tip for improving: This is located in the Earth Quadrant of your hand. Getting outside into nature can help strengthen this area. Go for a walk in the park or take a few minutes to watch the sunrise or sunset.

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Spiritual Disconnect - Horizontal lines in the upper phalange of the index finger Your index finger represents your power and how you look at yourself.

The upper phalange (the portion of the finger where your fingernail is located) has to do with spirit and it is called the Zone of Ideals. You can tell when this section is stressed when horizontal lines are present.

Tip for improving: Meditate for five minutes, asking your angels to assist you in feeling more connected. Envision light from the universe pouring into the top of your head.

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  1. Worry - Islands in the Head-line The Head-line is the horizontal line running across the middle part of your palm. It is a major line, and therefore should be one of the most prominent in the hands.
  2. When this line has what appears to be bubbles or chains in the line, these are called islands and they represent worry.
  3. Tip for improving: Become a detective in the way you think and notice what repetitive negative thoughts you have. When you notice it, write down its opposite. Affirm the opposite for thirty days, especially in the morning and before going to bed. It takes time to change a habit. For example, maybe you think that you'll always be broke. Instead of worrying, turn it around and affirm that money is flowing your way. You can always make more money. The universe is abundant and supports you financially.

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Emotional Stress - Droopiness in the Luna mount Your Luna mount is located opposite your thumb ball at the base of your palm. Sometimes this section of your hand appears to be pulling toward the wrist or may also appear red in color.

Either of these indications represent emotional stress. This is the Water Quadrant of the hand.

Tip for improving: Practice receiving.

Do you accept compliments or do you brush them off?

Do you let other people open the door for you in public?

These are easy ways to tell if you can receive or not. If you do not allow yourself to receive, your emotional energy becomes stressed and can also block your creativity. Learn to let others help you and say thank you when you receive a compliment.

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Money Stress - Bent middle finger, bending toward the ring finger. The middle finger, also known as Saturn, relates to duties and responsibilities, especially relating to work and money.

When this finger bends, or any finger for that matter, it is showing stress in whatever that finger represents.

Tip for improving: Change your attitude about money. If you have an attitude of lack or that there’s never enough, this becomes affirmed in your reality. Only when you come from a place of love and knowing that more is coming your way can things start to shift. A simple way to show respect for your money is to pay attention to how it's placed in your purse or wallet. If it's orderly, that's a good sign.

These are just a few tips, there are many more ways to identify balance through the hands. You can also tell through your personality archetypes.

Learn more from my book, Stories in Your Hands, and live an authentic and balanced life.

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